Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | Many of these medicinal plants have been used for thousands of years by a significant fraction of the population and are still applied to health care, either alone or in combination with modern medicines. Indeed, it is estimated that about 25 percent of the drugs prescribed worldwide come from plants and 60 percent of anlitumor/anti-infectious drugs already on the market or under clinical trial are of natural origin. | Transgenic medicinal plants: Agrobacterium-me-diated foreign gene transfer and production of secondary metabolites, Journal of Natural Products, 55(2): 149-162; Saito, K., Yamazaki,T, Okuyama, E., Yoshihira, K., and Shimomura, K., 1991, Anthraquinone production by transformed root cultures of Rubia tinctorum: Influence of phytohormones and sucrose concentration, Phytochemistry, 30(5): 1507-1509; Kamada, H., Okamura, N., Satake, M., Harada, H., and Shimomura, K., 1986, Alkaloid production by hairy root cultures in Atropa belladonna, Plant Cell Reports, 5(4): 239-242.
56. Verpoorte, R. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry medicinal plants,
Lavoisier Pubs, Paris. Cadenis, E. and Hochstein, P. 1992, Advances in Enzymology 65: 97-146. Cheong, H., Ryu, S. and Kim, K. 1999, 'Anti-allergic action of reveratrol and related hydroxystilbenes', Planta Medica 65: 266-268. Chrubasik, S., Eisenberg, E., Balon, E., Weinberger, T., Luzzati, R. and
Conradt, C. 2000, 'Treatment of low back pain exacerbations with willow bark extract: a randomised double-blind study', American Journal of Medicine 109: 9-14. Creasy, L. L. and Creasy, M. T. | Ellagitannins as active constituents of medicinal plants', Planta Medica 55: 117-122.
Pathak, D., Pathak, K. and Gingla, A. K. 1991, 'Flavonoids as medicinal agents—recent advances', Fitoterapia LXII: 371-389.
Rice-Evans, C. 2001, 'Flavonoid antioxidants', Current Medicinal Chemistry 8: 797-807.
Schilcher, H. and Muller, A. 1981, 'Fagropyrum esculentum Moench—a new pharmaceutically useful flavonoid plant', Proceedings of the International Bioflavonoid Symposium, Munich.
Waterman, P. and Mole, S. 1994, Analysis of Phenolic Plant Metabolites, Blackwell Scientific Pubs, Oxford. | Given this, Andrew Pengelly's much revised second edition of The Constituents of medicinal plants is a welcome arrival. In this text he comprehensively covers the major phytochemical classes found in plants and their implications for human therapy. Key features are the many chemical structures and the wide-ranging discussion of their pharmacological activities.
A major advantage is that this book assumes only a basic understanding of chemistry, which makes it an ideal primer for students and practitioners alike. | Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry medicinal plants,
Lavoisier Pubs, Paris. Carey, F. A. 2000, Organic Chemistry, 4th ed., McGraw Hill, Boston. Cronquist, A. 1988, The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants,
2nd edn, New York Botanical Gardens. Duke, J. A. and Bogenschutz-Godwin, M. J. 1999, 'The synergy principle at work in plants, pathogens, insects, herbivores, and humans', in P. B.
Kaufman, L. J. Cseke, S. Warber, J. A. Duke and H. L. Brielmann,
Natural Products from Plants, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Evans, W. C. | Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry medicinal plants, Lavoisier Pubs, Paris.
Chang, R. 1994, 'Ganoderma polysaccharides: current concepts and applications', Proceedings, International Symposium on Ganoderma Research, Beijing.
Chang, R. 2002, 'Bioactive polysaccharides from traditional Chinese medicine herbs as anticancer adjuvants', journal of Alternative and
Complementary Therapies 8: 559-565. Cho, C. H., Mei, Q. B., Shang, P., Lee, S. S., So, H. L., Guo, X and Li, Y. | Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | The classical herbal pharmacopoeias in the period included Prescription in Jade Box written by Hong Ge, Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold written by Simiao Sun, who at that time was regarded as the "drug king," and The Historically Classified Materia Medica (which recorded 1,558 kinds of medicines in Song dynasty). During the next millennium, from the late Ming dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) to the Qing dynasty (1644-1911 A.D. | The Arabs used the plant long before Linnaeus named it after Colchis at the Black Sea. In the seventeenth century European medicine widely embraced it.15 Meadow saffron was used both to treat gout as well as rheumatic complaints. These unclear indications and the high toxicity induced Nothnagel and Rossbach to advise against the application of colchicine even up to around 1900.16 Nevertheless, until today it has remained the only specific therapy against acute gout attack.
