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Natural breakthrough for blood sugar control: Glucotor supplement clinically proven to reduce blood sugar as well as diabetes drugs, without the side effects

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Made with ingredients backed by a large number of scientific studies (as well as literally thousands of years of medicinal use), Glucotor contains the extracts of herbs like nopal cactus (prickly pear cactus), gymnema sylvestre, fenugreek, cinnamon, banaba and bitter melon. It's like an all-star roundup of blood sugar medicines from nature. Knowing the integrity and intelligence of Jon Barron, I have no hesitation whatsoever in giving Glucotor my recommendation for anyone suffering from blood sugar disorders, including type 2 diabetics.

Big Pharma scare tactics: How the pharmaceutical industry influences American consumers

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The industry message is this: "Don't you dare touch those herbs. Don't you dare think about vitamins, and don't make the mistake of thinking you can get nutrition from food. You need our prescription drugs to keep you healthy. You need to take these drugs every day for the rest of your life. And just in case you might think buying drugs from somewhere else as a way to get a good deal, we'll scare you with language about terrorists somehow tainting prescription drugs from Canada." By the way, this is not the first time we have heard that language.

The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
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If using dried herbs, combine equal amounts of the four and use one third the amount of the fresh form in recipes. To store, place in an airtight glass jar and store in a cool, dry and dark place for up to 4 months. Yield: About Vi cup. • If you have an herb garden or access to fresh French tarragon, make your own tarragon vinegar. Cut off several stalks on a dry day just before the herb flowers in August. Let dry in the sun for an hour, then use to fill a clean and sterilized, wide-mouthed pint canning jar.

Interview with Jon Barron of Baseline Nutritionals on herbal healing, the bird flu and alternative health

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Barron: Things tend to work better in combination. With herbs, for example, green tea and curcumin reinforce either other and make each other stronger. So you can often make things more effective, whether they are immune boosters or antioxidants, by combining things. The trick is knowing what you're doing. A lot of people work out of book knowledge. I'll give you two examples of things I see all the time where formulas are put together that don' t make sense. We get thousands of questions at jonbarron.

Hoodia gordonii update: Honest sellers, safety information and weight loss realities

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Indigenous use of herbs is actually a good indication of long-term safety, despite the frustrating fact that conventional medicine ignores all such cultural evidence. Do I recommend hoodia? Conditionally yes, for those who are serious about weight loss and are willing to radically alter their diets and engage in serious physical exercise at the same time. Hoodia can help you, but it won't take over for you. If you want to look athletic, you have to be athletic.

Natural medicine may hold solution for bird flu pandemic

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Green tea, lemon balm, olive leaves and even Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs contain medicine that even the best pharmaceutical scientists could only dream of creating -- medicine to overcome chronic disease, infections and even pandemics. The most powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal chemicals, like the ones found in garlic, are far more effective than the ones manufactured in medicine labs. In fact, the best-known antiviral prescription drug – TamiFlu – is derived from an active ingredient in a traditional Chinese herb called "star anise.

Gunpoint medicine: Why conventional medicine must use intimidation to control patients (opinion)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Have no illusions: The evildoers who run medicine today are working diligently to create a system of medicine where vitamin companies are shut down, herbal doctors are imprisoned, naturopathic doctors are denied the right to practice medicine, and the truth about the healing powers of vitamins, minerals, herbs, supplements and even ordinary foods is routinely censored. These devious miscreants want to create a world where you can choose any system of medicine you want, as long as it's their system.

The dark history of modern medicine: U.S. surgeons routinely operated on babies without anesthesia

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It's much like today, where cancer patients are tripping over each other to sign up for the latest, greatest, over-hyped anti-cancer drug, no matter what the cost, when most cancers are easily treated with low-cost herbs and nutritional therapies.) When Dr. Cotton fell ill himself, he had his own teeth surgically removed and promptly returned to work, performing the same procedure on others. He did not, however, remove his own testicles. (Apparently, he didn't have the balls.) A champion of conventional medicine But this is no laughing matter. What's important to note about Dr.

Medicine vs. healing, war vs. peace and male vs. female thinking (opinion)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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They subsist on animal products and trendy processed foods, and then one day, they discover they have prostate cancer -- a disease that's very simple to prevent using natural foods and herbs. After a couple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation of their reproductive areas, they suddenly don't look very macho anymore. You have radiation burns on your WHAT? I'll stick with my plant-based nutrition, thank you very much, and I'll keep my prostate healthy for life. And by the way, many men in their mid-30s complain about a loss of sexual energy. Every wonder why?
To them, the patient is more than just a number, and their array of potential treatments may span several modalities, including herbs, therapeutic touch, homeopathy, acupuncture or nutritional therapies. Natural medicine is largely based on nurturing or "female" thinking, which is focused on activating and supporting the body's own innate healing potential. (Naturopathy.

