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Medicinal herbs

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Immunotherapy with Chinese medicinal herbs. I. Immune restoration of local xenogeneic graft-versus-host reaction in cancer patients by fractionated Astragalus membranaceus in vitro. J Clin tub Immunol 1988, 25, (3), 119-123. 27. Burack, J. H.; Cohen, M. R.; Hahn, J. A.; Abrams, D. I., Pilot randomized controlled trial of Chinese herbal treatment for HIV-associated symptoms. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 1996. 12. (4), 386-393. 28. Jiratchariyakul, W.: Wiwat. C; Vongsakul, M.; Somanahandhu, A.; Leelamanit, W.; Fujii, I.; Suwannaroj, N.
Handbook of medicinal herbs, ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, EL, 1985. 52. Hernandez, N. E.; Tereschuk, M. L.; Abdala, L. R., Antimicrobial activity of flavonoids in medicinal plants from Tafi del Valle (Tucuman, Argentina). J Ethnopharmacol 2000, 73, (1-2), 317-322. 53. Fukai, T.; Marumo, A.; Kaitou, K.; Kanda, T.; Terada, S.; Nomura, T., Antimicrobial activity of licorice flavonoids against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Fitoterapia 2002, 73, (6), 536-539: Fukui, H.; Goto, K.; Tabata, M., Two antimicrobial flavanones from the leaves of Glycyrrhiza glabra.

Why organized medicine wants to outlaw nutrition and turn healers into criminals

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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As human beings, we have a God-given right to eat plants, to use the medicinal herbs found in our natural environment, and to heal ourselves using these gifts provided by nature. I believe any attempt to criminalize our connection with nature is itself a crime, and should be treated as such. Nutrition is bad for you, didn't you know? The Food Supplements Directive (in Europe) and this whole effort by the FDA (in the U.S.

Handbook of Medicinal Plants

Amarjit S. Basra
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Many responses, including immune system responses within the Gl tract, may be induced or repressed through the use of medicinal herbs and the ingestion of active natural products. It is thus important to review the factors that may be activated or deactivated by dietary substances. Tolerance to dietary antigens induced via the gut ("oral tolerance") appears to be a rather robust adaptive immune mechanism.

St. John's Wort proven more effective than antidepressant drugs for treating depression

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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This is a case in which the herb is not only more effective, but also safer; a fact that should not be surprising, since medicinal herbs are typically more effective and significantly safer than prescription drugs. Also, St. John’s Wort is a natural medicinal herb that has been used safely and effectively by cultures throughout the world for thousands of years. So with the findings of this study, we once again see a much better alternative for treating depression than prescription drugs We also learned recently that St. John’s Wort is only one of many natural treatments for severe depression.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Contains baking soda and salt formulation with medicinal herbs and silica. • Vicco Pure Herbal Toothpaste. Contains extracts from plants, bark, roots, and flowers used in Ayurvedic medicine. Q Be sure your dentist is taking the proper steps to avoid transmitting disease. The dentist's office and waiting room should be clean. Dentists, hygienists, and dental assistants should wash their hands and change gloves between patients.
Numerous medicinal herbs contain therapeutic amounts of flavonoids; they often are a major component of an herb's medicinal activity. Natural sources of the flavonoids include broccoli, tomatoes, soybeans, onions, apples, and red wine. Garlic This versatile healing herb also has antioxidant properties. The sulfhydryl (sulfur and hydrogen) compounds in garlic are potent chelators of toxic heavy metals, binding with them so that they can be excreted. These same compounds are effective protectants against oxidation and free radicals.
Generally, medicinal herbs fall into two basic categories: tonic and stimulating. Tonics help cells, tissues, and organs to maintain tone, or balance, throughout the body. Some tonics activate and invigorate bodily processes or parts. Other tonics supply important nutrients that cells, tissues, and organs need to function properly. Tonics ordinarily are taken regularly for three to nine months at a time to gently strengthen and improve overall health and/or certain organ functions. Stimulating herbs have much stronger actions and are used to treat particular ailments.
In the Orient, medicinal herbs often find their way into foods as seasoning and ingredients. Indeed, according to the late Chinese writer and scholar Lin Yutang, the Chinese view medicine and food as the same thing, believing that what is good for the body is medicine and at the same time is also food. Some of the Chinese herbs most readily found in U.S. herb and natural food stores include astragalus, Chinese ginseng, ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, licorice root, dong quai, ginger, and schizandra.
Like foods, medicinal herbs are seen in terms of yin and in Part Three.) In addition to following a fast, use a wheat-grass, fresh lemon juice, garlic, or coffee enema. (See enemas in Part Three.) If bowel problems or related symptoms are chronic, repeat this program once monthly. The following supplements aid in cleansing the colon. NUTRIENTS supplement suggested dosage comments Very Important Fiber (ground flaxseeds, oat bran, or psyllium seed husks) 1 capsule or 1 teaspoon 4 times daily. Take separately from other supplements and medications. Essential for a clean colon.
HERBS AND THEIR USES The following table describes some of the most commonly used medicinal herbs, including which parts of each herb are used, its chemical and nutrient content, and its various uses. Herb (Scientific Name) Part(s) Phytochemical and Used Nutrient Content Actions and Uses Comments Acerola Fruit. Phytochemicals: Beta-carotene. (Malpighia Nutrients: Calcium, iron, magnesium, glabra) phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, B-i, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C. Has antioxidant, antifungal, and astringent properties. Helps to support the liver and hydrate the skin.

