Abalone shell Abizzia bark Abuta Acanthopanax Aconite Agastache Agrimony Akebia Alfalfa Alisma Aloe vera Amalaki Amasake American ginseng Amla Andrographis paniculata Anemarrhena Angelica Angelica du huo Anise Aniseed Annato Apricot seed Aquilaria Aralia Arisaema flower Arnica Artemisia annua Artemsisia annua Asafetida Asafoetida Ashwaganda Ashwagandha Asparagus fern root Asparagus root Asparagus shoots Astragalus Astralagus Atractylodes Balm of gilead Baptisia Barberry Basil Bay leaf Bayberry Begonia Beleric myrobalan Benzoin Bilberry Biota leaves Biota seeds Bitter melon Bitter melon juice Bitter orange Black atractylodes Black cohosh Black cumin Black currant seed oil Black current Black haw Black nightshade Black sesame seed Black sesame seeds Black soybean Blackberry lily Bladderwrack Blessed thistle Bletilla Bloodroot Blue cohosh Blue flag Blue vervain Bogbean Boldo Bolete Boneset Borage Borneol Boswellia Bovine tracheal cartilage Brahmi Buchu Buckthorn Buddleai flower Bugleweed Buglweed Bupleurum Bupleurum root Burdock Burdock root Butcher's broom Butcher's-broom Cajueiro fruit Cajuput Calamus Calendula California poppy Camellia Camomile Caraway Cardamom Cascara sagrada Cassava Cassia seed Castor oil plant Castor-oil plant Catha Catnip Cat's claw Cattail pollen Cayenne pepper Ceanothus Celandine Celeriac Cernilton Cernitin Chamomile Chaparral Chasteberry Chebulic myrobalan Chelidonium Chelone Chenopodium Cherry stems Chickweed Chicory Chinaberry bark Chinese angelica Chinese quince Chinese raspberries Chinese thoroughwax Chinese water melon Chrysanthemum Chuchuasi Cibotium Cijuwa Cimicifuga Cinnabar Cinnamon Cinnamon twig Cistanche Citrus peel Cleavers Clematis root Cnidium Cocklebur fruit Codonopsis Coix Collinsonia Coltsfoot Coltsfoot flower Comfrey Coptis Cordyceps Corn silk Cornsilk Corydalis Cow bezoar Cramp bark Cranesbill root Cress Culver's root Cumin Curculigo Curcumin Cuttlefish bone Cyperus Cypress Dahlia Damiana Dandelion Dandelion root Day lily Deer antler Deglycyrrhizinated licorice Dendrobium orchid Devil's claw Devils' club Dill Dill weed Dioscorea Dipsacus root Dogwood berries Don sen Dong quai Drynaria Echinacea Eclipta Elder Elder bark Elderberry Elderberry extract Elderflower Elecampane Eleuthero Emblic myrobalan Enoki Epazote Ephedra Epimedium Epimedium leaf Eucalyptus Eucommia bark Euphorbia kansui Euryale seeds Evening primrose Eyebright False unicorn Fennel Fennel seed Fenugreek Feverfew Fleeceflower Fleeceflower stem Florence fennel Forsythia Forsythia fruit Fritillaria Fu ling Galangal Garcinia Gardenia fruit Garlic Garlic chives Gastrodia Gentian Gentian root Geranium Ginger Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo nut Ginseng Glehnia root Golden seal Goldenrod Goldenseal Gota kola Gotu kola Grapefruit seed extract Gravel root Green tangerine peel Green tea Green tea extract Grindelia Ground ivy Guaiacum Guarana Guggul Gugl Gugulipid Gymnema sylvestre Gypsum Hato mugi Hawthorn berries Hawthorn berry Hemp seed Hercampure Hermatitum Hibiscus Ho shou wu Honeysuckle Honeysuckle flowers Hops Horehound Horny goat weed Horse chestnut Horse chestnuts Horseradish Horsetail Houttuynia Huckleberries Huitlacoche Iceland moss Immature bitter orange Impatiens Imperata Inula flower Ipecacuanha Isatis root Japanese elderberry Japanese knotweed Japanese turf lily Jasmine Jatoba tree Jinengo Jujube date Juniper berries Kava kava Khella Knotweed Kola nut Kudzu Kuzu root Lady's mantle Lady's slipper Lantana Large-leafed gentiana Lavender Laver Ledebouriella Lemon balm Lemon grass Licorice root Ligusticum Ligustrum berries Ligustrun Lily bulb Linden flowers Lindera root Litchi Lo han kuo Lobelia Lomatium Long pepper fruit Longan berries Loofah Loqat leaf Lotus root Lotus seeds Lovage Lycii Ma huang Maca Magnetitum Maitake mushroom Maitake mushroom extract Malva Marjoram Marshmallow Mate Matsutake Mayapple Meadowsweet Melilot Milk thistle Milkweed Mint Momordica chirantia Morinda root Morning glory Morning glory seeds Motherwort Moutan peony Mugwort Muira puama Mulberry branch Mulberry fruit Mulberry leaf Mulberry root bark Mulberry twig