Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | The FDA not only routinely approves and defends dangerous prescription drugs (much to the delight of drug companies), it also goes out of its way to discredit and outlaw nutritional supplements, herbal medicine and anything tied to alternative medicine (also much to the delight of drug companies). Rather than regulating Big Pharma, the FDA has now become its greatest promoter.
The FDA's power is based on censorship and intimidation, not education and empowerment. On numerous occasions, the agency has attempted to censor and / or intimidate its own scientists, including Dr. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | You must get outside this corrupt system and move on to something that actually promotes healing like naturopathic medicine, nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy or massage therapy. These are the areas of medicine in which you can experience and discover lasting human health.
Don't be a financial slave to drug companies that are only interested in turning your body into a profit center. Remember, they can only make more money by expanding the definition of disease and using your body as a system for generating financial profits. They're exploiting your health to generate shareholder profit. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Parents don't grab their children and run from an herbal medicine practitioner. The thought of being treated with homeopathy doesn't instill fear in the minds of patients. Only conventional medicine horrifies its patients to such a degree that its services must be marketed at gunpoint. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | By "extreme skeptics," I don't mean actual critical thinkers who apply genuine open-minded curiosity to the world around them, I mean the pseudoscientific zealots who berate anyone who believes in acupuncture, massage therapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, sunlight therapy, breath therapy, meditation or any number of other natural healing modalities. They think vitamins are useless, acupuncture is quackery, and that all medical treatment should be limited to drugs, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | By doing that, we've had a lot of success because one thing I think people do understand is that the Chinese knew what they were doing and still know what they're doing when it comes to herbal medicine. The question is: How do you understand it yourself and use it to your benefit?
Mike: Good point. One criticism from practitioners of traditional and Chinese medicine might be that every person is different and that you can't have "one size fits all." What's your response to that?
St. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | To do that, it is going to discredit everything that is alternative by saying things like, "We are really scared of the side effects of herbal medicine and alternative health therapies. We don't know how they are going to react to our toxic prescription drugs." This is how conventional medicine creates doubt in the minds of customers who, out of fear, continue to suffer the harm of prescription drugs, chemotherapy and other barbaric medical procedures. You see this all the time with cancer. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | Yance, herbal medicine, Healing & Cance
There is increasing evidence that the consumption of refined carbohydrates is also linked to various cancers. The mechanisms are not so easy to understand or explain, however, because cancer is a systemic disorder involving the immune system, endocrine system, digestive system and circulatory system, among others. Refined carbohydrates promote cancer in the body through nutritional deficiencies, increases in bodily stress, and by causing unhealthy imbalances in hormone levels. | Yance, herbal medicine, Healing & Cancer
So why do these phytochemicals have such protective effects in humans anyway? Because they are created by plants as part of their own immune systems. These plants, like every living thing, need protection against free radical damage, viruses, pests and other health risks. They accomplish this by creating their own phytochemicals that protect them in extraordinary ways. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Out of all the systems of medicine available in the world -- Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Homeopathic medicine, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, etc. -- Washington State just happens to choose the most lucrative and politically influential system of medicine to push onto patients at gunpoint: Western medicine, a system of medicine based almost entirely on profiteering, monopoly control, corruption, bribery, disease mongering, false claims and truly bad science.
King County calls this mother a criminal, but who are the real criminals in this case? | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | Yance, herbal medicine, Healing & Cancer
Think about your own diet. Do you eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day? Most likely not. Few people do. And once you become fully aware of the considerable benefits derived from eating these phytochemicals, you'll want to immediately take steps to introduce them into your diet (I'll show you how...).
But first, let's take a look at phytochemicals and answer the two most obvious questions: what are they, and how do they impact your health?
What are phytochemicals? | Robyn Landis, Herbal Defense
This same mechanism ~ the abnormal alteration of cell membranes — is also visited in herbal medicine, Healing & Cancer, which discusses the ability of trans fats to promote breast cancer:
Trans fatty acids, which are not found in nature, incorporate themselves into the cell walls, altering the cell membranes and making them more permeable. This can lead to abnormal hormonal extracellular stimuli and the eventual promotion of breast cancer. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | REPPED: I am an outspoken critic of hoodia gordonii scams and con artists, but a supporter of honest nutritional supplements and herbal medicine in general. I've followed this story for almost two years now, and was the first to reveal the "Pure Hoodia" scam. As a consumer health advocate, I speak out on anything that I see as ripping people off, whether it's drug companies, disease mongering psychiatrists, or counterfeit diet pills. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | Many people with irritable bowel syndrome have experienced improvements in symptoms after using Chinese herbal medicine (CHM).
