Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | Pharmaceutical considerations of common herbal medicine. Am J Managed Care 1997; 3( 11): 1753-1770. 1997.
Mustafa T & Srivastava KC. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in migraine headache. J Ethnopharmacol; 29(3):267-273. 1990.
Nagabhushan M, Amonkar AJ, Bhide SV, Mutagenicity of Gingerol and shoagol and antimutagenicity in zingerone in Salmonella/microsme assay. In: Cancer-Lett (Shannon Irel) 36(2)221-233. 1987.
Nakamura H & Yamamoto T. Mutagen and anti-mutagen in Ginger, Zingiber officinale. Mutat Res; 103(2): 119-126. 1982.
Narasimhan S, Govinarajan VS, J Food Tech 13:31. 1978. | Brigitte Mars, A.H.G. See book keywords and concepts | It is used infrequently in modern herbal medicine, but it can be helpful in cases of emotional trauma, hysteria, and low libido.
As a flower essence, vanilla is helpful for those who are overcome by negative influences, helping them remain clearheaded and feel more in control in life situations.
Edible Uses
Vanilla bean and extract are popular flavorings for a wide variety of confections, liqueurs, and even pharmaceuticals.
Other Uses
Vanilla is used to scent perfumes, cosmetics, potpourri, and smoking mixtures. It is also used in love magic. | WILDCRAFTING
Learning to wildcraft, or collect wild plants, in your own neck of the woods will greatly enhance your pleasure in practicing herbal medicine, as well as your sense of connection to the earth.
The most important rule of wildcrafting is to make sure you collect the proper species. Some plants have poisonous lookalikes. Be especially careful with mushrooms, as a mistake can easily be fatal. Also be sure to collect the correct plant part—for example, blue elderberries are wonderful, but the leaves are toxic. | Sometimes the shops offer workshops on using herbs, which can be tremendously helpful in the study of herbal medicine. The more experience you can get, the better!
Do your best to seek out organically cultivated herbs. Not only do they have the most healing properties (pesticides are designed to destroy, not heal), but organic cultivation is healthier for the planet and creatures that live upon it. Sometimes you may find supplies of wildcrafted herbs; these are herbs that have been collected from the wild. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | British herbal medicine Association, London, UK; 235-236, 1983.
Anon. FDA Consumer Bulletin. Dec-Jan 1981
Anon. Integrative Konzepte in der Onkologie: Misteltherapie (S. 19). In: NGMSuppl; l/94:J-36; 1994.
Anon. Misteltherapie aus schulmedizinischer Sicht. In: DAZ; 131(37): 1894. 1991
Anzenberger J. Homoviotensin bei arterieller Hypertonic. Med Welt; 49:308-310; 1998.
Becker H, Exner J. Z Pflanzenphysiol; 97; 1980.
Berg P, Stein G. Ein Inhaltsstoff allein geniigt nicht, s. auch folgenden Artikel. In: ZPT; 16(5):282; 1995.
Beuth HJ, Mistel. | Tyler VE. herbal medicine in America. Planta Med; 53(1): 1-4. 1987
Weston CFM, Cooper BT, Davies JD et al, Veno-occlusive disease of the liver secondary to ingestion of Comfrey. BMJ(CYm Res Ed); 295(6591):183. 1987
White RD et al. Toxicol Letters; 15:25. 1983
Whitelegg M. In defense of comfrey. Eur J Herbal Med; 1:11-17. 1994
Winship KA. Toxicity of comfrey. Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev; 10(l):47-59. 1991
Yeong ML, Wakefield SJ, Ford HC. Hepatocyte membrane injury and bleb formation following low dose comfrey toxicity in rats. Int J Exp Pathol Apr;74(2):211-217. | Participation of free amino acids and reducing sugars in the interactions of constituents during preparation of a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang (Japanese name: Sho-saiko-To). Pharm Pharmacol Lett. 1996:6(1);37-41.
Jin RL, Shi L, Kuang Y, Comparative studies on the roots of wild and cultured Bupleurum chinense. DC Chung Yao Tung Pao, 20:11-3, 61, 1988 Apr.