The most significant discovery in the field of antitumor substances deriving from folk medicine is owed to a coincidence. | The characteristics making a plant recognizable to nonliterate nonspecialists are likely to overlap with the characteristics that will increase the chance that plants contain substantial quantities of biologically active chemicals. | Further on, therapeutics became more open to faith healing, magic, and superstition—losing if not all then at least a large part of the ancient heritage, particularly in the popular manuals of therapeutics, the so-called iatrosophia.1 Plant representations were submitted to the same erosion: the realistic pictures illustrating Dioscorides' text on the model of Kratevas' herbal became more and more schematic and no longer enabled the recognition of plants in the field.8
In the West the legacy of antiquity was very soon reduced to poor manuals principally aimed at practical use. | Bryan Hanson, PhD See book keywords and concepts | Royal College of Physicians of London and Edinburgh; accompanied with a circumstantial detail of their medicinal effects, and of the diseases in which they have been most successfully employed. London: printed and sold for the author by J. Phillips, 1790, Vol. 1, pi. no. 24.)
If one adds two carbons to ethane to create butane, the possible structures are more numerous. Butane's formula is CH^CHi^CH^ which can also be written19 CH3CH2CH7CH3; we can rotate around three carbon-carbon bonds. | Royal College of Physicians of London and Edinburgh; accompanied with a circumstantial detail of their medicinal effects, and of the diseases in which they have been most successfully employed. London: printed and sold for the author by J. Phillips, 1793, Vol. 3, pi. no. 167.) ties. A good example of this is diosgenin, which was isolated from the Mexican yam (Dioscorea spp.) and is a starting material for the synthesis of the hormones typically used in birth control pills. | Royal College of Physicians of London and Edinburgh; accompanied with a circumstantial detail of their medicinal effects, and of the diseases in which they have been most successfully employed. London: printed and sold for the author by J. Phillips, 1790, Vol. 1, pi. no. 10.) the questions you and scientists of various ilk might ask about this plant include the following:
• Does St. John's wort actually treat depression?
• How can I identify St. John's wort when I see it?
• What time of year should I collect the plant?
• What part of the plant should I collect? | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | The Constituents of medicinal plants was never designed as a pure exposition of chemical structures—I leave that to the analytical chemists. My belief is that the structures give us an important insight into the way herbal medicines act, and are a way of rationalising many of the traditional applications that have been passed down over the centuries. The structures also give us valuable information into the potential for adverse reactions and interactions with pharmaceutical drugs. | Bryan Hanson, PhD See book keywords and concepts | We are likely to see many more examples of this kind of study in the future.19
Cancer is certainly one of the most pressing health concerns of people today, especially as people are living longer, and treatments for diseases that used to kill us earlier, such as heart disease, are improving. The term cancer is of course very broad, and although all cancers have many things in common, each kind of cancer also has unique characteristics. | Royal College of Physicians of London and Edinburgh; accompanied with a circumstantial detail of their medicinal effects, and of the diseases in which they have been most successfully employed. London: printed and sold for the author by J. Phillips, 1790, Vol. 1, pi. no. 22.)
To obtain pure coniine,7 one would then filter off the plant residue to give an acidic solution containing protonated coniine. By adding a base such as sodium hydroxide to this solution, the acid would be neutralized, and the coniine deprotonated, reversing the previous reaction. | Royal College of Physicians of London and Edinburgh; accompanied with a circumstantial detail of their medicinal effects, and of the diseases in which they have been most successfully employed. London: printed and sold for the author by J. Phillips, 1793, Vol. 3, pi. no. 177.) hollow interior) of the microtubule, and that it acts by strengthening the attractions between adjacent protofilaments. | David W. Grotto, RD, LDN See book keywords and concepts | It is thought to be one of the world's oldest medicinal plants. The Spanish brought it to California in 1600 but it didn't catch on with Americans until the 1920s.
Where Are Artichokes Grown?
The largest commercial growers of artichokes are in France, Spain, Italy, and the United States. California provides almost one hundred percent of the U.S. artichoke crop, and Castroville, in the heart of California's Central Coast farm country, calls itself the "artichoke center of the world." Castroville is home to the only artichoke processing center in the United States.
Why Should I Eat Artichokes? | Michael T. Murray, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Bohm K: Choleretic action of some medicinal plants. Arzneimittel-Forsch 9,376-378,1959.
7. Racz-Kotilla E, Racz G, and Solomon A: The action of Taraxacum officinale extracts on the body weight and diuresis of laboratory animals. Planta Medica 26,212-217,1974.
8. Kotobuki Seiyaku KK: Taraxacum extracts as antitumour agents. Chem Abstr 94,14530m, 1979.
9. Salvucci ME, et al.: Purification and species distribution of rubisco activase. Plant Physiol 84, 930-936,1987.
10. | Forskolin was discovered during a large-scale screening of medicinal plants by the Indian Central Drug Research Institute in 1974.1 The screening revealed the presence of a hypotensive and spasmolytic component of
C. forskohlii, which was named coleanol.1 Additional investigation determined the exact chemical structure and the name was changed to forskolin. Between 1981 and 1994 forskolin has been used in more than 5,000 in vitro research studies designed to better understand cellular processes governed by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP; discussed below). | Farnsworth N, et al: medicinal plants in therapy. Bull World Health Org 63,965-981,1985.