Q Research and testing have found not only that breathing exercises can control IBS, but that people who practice stress management have fewer and less severe attacks. Stress management also relieves symptoms. (See stress in Part Two. Also see Breathing Exercises under pain control in Part Three.)
Q The symptoms of IBS are similar to those of many other disorders, including cancer. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | Donald Yance and Arlene Valentine, herbal medicine, Healing & Cancer
When it comes to trans fats and cancer, the links are well documented and widely known in the scientific community. They are hardly known at all by the general public, however, and there is no public education campaign that seeks to warn consumers about the cancer risk of consuming hydrogenated oils.
Hydrogenated oils, trans fatty acids and diabetes
Researchers followed the medical and dietary histories of 84,204 nondiabetic women over 14 years. From this group, 2507 cases of type 2 diabetes were documented. | Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | Darwin: Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory, 2001); Levitt, 1981, Plants and people; Isaacs, 1987', Aboriginal food and herbal medicine.
20. Levitt, 1981, Plants and people.
21. Latz, 1995, Bushfires and bushtucker.
22. Lindsay, B.Y., Waliwararra, K., Miljat, F., Kuwarda, H., Pirak, R., Muyung, A., Pambany, E., Marruridgi, J., Marrfurra, P., and Wightman, G., Malak Malak and Matngala plants and animals: Aboriginal flora and fauna knowledge from the Daly River area, northern Australia, Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin, No. | An elderly patient with lung carcinoma was treated with the traditional Japanese herbal medicine Ninjin Yoei To, based on extracts of ginseng, cinnamon bark, angelica root, astragalus root, paeoni root, citrus peel, rehmannia root, polygala root, atractylodes rhizome, schisandra fruit, poria sclerotium, and glycyrrhiza. Treatment with the above at 15 g per day for seven weeks decreased the levels of tumor markers CEA and CA19-9, with an improved clinical status of the patent. | Ernst, E., Herbal medicine: A concise overview for professionals (Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000).
7. Schulz, V., Hansel, R., and Tyler, V., Rational phytotherapy (Fourth edition) (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2001).
8. Phillipson, J.D., 2001, Phytochemistry and medicinal plants, Phxto-chemistry, 56: 237-243.
9. Ernst, E., Pittler, M.H., Stevinson, C., White, A., and Eisenberg, D. (eds.), A desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine: An evidence-based approach (London: Mosby, Inc., 2001).
10. | It could also be that herbal medicine has been less popular in developed countries during the last centuries.
The evidence accumulated to date tentatively suggests possible benefits from some herbal preparations with antibacterial activity. Further large-scale, well-designed clinical trials are required to provide more conclusive proof of their efficacy.
The GI tract constitutes one of the largest sites of exposure to the outside environment. | In the former case, although these are used in religious, superstitious, social, and medical contexts in many, if not all, societies, there is, as yet, little place for hallucinogens in the treatment of patients in either orthodox or herbal medicine in Western culture. The other category not considered, drugs of abuse, is now practically synonymous with the term drug in present Western culture and is taken by large numbers of people not as preventatives or cures for disease but as "recreational" drugs to relieve the pressures or boredom of ordinary existence. | The oldest herbal medicine book, Shennong Bencao, was written late in the Han dynasty. It recorded 365 types of herbs, including 252 plants, 67 animal parts, and 46 minerals. Some related medical indications were also described, such as Ephedra (herb) for asthma, Rheum (root and rhizome) for thyroid enlargement and Artemisia annua (herb) for malaria. Furthermore, the author divided these herbs into three different categories in accordance with their properties, applications, and toxicities. In Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency (ca. 333 A.D. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | For example, hospitals in China train doctors to specialize in herbal medicine for all the different categories of disease (cardiology, dermatology, etc.). Most medical doctors in Germany utilize herbal therapies in their practices. As herbal therapy enters mainstream medicine, more doctors are becoming educated and willing to recommend these treatments to their patients. By following the guidelines in this chapter, you can strengthen the various organ systems of your body and feel a difference in your health. | The Editors of FC&A See book keywords and concepts | This flower is the latest fad in herbal medicine, and it lives up to its hype. It seems to reduce inflammation, fight bacterial infections, and boost your immune system. That's a great combination when you're fighting off an H. pylori infection.