Disease sniffer device could provide non-invasive early disease detection by "sniffing" patients

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Hoxsey's remedies, made from natural herbs, cured cancer, and the American Medical Association ultimately admitted this in court. But of course the medical establishment of the day tried to discredit it; they said that it was all quackery.

Empower yourself in 3 minutes a day: An introduction to indy media, NewsTarget.com and the online information revolution

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Our motivations are, simply: To help educate, empower and uplift our fellow human beings through an online education campaign that reveals the astonishing healing power of foods, herbs, natural medicines and simple therapies. (See articles on healing foods.) To research and publicize new technologies and solutions that can make a positive difference in our shared future. This includes areas like renewable energy, medical technology, life sciences and even vibrational medicine.

The health dangers of trans fats have been known for decades, yet food companies still poison customers with hydrogenated oils

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It should never be allowed in the food supply, and companies that use the ingredient should have their inventory confiscated by the Food and Drug Administration, which occasionally confiscates so-called "dangerous herbs" when they post a threat to public safety, but never confiscates dangerous foods due to their hydrogenated oil content. On this issue, the FDA routinely caves to the pressures from private industry and has taken absolutely no action to ban this toxic ingredient, despite the undeniable evidence of its harm.

Interview: Dr. Christine Horner discusses choices women can make to prevent breast cancer

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Some of them are specific foods that you can consume like spices, herbs and supplements that have tremendous effect at either slowing down the growth of breast cancer or preventing it in the first place. This is actually good for people who have breast cancer and are undergoing treatment. Turmeric, which is a bright yellow orange colored spice, is another helpful herb. It's a cousin of ginger and is found in curry. It has tremendous anticancer properties to it, and you can add one-quarter of a tablespoon at the end of cooking to almost any food.

Health Roundup: Gambling with drugs, Squaretrade failures and counterfeit drugs (satire)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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All of this serves as yet one more reason to ditch prescription drugs and switch to natural medicine (healing through foods, herbs, acupuncture, chiropractic, and other modalities). No natural food or herb has ever turned a patient into a compulsive gambler and caused them to lose $14 million. Except, perhaps, tapioca pudding, but that's only due to the sugar content (which makes children and adults alike commit senseless acts of indulgence).

NewsTarget survey results, part 2: Healthy actions = healthy results

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I hope that number will climb as people learn about the natural healing alternatives to prescription drugs that can be found in food, herbs and other natural modalities such as sunlight. Almost half of the readers, 48.4 percent, reported experiencing improved energy. It's a big issue for a lot of people. They feel fatigued all the time. They feel like they can't get up in the morning or focus at work, so 48.4 percent experiencing improved energy is a good milestone. Thirty-six percent reported boosting their appearance. This means they now look younger or healthier.

Study shows the public is turning to alternative medicine and away from dangerous prescription drugs

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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We have more than 5,000 years of documented history of herbs being used safely throughout China, Japan, Europe and even South America. We have acupuncture and its proven clinical use in China. We have naturopathic physicians, massage therapists and chiropractors today with literally millions of hours of clinical observations on what works for patients. Organized medicine takes all of that evidence, throws it out and says it doesn't count. To organized medicine, in order for something to be proven true, it has to be published in its pharmaceutically motivated medical journals.

Amazon Herb Company launches Liquizon capsules with alcohol-free, concentrated rainforest herb liquids

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The liquid forms of these herbs are far more potent than the powders, and they're much easier to assimilate. There's virtually no digestion required at all, and with so many people suffering from weakened digestion and suboptimal gastric acid production, this is a very important point. In the Liquizon format, these products go to work right away, even if you don't have the best digestion. The other noteworthy point is that there's no alcohol in these Liquizon products.

Interview: Emerald Balance provides excellent superfoods nutrition without the "greeny" taste

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I think it's one of the most underrated herbs out there. Why did you decide to put it in? Lovejoy: Aloe vera is wonderful for blood glucose balancing. It's great for that. It's just so good for the body. There are so many nutrients in it, but what it really helps with is helping extend the antioxidant levels of your body. When you're taking vitamin C and vitamin E, you really only have that protection for usually six hours and sometimes up to eight hours, depending upon how much you're taking.

Interview with Jon Barron of Baseline Nutritionals on herbal healing, the bird flu and alternative health

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I can probably identify maybe 100 to 200 herbs by their signature characteristic, but the good people who really are the top herbalists can identify over 1,000. For example, think of peppermint tea. If you have two batches of peppermint, and you brew them up and one tastes like dishwater while the other has a really strong peppermint flavor, you don' t have to be an herbalist to say, "That's good peppermint, and that's not." The signature characteristic of peppermint is the peppermint flavor. The signature characteristic of echinacea is that it numbs and tingles the mouth.