Handbook of Medicinal Plants

Amarjit S. Basra
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The effects of Chinese medicinal herbs on postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms of Australian women, Medical Journal of Australia, 174: 68-71. 42. Culpepper, 1826, Culpeppers complete herbal, p. 239. 43. Ernst, E., 1999, Second thoughts about the safety of St. John's wort, Lancet, 354: 2014-2015. 44. Larkin, M., 2000, St. John's wort included in US depression guidelines, Lancet, 55: 1619. Chapter 19 Bioactive Saponins from Plants: Recent Developments Marie-Aleth Lacaille-Dubois INTRODUCTION Saponins are a heterogenous group of natural products both with respect to structure and properties.

Seeds of Change: Six Plants That Transformed Mankind

Henry Hobhouse
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This crude but effective method of making medicinal herbs available to the body was widely used and, indeed, recommended by most herbalists of the day. Much of the bark on the market was of little value and often adulterated. Rich people would buy a supply of powder and keep it against a future fever, but by the time they came to use it the powder might have lost its force, and it might not have been of any use in the first place since there were five different-colored barks, and more than seventy species and varieties of cinchona trees, a large number of them clinically useless.

Antibacterial silver products finally begin to emerge after years of FDA oppression

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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That's a real problem in the way people use nutritional supplements, silver products, medicinal herbs, and so on; they tend to use them in the same way that an allopathic doctor would prescribe antibiotics, which is to simply mask the symptoms rather than solving the problem. But as a holistic nutritionist and someone who is a huge proponent of natural health, I encourage you to go beyond that and treat the source of these problems. Change your lifestyle and your diet to the point where you aren't experiencing these infections over and over again.

The FDA, Vioxx, and crimes against humanity

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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There are a huge number of nutritional supplements, vitamins, medicinal herbs and natural health therapies that drastically reduce arthritis pain even better than Cox-2 inhibitors without all of these health risks. Who benefits? Drug companies Who, then, really benefits from keeping Vioxx and Cox-2 inhibitors on the market? Well, the answer is clear: Drug companies. The stock prices of Pfizer and Merck benefit; in fact, they shot up the moment this decision was made by the FDA advisory panel.

A call to action: how we can beat the European Food Supplements Directive

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Dandelions are medicinal herbs, you know. Think this could never happen? Think again: a generation ago, who would have thought vitamins could be outlawed? The ultimate goal of today's global medicine machine -- which is, of course, the force behind all this -- is to separate mankind from nature. That's why sunlight (which prevents cancer) remains discredited. That's why doctors are still not taught the healing power of blueberries, or almonds, or avocados. And that's why your vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements are now being stripped away.

Nutritional products from New Chapter and other health innovators

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If you take these medicinal herbs, which include basil, oregano, and even culinary herbs like thyme, and use them in a balanced way in the human body, these can have remarkably positive effects on your health. These should, of course, only be taken under the direction of a naturopathic physician, or a nutritionist, or someone who can really guide you. Supercritical Holy Basil Another product from New Chapter is called Supercritical Holy Basil. The product slogan is: "Uplift, calm, and balance." So let's try to decode this slogan to find out what it really means.

Interview: the Cancer Control Society offers information and answers for cancer patients

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Mike: In various articles, I've often stated I believe cancer is almost universally preventable with nutrition and medicinal herbs and other therapies. In the vast majority of cases it is reversible if detected in the early stages. I'm just curious, is that a statement you agree with or disagree with, or what are your thoughts on that? Frank: Well, I certainly would agree with it.
We see them trying to get legislation to ban drugs from Canada and attacking online pharmacies, but then also discrediting any medicinal herbs like ma huang or Ephedra. Frank: Ephedra – which maybe killed a person or two, maybe it didn't – really begs the (previous) question. Because, I believe the third- or fourth-leading cause of death in the United States today is properly prescribed drugs. In other words: Hospitals and doctors prescribing drugs, so called "ethical drugs," the way the pharmaceutical companies tell them to, are the third or fourth largest killer of patients in the US today.

Walking the talk: the true story of my transformation from obesity and chronic disease to outstanding health

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I spend several hours a day stretching, strength training, engaged in physical activity, and continuing to learn and research foods, the healing effects of medicinal herbs, and how we can become healthier human beings by relying on the wisdom of nature. Weight loss was a major challenge Weight loss didn't come easy for me at all. In fact, most of the men in my family have been overweight. I came from a family of people who overate and the men were always heavy. They had large bellies and a high percentage of body fat.

