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Herbal medicine

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Intelligent Medicine: A Guide to Optimizing Health and Preventing Illness for the Baby-Boomer Generation

Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D.
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For patients with weak adrenals, I find the best approach to be a mixture of Chinese herbal medicine and nutrients that subtly mimic the effects of the adrenal glands. This may sound like pallid therapy at best, but these herbs can actually be quite potent. Every internist is aware of the danger of licorice tea consumption in patients with high blood pressure. This is because licorice has a powerful effect on the adrenal glands, slowing the breakdown of the mineralocorticoids and causing the body to retain sodium.

Herbs Against Cancer: History and Controversy

Ralph W. Moss PhD
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First of all, what do we mean by herbs and herbal medicine? We all have a commonsensical definition of herbs, which is basically "anything that grows and is useful." More technically, the Concise Oxford Dictionary defines an herb as (a) any non-woody seed-bearing plant which dies down to the ground after flowering, or (b) any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, scent, etc.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Rector-Page has been working in the fields of nutrition and herbal medicine, both professionally and as a personal lifestyle choice, since the early '70s. She is a certified Doctor of Naturopathy and a Ph.D., with extensive experience in formulating and testing herbal combinations. She is the author of several successful books, including Healthy Healing. Cooking for Healthy Healing, How to be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist, and Party Lights, as well as a Library Series of specialty booklets on nutritional healing. Dr.

Herbs Against Cancer: History and Controversy

Ralph W. Moss PhD
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Discoveries made at Shanidar in the Zagros mountains give a strong indication that even Neanderthal man practiced some form of herbal medicine (371). Humans turned to plants initially for food, of course, but while some of these were rejected as unpalatable, they "were found nevertheless to exert interesting physiological effects on those who consumed them," says Tyler (390). Some of the obvious plants of this sort were coffee beans (Cojfea spp.

The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Andrew Chevallier
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The European Influence In more westernized areas of South America, herbal medicine is often a blend of Spanish and local traditions (as is the case in Central America, see p. 46). Large herb markets exist in some cities, such as La Paz and Quito, which provide an astonishing variety of indigenous and European herbs. In Ecuadorian markets, for example, anise (Pimpinella anisum, p.

The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications

Christian Ratsch
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San Antonio: herbal medicine Research Foundation. Stamets, Paul. 1995. Growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. Rev. ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press. -. 1998. Gardening with gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press. Stamets, Paul, and J. S. Chilton. 1983. The mushroom cultivar. Olympia, Wash.: Agarikon Press. Stevens, Rile, and Rich Gee. 1977. How to identify and grow psilocybin mushrooms. Rev. ed. Seattle: Sun Magic Publishing.
The traditional healer: A comprehensive guide to the principles and practice ofUnani herbal medicine. Rochester, Vt.: Healing Arts Press. Hoffmann, E. T. A. 1967. Meister Floh und letzte Erzdhlungen. Vol. 4 of the collected works. Frankfurt/M.: Insel. Jain, S. K., and C. R. Tarafder. 1970. Medicinal plant lore of the Santals. Economic Botany 24 (3): 241-78. Johnston, Thomas F. 1972. Datura fastuosa: Its use in Tsonga girls' initiation. Economic Botany 26:340-51. -. 1975. Power and prestige through music in Tsongaland. Human Relations 27 (3): 235-46. -. 1977.
Polynesian herbal medicine. Lawai, Kauai, Hawaii: National Tropical Botanical Garden. Coffea arabica Linnaeus Branch and "beans" (= seeds) of the coffee bush. (Copperplate engraving from Peter Pomet, Der aufrichtige Materialist und Specerey-Hdndler, Leipzig 1717) Coffee Bush Family Rubiaceae (Coffee Family); Subfamily Cincho-noideae, Coffeeae Tribe Forms and Subspecies The variety Coffea arabica L. var. abyssinica A. Chev. (wild form) occurs in the mountain forests of Ethiopia.
Shen-Nung, the legendary Red Emperor, is regarded as the founder of Chinese herbal medicine. He personally tried each herb, including the poisonous and inebriating ones, before recommending their use for healing purposes. Shen-Nung was thus the founder of the ethnopharmacological method of conducting bioessays, also known as the Heffter technique. (Ancient Chinese 10 Reise in Sud-Amerika [Journey in South America] (Mannheim 1854). "Oh! Joy! Joy! I have seen the birth of life, the beginnings of movement. The blood pounds in my veins as if they would burst.

