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Induces labor and aids in childbirth (many herbalists recommend taking small amounts two weeks before expected delivery). Relieves menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps with back pain, morning sickness, and pain. Helpful for poisonous snake bites. Good for arthritis. Also known as black snakeroot. Caution: Should not be used during pregnancy (until just before birth) nor in the presence of chronic disease. There have been reports of liver problems associated with the use of this herb in certain individuals. Black walnut Husks, (Juglans nigra) inner bark, leaves, nuts.

Unleash the Inner Healing Power of Foods

The Editors of FC&A
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On the other hand, Chinese herbalists argue that dong quai is not supposed to work alone. They say it must be part of a combination of herbs because the herbs must work together to be effective. Although herbal combinations are on the market, none have been tested. Dong quai may cause bleeding in some people, especially those taking warfarin. It also makes your skin sensitive, so anyone using this herb should stay out of the sun. The best thing to do is to ask your doctor before trying herbs. You'll enjoy herbal benefits even more when you know they're safe to take.

Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More

James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D.
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This herb has a long history of use by herbalists and naturopathic doctors for the treatment of parasites. J ..................................... I Super Prescription #2 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) Take 20 drops or 200 mg three times daily with meals. Wormwood is a common herbal therapy for parasites and is generally used in a combination formula. Super Prescription #3 Coptis (gold thread) Take 20 drops or 200 mg three times daily with meals. This Chinese herb has I antiparasitic effects.

Natural medicine may hold solution for bird flu pandemic

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It will be the midwives, the herbalists, the naturopaths and everybody else the state medical boards have tried to throw in jail for "practicing medicine without a license" who will be saving peoples' lives. These are the folks who know how to stop a pandemic. Keep this website handy. Read it, learn it, start using it and integrate this information into your life. Then go on with your life without worry or concern about this year's flu or the coming influenza pandemic. Go on with your life and stop worrying.

Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More

James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D.
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Lomatium has strong antiviral effects and has traditionally been used by herbalists to treat the flu. Super Prescription #3 Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) Adults should take 1 tablespoon four times daily and children 1 tablespoon twice daily. Elderberry inhibits influenza viral replication and reduces coughing. Super Prescription #4 Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) and goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) Echinacea and goldenseal combination: Take 500 mg in capsule form or 2 to 4 ml of tincture four times daily. Both herbs enhance immune function, and echinacea has antiviral properties.

Don't Go Shopping for Hair-Care Products Without Me

Paula Begoun
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Extensive research with herbalists and chemists revealed a simple truth—few hair care formulations had more than 1% of the active ingredients that make them effective. In addition, many contained non-natural additives. Investigation and experimentation showed that by radically increasing the proportion of the effective ingredients, I could achieve this goal. Philip B. Hair Care is the only hair care line that contains ten to twenty times more natural elements that make them work better than any other hair care product." I actually agree with part of his statement.
Herbalists or cosmetics chemists may believe these ingredients are good for the hair, but there is no data or research demonstrating that to be true. But don't worry, the Philip B. products also contain the same standard, synthetic, very effective ingredients that show up in all hair-care products. For more information about Philip B. Hair Care call (800) 643-5556 or visit www.philipb.com. What's Good About This Line: Most of the shampoos, conditioners, and especially the styling products will nicely take care of hair, particularly hair that is dry to very dry.

The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
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While many individuals consider the dandelion to be an unwanted weed, herbalists all over the world have revered this valuable herb. Its common name, dandelion, is a corruption of the French for "tooth of the lion" (dent-de-lion). This name describes the herb's leaves, which have several large, pointed teeth. Its scientific name, Taraxacum, is from the Greek taraxos (disorder) and akos (remedy). This alludes to dandelion's ability to correct a multitude of disorders.

Unleash the Inner Healing Power of Foods

The Editors of FC&A
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They appear to offer all the benefits of licorice without the side effects. herbalists recommend taking two to four chewable 380-milligram tablets, 20 to 30 minutes before meals for two to four weeks. Angelica root. Besides protecting you with antioxidants, this herb also seems to reduce stomach acidity and rejuvenate the stomach lining. You can buy supplements at health food stores. Just be sure to follow the dosage instructions, and avoid using this herb if you are taking blood thinners, like warfarin. Caraway.

Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists

Richard Lucas
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China believe that nonpoisonous plant medicines supply to the body the appropriate constituents it lacks, in a way similar to that of natural foods. Thus, by providing the body with what it needs or what it cannot produce in sufficient quantities, the Yang-Yin vital force is harmonized, strengthened, and sustained in an indirect way. This method embraces prevention as well as healing. The great modern Chinese scholar, Lin Yutang, wrote: "The Chinese do not draw any distinction between food and medicine. What is good for the body is medicine and at the same time food.