Get healthy now to prepare your immune system for bird flu outbreak

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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But today, it's different: nearly everyone in industrialized nations has access to healthy, nutritious foods and medicinal herbs. And yet many people refuse to make healthy decisions, leaving them no better off than the malnourished victims of 1918. Remember: most Americans today are malnourished -- even as they are obese and diabetic from consuming empty calories. The malnourished, I believe, are going to have a very tough time surviving the bird flu virus if it goes global. And conventional medicine? Helpless against the bird flu.

Rising popularity of medical tourism reveals deterioration of U.S. healthcare system

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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There have already been many attempts to arrest people traveling to anti-cancer clinics in Mexico, or to seize their medicinal herbs as they come back across the border. There is a Gestapo-like effort out there to try to shut down anything that tries to compete with the overpriced, ineffective U.S. healthcare system. And as medical tourism becomes more popular, I think we're going to see the American Medical Association, hospital associations and maybe even the FDA up in arms, complaining about the loss of revenue to U.S. companies. Because, let's face it: big medicine is big business.

Why the bird flu virus is less deadly but more dangerous

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Tamiflu definitely has antiviral properties, although I would argue that many medicinal herbs and antiviral nutritional supplements are far more powerful. However, governments say they're going to have some Tamiflu sitting around, just in case there's a pandemic. Does that make you any safer? Again, no, it does not. Why? The virus has already mutated into a form resistant to Tamiflu, according to some infectious disease experts. Now, of course, this may not be relevant in the long term. The virus could again mutate into a form susceptible to Tamiflu, making it effective.

Product Review: Fiberzon combines cleansing fiber with medicinal rainforest herbs to offer potent digestive health formula

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Reversing cancer is quite achievable through nutrition, anti-cancer foods, medicinal herbs and other alternative therapies, and using colon cleansing products is a well-justified adjunct therapy along the way. But even if you're not battling cancer or other chronic diseases, you need to have a clean, flexible digestive tract anyway. Cleansing is for everyone, and maintaining a healthy digestive tract is an important factor for the prevention of many chronic diseases, including cancer -- especially colorectal cancer.

Governments aren't telling people the truth about bird flu preparation

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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That information should include knowledge about the antiviral properties of these medicinal herbs and supplements. But of course, the public won't ever be told that. They'll be told there's no vaccine and that Tamiflu has run out. This will likely create a sort of panic or even a run on antiviral prescription drugs. Of course, once again, people in the know aren't going to be concerned about that because they'll be stocking up on elderberry extract and boosting their immune systems by taking herbs like astragalus, aloe vera, St.

As cold fusion events demonstrate, modern science is ruled by conformity, not the search for scientific truth

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The bottom line is: We as consumers should be wary any time someone says they have a "scientific approach" or an "evidence-based approach" to medicinal herbs, nutrition, pharmaceuticals or medicine. Anything that's based on evidence is also subject to the distortions and belief systems of old-guard scientists and doctors who currently control the intellectual topography in which this evidence is framed. Just because something claims to be based on evidence doesn't mean it's true, nor that it stands up to genuine scientific scrutiny.

St. John's Wort proven more effective than antidepressant drugs for treating depression

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Using medicinal herbs or prescription drugs in such a way is really not a healthy way to treat symptoms, disorders or diseases. The only way to achieve a high state of health is to pursue a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, physical activity, exposure to natural sunlight, strong social interaction, brain exercise, good breathing, staying away from environmental toxins, and so on. But while the study shows St. John's Wort to be more effective than antidepressant drugs, an educated naturopathic physician or nutritionist may not suggest that you simply switch from antidepressants to St.

One-fifth of women would consider double mastectomy as breast cancer prevention strategy

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I'm talking about medicinal herbs, reishi mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, outstanding nutrition and avoidance of certain food ingredients and environmental toxins such as plastic cookware -- measures like that. It's not overly difficult to reverse this disease or even prevent it from happening in the first place, but what modern medicine wants to do is take away your organs. When they're not removing your organs, they're irradiating them: "Let's smash your breasts between this machine like a pancake and irradiate them to see if we can find some tumors in there.

Why organized medicine wants to outlaw nutrition and turn healers into criminals

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If people really knew just how much they could prevent chronic disease with these plant extracts, medicinal herbs, vitamins, minerals, and supplements, the pharmaceutical industry would collapse overnight. The defenders of "Big Pharma" and of organized medicine have realized that they can't win the information war. They can't prevent people from finding out how to be healthy. Believe me, they've tried! They've tried through censorship, oppression, influence, and even attempts to regulate medical information on the internet.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Medicinal plants
Astragalus membranaceus
Chinese medicine
Herbal medicine