Ohtsu S, Izumi S, Iwanaga S, Ohno N, Yadomae T, Analysis of mitogenic substances in Bupleurum chinense by ESR spectroscopy. Biol Pharm Bull, 20:97-100, 1997 Jan. | Immunomodulating Effects
Astragalus-based Chinese herbal medicine showed efficacy in increasing the effectiveness of platinum-based chemotherapy as compared to platinum-based chemotherapy alone in a meta-analysis of randomized trials for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. The authors note that results of this metaanalysis of 34 randomized trials involving 2,815 patients require further confirmation with well-designed and rigorously controlled trials. | Briggs C. Herbal medicine: Aloe. CPJ/RPC; 128:48-50. 1995
Byeon SW, Pelley RP, Ullrich SE et al., Aloe barbadensis extracts reduce the production of interleukin-10 after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. J Invest Dermatol May;110(5):811-7. 1998
Cera LM, Heggers JP, Robson MC et al. The therapeutic efficacy of Aloe vera cream (Dermaide Aloe) in thermal injuries: two case reports. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc; 16:768-772. 1980
Che QM, Akao T, Hattori M, Kobashi K, Namba T, Metabolism of barbaloin by intestinal bacteria. 2. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Further information in:
British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, British herbal medicine Association, UK 1983.
Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997.
Stone Root
See Collinsonia Canadensis
See Liquidambar Orientalis
Strawberry Leaf
See Frag aria Vesca
Strophanthus Species
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe seeds, which have been freed from their appendages and dried. Most of the species are poisonous. | J. Douglas Bremner See book keywords and concepts | CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE
Bowel disorders (and a number of other conditions) are traditionally treated in China with Chinese herbal medicine (CHM), which involves regular meetings with the CHM practitioner, who makes individualized adjustments targeted to the specific symptoms of each patient. It is the combination of the different herbs, rather than the individual herbs, that is believed to work for the specific disorder. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | It is therefore essential that all practitioners and students of herbal medicine, whatever their philosophical leanings, have the tools to understand and effectively manage these issues as they pertain to the wellbeing of their current or future patients. An effective understanding of modern herbal practice fundamentally begins with a sound knowledge of the phytochemistry and related therapeutics of medicinal plants.
Given this, Andrew Pengelly's much revised second edition of The Constituents of Medicinal Plants is a welcome arrival. | Rather, it adapts the technical information to existing knowledge, in the process helping to better define the traditional understanding that underlies the practice of herbal medicine. As such, this book provides both a unique education and a rationale for practitioners to broaden the range of clinical indications for many existing medicines. Useful technical data for better understanding potential adverse reactions and interactions with pharmaceutical drugs is another important learning outcome. | The Essential Book of herbal medicine, Viking Arkana, London.
Nanba, H. 1993, 'Antitumor activity of orally administered "D-fraction" from Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa)', Journal of Naturopathic
Medicine 4: 10-15. Nanba, H. 1996, 'Maitake D-fraction. Healing and preventing potentials for cancer', Townsend Tetter for Doctors and Patients Feb/March. Sun, X., Matsumoto, T. and Yamada, H. 1992, 'Anti-ulcer activity and mode of action of the polysaccharide fraction from the leaves of Panax ginseng", Planta Medica 58: 432-435. t'Hart, L., van der Berg, A., Kuis, L., van Dijk, H. | Owing to their high toxicity the Veratrum species are not used in herbal medicine.
Alkaloidal amines
Amines are simple compounds derived from ammonia (NH3) in which one or more hydrogen atoms is replaced by carbon. Replacement of one, two or three hydrogen atoms results in primary, secondary and tertiary amines respectively. Amino acids and alkaloids are derived from amines; however, in one group of alkaloids the only nitrogen atoms occur in the amino side group attached to a benzene ring—they are not heterocyclic. Hence alkaloidal amines are often regarded as 'pseudo alkaloids'. | But as herbal medicine moves increasingly into mainstream acceptance, it is more and more being placed under the rationalist microscope. And not without good reason: our recent understanding of the therapeutic uses of plants has revealed a number of significant issues which have the potential to impact on the quality, safety and efficacy of herbal products. | In excess they cause insomnia, tachycardia and dizziness.