Interview - Greg Kunin of Ola Loa explains why it's better for you to "drink your vitamins" for optimum nutrition

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Kunin: People are looking at some of the other products that are out there that are pretty much limited to vitamin C, and some herbs, but if you start traveling, there's an amazing low that's put on the body. Mike: I think that's a wonderful idea. If I were on the airplane, and they gave me this instead of that garbage food that you get served on an airplane, I would applaud. This is a great idea for travel stress. Kunin: We've had some very interesting people who are using the products.

Interview with Jon Barron of Baseline Nutritionals on herbal healing, the bird flu and alternative health

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Alternative cancer treatments are even more involved -- using nutrition supplements, antioxidants and particular herbs. There may be 10 things in the protocol. What the medical people like to do is pull them out one at a time and test them individually. When they test, they have criteria that determine if something is a placebo. It needs to be effective more than 30 percent of the time. Interestingly enough, using chemotherapy for lung cancer is beneficial less than 1 percent of the time, which would make it one of the biggest placebos in history.

Natural medicine may hold solution for bird flu pandemic

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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But the drug is only an isolated extract. The herbs work far better than the drugs because they offer a multitude of complementary phytonutrients, not isolated chemical extracts. Weeds are smarter than the pharmaceutical industry Take a close look at a plant and marvel at how it is an independent pharmaceutical factory; how one plant sitting in a yard can produce $100,000 worth of healing phytochemicals that save many lives, even though it doesn't know what it's doing.

The future of food fabrication, intellectual property and seeds

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Of course, today the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry are diligently campaigning to limit access to nutritional supplements, herbs and functional foods. This is very much an attempt to separate people from nature, so that they are forced to operate under the system of controlled and "standardized" prescription drugs and medications that generate profits for pharmaceutical companies. The future may not be so bright after all It's a common oversight, I think, to talk about the future in rosy terms, and talk about how all of this great, new technology is going to appear.

Interview: Dr. Christine Horner discusses choices women can make to prevent breast cancer

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It's foods, supplements, herbs, activities and so forth that have tremendous effect either increasing the risk or protecting against it. Mike:You talk about not only what people can do to prevent the progression of breast cancer, but how they can prevent it altogether. What are some of those things that people should be avoiding that will protect their health? Horner:Not surprisingly, the American diet and lifestyle is a recipe for breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and heart disease. We know that because it's so prevalent.

Systems of medicine explained: Conventional, alternative, integrative, complementary and more

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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For example, complementary medicine's supporters might say that ginger is great for reducing nausea following chemotherapy, but they would never say ginger or garlic are anticancer herbs in their own right. Promoters of "complementary medicine" are usually closet drugs-and-surgery pushers who use this phrase to avoid appearing totally out of touch with health trends.

Vaccines are not the answer for bird flu

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Balch, one of the best-known authors on herbs and health, says, "We do not recommend flu shots in general. Their usefulness is questionable and the side effects may be worse than the flu. The best way to get rid of the flu is to attack it head-on by strengthening the immune system." Flu shots are only 1 percent effective anyway How effective are flu shots really? Earl Mindell, Ph.D., also one of the best-known authors on nutritional supplements and wellness, says, "The strains of flu that sweep through North America are different every year.

Natural medicine may hold solution for bird flu pandemic

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Instead, work with a naturopath, because the naturopath is going to work holistically with the foods, the supplements, the herbs and the products that you are using. He or she may, in fact, recommend things that are not even in this book. Your immune system is the ultimate solution Besides, whether or not you visit a doctor, it's still up to your immune system to conquer the flu. In the end, your doctor can't take over your immune system via remote control.
Most people only turn to herbs and natural medicine when their regular, conventional physician has left them to die. They only turn to alternative medicine when modern medicine has failed them. And that is their great missed opportunity, because they could have survived, and been healthier and disease free all along, if they had just looked at the solutions nature has provided us. Conventional medicine is based on dogma, not science You see, all you have to do to survive the next pandemic is shift your beliefs about medicine and disease prevention.

Shattering the false philosophy and junk science of conventional medicine

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If what organized medicine says is true, then you should be able to observe that people on drugs are healthy, while all the people taking herbs and vitamins are diseased. Go park your car in front of a pharmacy and watch the first 100 people you see buying drugs, then ask yourself, "Are these healthy people?" Look at the way they walk, their energy and their posture. Do they look healthy? Then go park your car in front of a health food store and watch people entering and exiting that store. Ask yourself again: Do they look healthy?