2. Interview: An interview with Prof. H. Wagner. HerbalGram 17,16-17,1988.
3. Unpublished data from the American Botanical Council. P.O. Box 201660, Austin, Texas 78720.
4. Deveny K: Garlic and ginseng supplements become potent drugstore sellers. The Wall Street Journal 10/1/92, pp. Bl, B5.
5. Market report. HerbalGram 26,40,1992.
6. Principe PP: The economic significance of plants and their constituents as drugs. Econ Med Plant Res 3,1-17, 1989.
7. | Duke JA and Avensu ES: medicinal plants of China. Reference Publications, Algonac, MI, 1985, pp. 74-77.
5. Opdyke DLJ: Angelica root oil. Food Cosmet Toxicol 13(Suppl.), 713-714,1975.
6. Grieve M: A Modern Herbal. Dover Publications, New York, 1971. pp. 35-40.
7. Lust J: The Herb Book. Bantam Books, New York, 1974. pp. 97-99.
8. Yoshiro K: The physiological actions of tang-kuei and cnidium. Bull Orient Healing Arts Inst USA 10, 269-278,1985.
9. Harada M, Suzuki M, and Ozaki Y: Effect of Japanese angelica root and peony root on uterine contraction in the rabbit in situ. | Frantisek Stary See book keywords and concepts | When collecting medicinal plants in the wild you must never gather all the specimens of the respective species in a given locality but must remember to leave enough to ensure its continued survival in the area. There are many known instances where indiscriminate collecting almost resulted in the total extinction of a species in a particular area. Gentians, which were formerly relatively abundant, must now be rigidly protected so they do not become extinct. Their decline was caused by collectors supported primarily by producers of stomach bitters. | David W. Grotto, RD, LDN See book keywords and concepts | Bactericidal and anti-adhesive properties of culinary and medicinal plants against Helicobacter pylori. World } Gastroenterol. 2005 Dec 21;ll(47):7499-7507.
Tekeoglu I, Dogan A, Demiralp L. Effects of thymoquinone (volatile oil of black cumin) on rheumatoid arthritis in rat models. Phytother Res. July 11,2006.
Carey AN, Fisher DR, Joseph JA. Fruit extracts antagonize A beta- or DA-induced deficits in Ca2+ flux in Ml-transfected COS-7 cells. J Alzheimer's Dis. 2004 Aug; 6(4): 403-411.
Deferne JL, Leeds AR. | Antispasmodic effects of some medicinal plants. Plant Med. 1980;40:303-319.
Tanira MOM, Shah AH, Mohsin A et al. Pharmacological and toxicological investigations on Foeniculum vulgare dried fruit extract in experimental animals. Phytother Res. 1996;10:33-36.
Brown L, Rosner B, Willet W, Sacks FM. Cholesterol lowering effects of dietary fiber: a meta-analysis. Amer J Clin Nutr. 1999;69:30-42.
Emenaker NJ. Short-chain fatty acids derived from dietary fiber may protect against invasive human colon cancer. On-line. | Limonium wrigth II, Okinawan medicinal plants, against ischemia-reperfusion injury in perfused rat hearts. Pharmacology 2003; 67(3):128-135.
Bayer A et al. Doxorubicin-induced cataract formation in rats and the inhibitory effects of hazelnut, a natural antioxidant: a histopathological study. Med Sci Monit. 2005 Aug; 11 (8):BR300-304.
Mercanligil SM, Arslan P, Alasalvar C, Okut E, Akgul E, Pinar A, Geyik PO, Tokgozoglu L, Shahidi F. (2006, September 13). | Devra Davis See book keywords and concepts | Those gardens were in full bloom at the time that he left in 1940 to spend the rest of the war in an obscure region growing medicinal plants.
His case never made it to Nuremberg. When he heard the war was over, he knew what was coming. He joined thousands of officials and other collaborators who took their own lives in the war's aftermath. It's lucky for Sophia that unlike many German soldiers and officials, he did not take his entire family with him. | Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac. See book keywords and concepts | This herb, which is similar to Artemisia annua, is one of the oldest European medicinal plants. Known as wormwood, it was highly prized by Hippocrates. When taken alone, it can be toxic, though, and therefore should be used in combination with other herbs to nullify its toxicity.
Caution: Before using any of the herbal remedies listed here, it is important that you first consult with a health-care professional who has been properly trained in their use. Artemisia annua should not be used during pregnancy. Garlic, if taken in too high a dose, may cause intestinal irritation. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | These medicinal plants have been used for thousands of years to support human health. It is only in the last 75 years or so that western medicine has gained power over the industry and surreptitiously declared that all of the medicinal herbs used for thousands of years throughout human history are now suddenly inert or harmful. |
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