In herbal medicine Ephedra is valued highly as a reliable treatment for asthma and allergic conditions of all types. Being both bron-chodilatory and nasal decongestant (due to constriction of blood vessels), Ephedra is useful also in bronchitis, emphysema, rhinitis, as well as common colds and influenza. It is contra-indicated for hypertension, angina pectoris, hyperthyroidism, during pregnancy and where monoamine oxidase inhibitors are being used. | David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts | Here is not the place to debate the pros and cons of this report, but simply to acknowledge that in its wake, herbal medicine, among other therapeutic modalities, suffered immensely. The report led to the closing of the Eclectic medical schools, and thus the virtual disappearance of academic centers of herbal excellence.
In short, I feel that phytotherapists who teach must recognize the need for comprehensive, basic herbal education to provide a framework of understanding within which herbalists can cope safely with issues like this one. | Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern herbal medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
6. Belch JJF, Hill A. Evening primrose oil and borage oil in rheumatologic conditions. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000; 71(suppl):352S-5S.
7. Huang Y-S, Mills DE, eds. Gamma-linolenic Acid: Metabolism and Its Roles in Nutrition. Champaign, IL: AOCS Press, 1996.
8. James MJ, Gibson RA, Cleland LG. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory mediator production. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000; 71(suppl):343S-48S.
9. Prasad K. | Rainer W. Bussmann and Douglas Sharon See book keywords and concepts | Medicinal plant lore or herbal medicine is a major component of Traditional Medicine.
In Latin American countries, herbal medicine is deeply rooted, practiced extensively by indigenous groups, and frequently used by a broad cross-section of the larger society. Often it is an economically inevitable alternative to expensive Western medicine.
Traditional knowledge is transmitted from one generation to the next by traditional healers, shamans or curanderos, and has survived the rigors of the Spanish conquest, the Inquisition, and extensive mestizaje or racial intermixing. | David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts | The fundamental physical nature of herbal medicine is chemical, as is the fundamental physical nature of the human body. In the chapters that follow, I shall discuss the constituents of plants that are often called the "active ingredients." However, as I will contend often throughout this book, the effects of a plant can rarely be attributed to a single constituent. More often, effects are due to the various ways in which a whole plant complex interacts with the human body.
Consider the example of the widely used British herb meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria). | Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern herbal medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
2. Uchida S, et al. Medical Science Research 1987; 15:831-2.
3. Chen H, Tappel AL. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 1994; 16:437^4.
4. Monforte MT, et al. Farmaco 1995 Sept; 50:595-9.
5. Middleton E Jr. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 1995; 107:435-6.
6. Castillo MH, et al. American Journal of Surgery 1989; 158:351-5.
7. Spedding G, et al. Antiviral Research 1989; 12:99-110.
8. Hirano T, et al. British Journal of Cancer 1995; 72:1380-8.
9. Cheshier JE, et al. | However, this potential simply mirrors the therapeutic strengths of the whole plants, long recognized in traditional herbal medicine and its modern manifestation, phytotherapy.
While new research that points to potential applications for isolated flavonoids is exciting, it should not defleet the attention of the practitioner from the therapeutic cornucopia offered by the plants themselves.64 Traditional herbal and naturopathic protocols, often the cues that inspired the research in the first place, have great inherent value based on generations of observation and use. | In Western herbal medicine, Ephedra is considered a reliable treatment for asthma and allergic conditions. As it is both a bronchodilator and a nasal decongestant, it is useful also in bronchitis, emphysema, rhinitis, and influenza. It is contraindicated for patients with hypertension, angina pectoris, and hyperthyroidism; in those taking monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs (MAO inhibitors); and also during pregnancy.