To make chamomile tea, pour about two-thirds of a cup of boiling water over three teaspoons of the dried flower. Let it steep for five to 10 minutes before straining.
Bromelain. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Medicinal use of ginkgo dates back to its use in Chinese herbal medicine 3,500 years ago.
• Garlic not only reduces "bad cholesterol" while increasing "good cholesterol," but regular use is also associated with a lower risk of stomach and colon cancer.
• Cranberry prevents bladder infections by stopping E. coli (the most common bacteria involved in bladder infections) from adhering to the bladder wall.
• Chamomile is a very popular medicine in Germany. In 1987, it was named "plant of the year." They, of course, use German chamomile, not Roman chamomile.
• According to Rudolph Weiss, M.D. | Kevin Trudeau See book keywords and concepts | How come we are not hearing about the hundreds of thousands of people in China and India who are given herbs and using ayurvedic medicine, or herbal medicine, or traditional Chinese medicine and being cured of all their diseases without drugs or surgery of any kind? How come we are not hearing the stories of the millions of people throughout South America who are using plants and traditional Amazon medicine and curing their diseases without any pharmaceutical drugs or surgery? Again, there absolutely is a place for drugs and surgery. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | If you are new to herbal medicine, start with common herbs, such as peppermint for an upset stomach or echinacea for the common cold. Your confidence will grow with each successful use of these wondrous herbs.
Mixing Herbs and Pharmaceuticals
As herbals became America's fastest-growing branch of alternative medicine, the Western medical community was the last to find out. Herbs are ignored in medical school and have only recently begun to make occasional appearances in medical journals. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | You'll notice that the FDA only applies this standard to prescription drugs; never to nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, Chinese medicine or anything in the world of alternative medicine. The FDA will argue that drugs that are killing tens of thousands of Americans should be kept on the market because they have some benefit, but when it comes to a natural remedy or a medicinal herb, the FDA will bend over backwards to argue the exact opposite.
It's never about the benefits versus the risks in the case of herbs. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | It contains helpful advice on the clinical use of Diet and Nutrition, Fasting, herbal medicine, Homeopathy, Bach Flower Remedies, Aromatherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupressure, Hydrotherapy, Natural Hormones, Bodywork, Exercise and Stress Reduction, and Nutritional Supplements.
Part Three contains a comprehensive glossary of unfamiliar medical terms, as well as a Resource Guide for Holistic Practitioners. This section describes the training and the holistic approach of individual practitioners, as well as contact information for a reliable referral. | Bryan Hanson, PhD See book keywords and concepts | The other example in the figure is the molecule albuterol, a synthetic molecule whose structure is similar to ephedrine, a major component of the Chinese herbal medicine ma huang (from the plant Ephedra sinica; compare the structure of ephedrine in Figure 6.7 with albuterol). Albuterol is a clinically important bronchodilator used to treat asthma patients when they have acute attacks. | Herbal medicine: Expanded Commission E monographs. Boston: Integrative Medicine Communications. This is an excellent source to begin digging into individual herbs on a more technical level.
Robbers, J. E. and Tyler, V. E. (1999). Tyler's herbs of choice: The therapeutic use of phytomedicinals. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Herbal Press. One of the best books about what herbs to use for what conditions: also discusses para-herbalism and rational herbalism.
Sumner. J. (2000). The natural histoiy of medicinal plants. Portland, OR: Timber Press. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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Medicine Herbal Herbs Plant Herb Plants Treatment Chinese Leaves Health Traditional Medical Root Effects Body Systems Research People Liver World Natural Bark Conditions Species Drugs Tea Skin Scientific Problems American Remedy Medicinal Leaf Medicines Pain New Cancer Water Healing Brazil General Clinical History America Properties Extract Blood Decoction British Flowers Effect Therapeutic Drug Studies Symptoms Time Disease Modern Study Diarrhea Western Disorders Remedies Tonic Herbalists Family Chemicals Specific Products Taking Diabetes United states Medicinal plants Practitioners Active Europe Inflammation Infections Oil Activity Food Patients Treating Rainforest Asthma Heart Practice Fruit Diseases Work Rheumatism Reduces Increase Example Conventional Extracts Chemical Recommended Dried Treatments