Mullein Mume plum Musk Mustard seeds Myrrh Nasturtium Natto Neem Neem tree Nettle Nettles Nigella Night-blooming cereus Noni Nopal Notopterygium Nutmeg Oak Oatstraw Olive leaf extract Ophiopogon Orach Orange peel Oregano Oregon grape Oregon grape root Pai shu Parsley Parsley root Passion flower Passion fruit Passionflower Pata de vaca Pau d'arco Peach seed Pennyroyal Peony Peppercorn Pepperine Peppermint Perilla Perilla leaf Phragmites Phytolacca Picorhiza kurroa Pigweed Pinellia Pipsissewa Plantain Platycodon Playcodon Pleurisy root Poke Polygala Polyporus Poppy Poria cocos Posole Prickly ash Prickly ivy Prickly pear Privet fruit Prunella Psoralea Pueraria Puncture vine fruit Puncturevine Purslane Pygeum Pyllanthus Quaking aspen Radish seed Rapadura Raspberry leaf Red clover Red peony root Red raspberry Red sage herb Rehmannia Reishi mushroom Rose Rosehips Rosemary Rue Rutin Safflower Saffron Sage Saint john's wort Salsify Salt bush Salvia Sandalwood Sanguisorba Sargassum Sarsaparilla Sassafras Saussurea Savory Saw palmetto Schisandra Schisandra berries Schizonepeta Scrophularia Scullcap Scutellaria Sea cucumber Sea whip Sedum Senna Senna leaf Shatawari Shepherd's purse Siberian ginseng Sileris Skullcap Slippery elm Solomon's seal Sophora root Sorrel Spearmint Squawvine St john's wort Star anise Stephania Stevia Stinging nettle Suma Sundew Sweet annie Sweet basil Sweetflag Talcum Tamarind Tarragon Thistles Thuja Thyme Tian qi Tienchi Torreya Trichosanthes fruit Turmeric Twig tea Umeboshi Uncaria stem Usnea Uva ursi Valerian root Vanilla Vegetable charcoal Vervain Violet Violets Vitex Vitex fruit Walnut fruit Walnut leaves Wheat grass White mulberry leaf White oak bark White peony Wild carrot Wild cherry bark Wild ginger Wild marjoram Willow Witch hazel Wood betony Wood ear Wormwood Xanthium Yarrow Yautia Yellow dock Yerba mansa Yerba santa Yerbamate Yohimbe Yucca Zizyphus seeds
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Created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as a free public service to promote health freedom and
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Sources cited
- The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies - Cure Yourself With Nature's Most Powerful Healing Agents, by the Editors of Prevention Health Books
- The Food Bible, by Judith Wills
- Breast Cancer, Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way, by Susun S. Weed
- The Complete Guide to Nutritional Supplements - Everything You Need To Make Informed Choices for Optimum Health, by Brenda D. Adderly, N.H.A.
- Healing With Whole Foods - Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition, by Paul Pitchford
- University of Maryland Medical Center, Center for Integrative Medicine, Alternative / Complementary Medicine Supplements database, http://www.umm.edu/altmed/ConsLookups/Supplements.html
- The Natural Pharmacy - Complete Home Reference to Natural Medicine, by Schuyler W. Lininger, Jr., Alan R. Gaby, MD, Steve Austin, ND, Donald J. Brown, ND, Jonathan V. Wright, MD, Alice Duncan, DC, CCH
- The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, by Michael Murray, ND and Joseph Pizzorno, ND, with Lara Pizzorno, N.A., L.M.T.
- The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia - Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating, by Rebecca Wood
- Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, by Michael Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
- Food: Your Miracle Medicine, by Jean Carper
- The Complete Guide To Nutritional Health, by Pierre Jean Cousin and Kirsten Hartvig
- The Way of Herbs, by Michael Tierra L.Ac., O.M.D.
- Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C.
- The Way of Chinese Herbs, by Michael Tierra, L.Ac., O.M.D.
- Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible, by Earl Mindell
* This information is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. This page does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, only use this information under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.

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