P-carboline Alkaloids
P-carbolines are a widely distributed class of indole alkaloids found in 23 angiosperm plant families, 3 fungi genera, and a variety of animal tissues. | Andreas Moritz See book keywords and concepts | She tried everything from acupuncture and herbal medicine to meditation and visualization, which were all definite signals of caring attention sent to her body's cells. Anne's cancer went into remission a few months later. Within a year all apparent signs of cancer had disappeared, much to the astonishment of her oncologist. Now, over two decades later, she is not only without a trace of cancer, but she also feels that she has never been healthier and more vital as she is now. | Rainer W. Bussmann and Douglas Sharon See book keywords and concepts | Traditional knowledge is transmitted from one generation to the next by traditional healers, shamans or curanderos, and has survived the rigors of the Spanish conquest, the Inquisition, and extensive mestizaje or racial intermixing. herbal medicine is, however, a dynamic phenomenon in constant evolution and additional knowledge has been acquired by natural selection over the centuries.
The border region of Ecuador and Peru is one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world, and thus is a "biodiversity-hotspot" par excellence. | Thomas Bartram See book keywords and concepts | Membership is open to all interested in the future of herbal medicine, including herbal practitioners, herbal retailers, health food stores, wholesalers, importers, manufacturers, pharmacists, doctors and research workers.
The BHMA produces the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Its Scientific Committee is made up of senior herbal practitioners, university pharmacologists and pharmacognosists. Other publications include: BHMA Advertising Code (1978), Medicines Act Advertising guidelines (1979), the Herbal Practitioner's Guide to the Medicine's Act (F. | John Heinerman, in Science of herbal medicine) Action: bacteriostatic against staphylococcus aureus and other gram-positive bacteria. Perhaps the most widely used herbal antiseptic. Bitter, astringent, anti-inflammatory, carminative, vulnerary, antifungal, expectorant, diaphoretic, deodorant, emmenagogue, anti-thrush. Uses. The whole body feels its influence. Internal and external ulceration; especially of mouth, throat, pharynx, spongy gums, pyrrhoea, etc (mouth wash and gargle). Candida - 5-10 drops emulsified in yoghurt. Suppurating wounds that refuse to heal, boils, abscesses. | In China it is common practice not to drink tea or coffee on days when herbal medicine is taken. In the case of Ginseng, they not only avoid tea and coffee but eat no fish for three days.
ANTI-EMETICS. Remedies that allay a sense of nausea and prevent vomiting. Three most popular: Chamomile, Black Horehound, Meadowsweet. Others: Balm, Balmony, Barberry, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Cloves, Dill, Fennel, Fringe Tree bark, Iceland Moss, Lavender, Mountain Grape, Nutmeg, Peppermint.
A cup of Chamomile tea may sometimes alleviate the vomiting of cancer chemotherapy and radiation.
ANTI-FATIGUE HERBS. | Chinese acupuncture was always used together with herbal medicine (Ginger, Sarsaparilla, Pennywort, etc.) and many new uses of herbs have been discovered by practitioners of the art. About 60 per cent success rate is shown where the two combined therapies are used for surgical analgesia in childbirth. Laser acupuncture may one day surpass the needle therapy in the treatment of organic problems, depression, and anxiety. Information. British Acupuncture Association, 34 Alderney Street, London SW1V 4EU.
ACUTE. (Acute disease). |
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Medicine Herbal Herbs Plant Herb Plants Treatment Chinese Leaves Health Traditional Medical Root Effects Body Systems Research People Liver World Natural Bark Conditions Species Drugs Tea Skin Scientific Problems American Remedy Medicinal Leaf Medicines Pain New Cancer Water Healing Brazil General Clinical History America Properties Extract Blood Decoction British Flowers Effect Therapeutic Drug Studies Symptoms Time Disease Modern Study Diarrhea Western Disorders Remedies Tonic Herbalists Family Chemicals Specific Products Taking Diabetes United states Medicinal plants Practitioners Active Europe Inflammation Infections Oil Activity Food Patients Treating Rainforest Asthma Heart Practice Fruit Diseases Work Rheumatism Reduces Increase Example Conventional Extracts Chemical Recommended Dried Treatments