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Plants

...and Adjectives:

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...and Formula
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...and Combination

...and Substances:

...and Water
...and Food
...and Tincture
...and Extract
...and Formulas
...and Acid
...and Liquid
...and Tonic
...and Powder
...and Decoction

...and Anatomy:

...and Body
...and Blood
...and Skin
...and Liver
...and Immune system
...and Stomach
...and Heart
...and Cells
...and Tissue
...and Lungs

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Root
...and Leaves
...and Ginseng
...and Ginger
...and Garlic
...and Echinacea
...and Bark
...and Chamomile
...and Flowers
...and Astragalus

...and Physiology:

...and Effects
...and Effect
...and Condition
...and Increase
...and Immune
...and Prevent
...and Helps
...and Function
...and Levels
...and Improve

...and Objects:

...and Oil
...and People
...and Plant
...and Capsules
...and Label
...and Strain
...and Product
...and Pot
...and Tinctures
...and Seed

...and Foods and Beverages:

...and Tea
...and Alcohol
...and Teas
...and Juice
...and Meals
...and Vegetables
...and Fruit
...and Sugar
...and Honey
...and Vinegar

...and Health Conditions and Diseases:

...and Pain
...and Inflammation
...and Cancer
...and Infection
...and Diarrhea
...and Infections
...and Nausea
...and Anxiety
...and Depression
...and Asthma

...and Actions:

...and Taking
...and Drink
...and Avoid
...and Treating
...and Eat
...and Boil
...and Making
...and Boiling
...and Cooling
...and Growth

...and Medical Terms:

...and Properties
...and Dosage
...and Drops
...and Dose
...and Doses
...and Results
...and Infusion
...and Dosages
...and Potency
...and Stimulant

...and Who:

...and Patients
...and Women
...and Children
...and Doctors
...and Patient
...and Herbalists
...and Child
...and Herbalist
...and Physician
...and Family

...and Where:

...and Chinese
...and China
...and United states
...and India
...and America
...and Europe
...and Indian
...and Germany
...and West
...and California

...and Macronutrients:

...and Oils
...and Seeds
...and Minerals
...and Salt
...and Protein
...and Enzymes
...and Mineral
...and Fiber
...and Fats
...and Proteins

...and Medical Adjectives:

...and Digestive
...and Acute
...and Therapeutic
...and Internal
...and Scientific
...and Intestinal
...and Standardized
...and Viral
...and Antiviral
...and Menstrual

...and Nutrients:

...and Vitamin
...and Vitamin C
...and Calcium
...and Antioxidant
...and Iron
...and Zinc
...and Antioxidants
...and Vitamin E
...and Magnesium
...and Potassium

...and Biological Functions:

...and Digestion
...and Period
...and Strength
...and Metabolism
...and Menstruation
...and Memory
...and Attention
...and Breath
...and Concentration
...and Vision

...and Drugs:

...and Tablets
...and Antibiotics
...and Diuretic
...and Laxative
...and Chemotherapy
...and Antibiotic
...and Sedative
...and Aspirin
...and Stimulants
...and Diuretics

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Chinese medicine
...and Ayurvedic
...and Traditional chinese medicine
...and Acupuncture
...and Massage
...and Detoxification
...and Cleanse
...and Relaxation
...and Meditation
...and Yoga

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Relieves
...and Antiseptic
...and Calming
...and Antimicrobial
...and Expectorant
...and Antifungal
...and Relieving
...and Analgesic
...and Aphrodisiac

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Estrogen
...and Hormones
...and Insulin
...and Steroid
...and Estrogens
...and Saliva
...and Stomach acid
...and Histamine
...and Cortisol
...and Neurotransmitter

...and Organizations:

...and Fda
...and Health food stores
...and Manufacturers
...and Pharmacy
...and Clinic
...and Food and drug administration
...and Government
...and Organization
...and Hospitals
...and Pharmaceutical companies

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Body weight
...and Blood levels
...and Heart rate
...and Triglycerides
...and Height
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose

...and Chemicals:

...and Caffeine
...and Free radicals
...and Pesticides
...and Nicotine
...and Aluminum
...and Poisons
...and Fragrance
...and Mercury
...and Carcinogens
...and Ethanol

...and Animals:

...and Cat
...and Dogs
...and Cats
...and Horse
...and Turkey
...and Rats
...and Mice
...and Insect
...and Insects
...and Worms

...and When:

...and Spring
...and Winter
...and Summer
...and At night
...and July
...and April
...and August
...and September
...and October
...and February

...and Supplements:

...and Flaxseed oil
...and Spirulina
...and Fish oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Preservatives
...and Lactose
...and Food additives
...and Fructose
...and Msg
...and Aspartame

...and Persons:

...and Murray
...and Parent
...and Johnson

Related Concepts:

Side effects
Immune system