Unleash the Inner Healing Power of Foods

The Editors of FC&A
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Though recent research has been contradictory, it has a long history of resisting viral attacks and strengthening the immune system. Many herbalists recommend taking echinacea extract at the first signs of a cold. You may get relief from the stuffy, sneezy, drippy symptoms in only 24 hours. Echinacea seems most effective when taken sparingly, and it should never be used for more than eight weeks. Don't use this herb if you are allergic to members of the daisy family, or if you have an autoimmune condition like multiple sclerosis. Thyme.

Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness

Tori Hudson, N.D.
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These herbs are typically administered in liquid extracts, capsules or tablets, or teas. Lomatium may cause a temporary skin rash if used in an improper dose. CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE APPROACH Many patients prefer to use antiviral therapy to suppress infections and to reduce recurrent episodes. The primary goals of antiviral therapy are to limit the severity of the infection and to give the patient a sense of control over the disease process. Antiviral therapy is offered to normal immunocompetent patients with either primary or nonprimary genital herpes.

Seeds of Change: Six Plants That Transformed Mankind

Henry Hobhouse
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This crude but effective method of making medicinal herbs available to the body was widely used and, indeed, recommended by most herbalists of the day. Much of the bark on the market was of little value and often adulterated. Rich people would buy a supply of powder and keep it against a future fever, but by the time they came to use it the powder might have lost its force, and it might not have been of any use in the first place since there were five different-colored barks, and more than seventy species and varieties of cinchona trees, a large number of them clinically useless.

Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy

Dr. Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons and Elizabeth M. Williamson
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By contrast, herbalists are likely to use a tincture of H. perforatum herb that is not standardized on its content of any particular constituent. Nevertheless, in some cases, the same terms are used to describe the two different approaches. Thus, herbalism is sometimes also referred to as phytotherapy, and both herbalism and rational phytotherapy are sometimes described as 'herbal medicine'. Likewise, preparations used in rational phytotherapy and in herbalism may both be referred to as 'herbal medicines' or 'phytomedicines'. In some ways, herbalism is similar to Western medicine.

Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America

E. Richard Brown
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These empirical healers had no formal training but apprenticed mainly with other herbalists. Some of the herbalists were midwives, and others were men and women who had experimented with herbs and were known for their abilities to heal the sick. Lay healers were distributed throughout the countryside. They seldom relied on healing for their entire support and charged little for their services.

Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy

Dr. Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons and Elizabeth M. Williamson
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Unlicensed herbal medicines HMPs exempt from licensing are those 'compounded and supplied by herbalists on their own recommendation' [specified under Section 12(1) of the Medicines Act 1968] and those consisting solely of dried, crushed or comminuted (fragmented) plants. They must not contain any non-herbal 'active' ingredients and are sold under their botanical name and with no written recommendations for use [specified under Section 12(2) of the Medicines Act].

Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America

E. Richard Brown
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Against this distasteful and frequently disastrous treatment by regular physicians, the empirical herbalists' mild treatments were pleasanter and at the very least did not interfere with natural rates of recovery. Their mild emetics and stimulants seemed closer to nature than the regulars' profuse blood-letting and harsh purges.5 Still experiencing competition from the empirically grounded herbalists, regular physicians resorted to ever larger doses of their therapies through the first half of the nineteenth century.

The complete Book of Water Healing - Using the Earth's most essential resource to cure illness, promote health, and soothe and restore body, mind, and spirit

Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D.
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Culpeper The Herbalist is a chain of stores in Great Britain, started by the Society of herbalists, that sell very high-quality shampoos and soaps (I like the cucumber and almond oil products). Another unusual mail-order source is D. Napier's and Sons of Edinburgh. This organization of family herbalists opened its doors in 1860 and manufactures a very healing, emollient slippery elm soap. (See Resources.) SHAMPOO FOR HAIR You should choose a shampoo and rinse that suit your hair texture and will restore its pH balance. Dry, normal, and oily hair all need a different shampoo and rinse.

Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy

Dr. Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons and Elizabeth M. Williamson
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For example, herbalists use current knowledge of the causes and consequences of disease as well as some of the diagnostic tools, such as blood pressure measurement, used in conventional medicine. Also, there is an increasing emphasis on using evidence from modern randomized controlled clinical trials to support the traditional use of herbal preparations. Some other aspects of modern-day herbalism are listed below: • Herbalism takes an holistic approach in that a patient's psychological and emotional well-being, as well as physical health, are considered.
Herbal medicine in the UK covers a wide spectrum of practice: there are traditional herbalists who refer mainly to the older traditions and philosophy, those whose view is aligned more closely with 'modern' rational phytotherapy, and those whose practice is somewhere between the two approaches. A brief summary of the legal situation (in the UK only) appears at the end of this chapter for further information. Evidence of efficacy and safety There is a significant body of clinical evidence on the potential benefits and potential risks associated with the use of specific herbal medicines.

Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work

Tanya Harter Pierce
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Besides these two, there are countless smaller herbal companies and private herbalists that produce and sell Essiac herbs to be brewed into tea at home. They all seem to have curative effects. Although the various forms of Essiac have never been fully accepted as formal cancer treatments, they are still being used by many people to help them recover from cancer. Right now, it is used in some form in every state of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Europe, Asia, and Africa. There is still some controversy, however, as to the details of the original formula Rene Caisse used.

Prevention's New Foods for Healing: Capture the Powerful Cures of More Than 100 Common Foods

Prevention Magazine
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For the original herbalists, however, "research" often meant watching animals in the wild to see which leaves, bark, or berries they turned to whenever they were ill. Over the years, herbalists (and doctors) became pretty knowledgeable about which herbs were best—for easing a headache, for example, or stopping an infection. By the middle of the twentieth century, however, scientists were less interested in the herbs themselves than in what the herbs contained.

Death By Prescription: The Shocking Truth Behind an Overmedicated Nation

Ray Strand, M.D.
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Several studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba helps increase the circulation of blood in the brain and extremities. Many herbalists and researchers believe it improves one's ability to think and boosts stamina as a result of this increased blood flow. But Ginkgo biloba has an additional effect of thinning the blood, which can lead to serious complications if a person is also taking aspirin or Coumadin.17 Many herbs that patients use work very similarly to prescription sedatives such as Ativan, Xanax, and Librium. The two most common herbs are valerian root and Kava Kava.
Like the doctors who don't inform their patients of known side effects found in the medical literature, many herbalists and health food store workers are either not aware of the literature and the reports, or simply fail to inform the buyer. Though we've yet to discover many health risks related to herbs, we need to look carefully at some of the documented problems in order to keep a realistic perspective on herbal therapies.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Often, herbalists combine herbs of similar likeness into a complex, believing the synergistic value of the herbs delivers greater efficacy than a single herbal. A list of these "clean-up herbs" and a brief description of their contribution to the detoxification mechanism follow. Hepatics, Alteratives, Diuretics, Laxatives, and Diaphoretics Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinalis), an excellent blood purifier, assists in many ways to boost the detoxification process.
Warm castor oil packs over the liver not only invigorate, but also reduce inflammation. Some herbalists recommend alternating castor oil packs with ginger packs. Chasteberry Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) has been used to relieve FBD. Chasteberry may decrease prolactin, leading to increased progesterone production during the menstrual cycle, and it seems to result in a shift in the estrogen-progesterone balance, regulating hormones and inhibiting release of FSH and LH. This results in less estrogen to stimulate breast tissue.
Historically, herbalists used bugleweed to regulate the heart and improve circulation. Bugleweed's repute is enduring, for practitioners still use the herb to stabilize a rapid or irregular heart rhythm, whether the problem is functional or organic. Bugleweed is beneficial in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure, ridding water from edematous tissues and organs. It has been called a natural digitalis, milder but with some of the same characteristics as the drug. Bugleweed does not accumulate and is therefore considered nontoxic (Santillo 1990; Ritchason 1995).
Various respected herbalists suggest that goldenseal should be cycled (rotated with other herbals) rather than routinely administered. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) The Biomedical Reseatch Center of Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge) was one of the first to associate the anti-inflammatory traits of feverfew with its ability to inhibit the COX-2 enzyme (Hwang et al. 1996). According to Newmark et al. (2000), feverfew contains a lactone, or chemical compound called parthenolide. Par-thenolide, in turn, contains a variant of methylene-gamma-lactone (MGL) that interacts with macrophages.
Natural Topical Products In response to recommendations from herbalists and dermatologists, as well as requests from acne patients, manufacturers have created special products that use hetbs and other natural substances to treat acne (Epstein 2000). A search of the Web will result in literally hundreds of sites that offer natural products for skin care and the treatment of acne. These products range from facial scrubs and moisturizers to antiseptics and facial masks. Lipoic acid in particular can help heal acne scars.
Chinese herbalists also tecommend echinacea, calendula, tea tree oil, and goldenseal tincture or blue flag (works well with echinacea). Drinking a tea made from nettles and cleavers tincture may be effective. If emotional stress is a possible conttibuting factor in your acne, relax with a cup of lavender or chamomile tea. A steaming facial treatment with these herbs 2 or 3 times a week may also help. I8GSSUUS1SI Never use any herbal preparation on a newborn without consulting your doctor.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Biological Functions:

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...and Biological Measures:

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...and Blood sugar levels
...and Heart rate
...and Triglycerides
...and Body weight
...and Blood levels
...and Blood glucose
...and Blood cholesterol

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Estrogen
...and Insulin
...and Estrogens
...and Stomach acid
...and Lipids
...and Steroid
...and Histamine
...and Saliva
...and Neurotransmitter

...and Animals:

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Related Concepts:

Herbal medicine
American herbalists guild
Immune system
United states