When Healing Becomes A Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies

Kenny Ausubel
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In the twentieth century the renewed allopathic contempt for herbal medicine partly stemmed from its failure to cure syphilis or produce a dependable remedy for acute infection. Dr. Morris Fishbein expressed this aversion to botanicals in Fads and Quackery in 193 6 when he observed with satisfaction the steady removal of plants from the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. "All the signs and portents indicate that the great deluge of modern scientific chemotherapy is about to wash away the plant and vegetable debris.

Stop the Medicine! A Medical Doctor's Miraculous Recovery with Natural Healing

Cynthia A. Foster, M.D.
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They will scare us into thinking that if we take the wrong dose of an herb, we will hurt ourselves, so we would be best to leave this sort of dangerous herbal medicine to the doctors. They will have us believe that we have no common sense to figure out how to use the plants that grow in our own backyards that have been used safely for thousands of years all over the world.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Mowrey, The Scientific Validation of herbal medicine (New Canaan, Conn.: Keats Publishing, 1986): 111. nutrition hyperthermia Vitamin A supplementation alleviated menorrhagia in 92 percent of the patients in a study. Vitamin A deficiency seems to be an important cause of menorrhagia; deficiency impairs enzyme activity. D. M. Lithgow and W. M. Politzer, "Vitamin A in the Treatment of Menorrhagia," South African Medical Journalbl, no. 7 (February 12, 1977): 191-93.

The Way of Herbs

Michael Tierra
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There were also many students who were able to gain a greater understanding of herbal medicine and to integrate the principles set forth in this book into a professional medical practice. This included not only holistic health practitioners but many professional medical doctors and nurses. The success of The Way of Herbs is, I believe, due to the fact that the greater part of my information is based upon personal clinical experience. This in contrast to many similar books that seem to be based on nothing more than second- or third-hand information.

The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbs

Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien
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Claire D. The herbal medicine Cabinet. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, 1997. Single Herbs Bergner P. The Healing Power of GarlicUhe Enlightened Person's Guide to Nature's Most Versatile Plant. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1996. Bergner P. The Healing Power of Ginseng SctheTonic Herbs: The Enlightened Person's Guide. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1996. Foster S. Echinacea: Nature's Immune Enhancer. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1991. Fulder S. The Book of Ginseng. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1993. Hobbs C. Echinacea: The Immune Herb, 3rd ed. Capitola, CA: Botanica Press, 1992.
This site, maintained by the University of California at Davis, provides information on alternative therapies for the treatment of asthma and allergies, with a focus on herbal medicine and acupuncture. Columbia Medical School's Database Links http: / / cpmcnet. Columbia. edu/ dept / rosenthal/ Our friends at the Rosenthal Center at Columbia University have compiled an impressive and useful list of the online databases in bio-medicine and alternative and complementary medicine. Garden Gate Glossary of Botanical Names http: / / www.prairienet.org/ag/garden/botrts .
Weiss RF. herbal medicine. Portland, OR: Medicina Biologica, 1988. 9. Kreysel HW, Nissen HP, Enghofer E. A possible role of lysosomal enzymes in the pathogenesis of varicosis and the reduction in their serum activity by Venostasin®. Vasa 1983; 12(4): 377-382. 10. Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, et al., eds. The Complete German Commission E Monographs. Austin, TX: American Botanical Council; Boston: Integrative Medical Communications, 1998.
Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica. Seattle: Eastland Press, 1993. Kaptchuk T. The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. Leung AY. Chinese Herbal Remedies. New York: Universe Books, 1984. Tierra L. The Herbs of Life. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1992. Ayurvedic Medicine Chopra D. Creating Health: How to Wake Up the Body's Intelligence. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1991. Chopra D. Perfect Digestion: The Key to Balanced Living. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1995. Chopra D.
European Journal of herbal medicine 1998; 3(3): 13-17. 18. McGuffin M, Hobbs C, Upton R, et al., eds. American Herbal Products Association Botanical Safety Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1997. Mi nil Ephedra Ephedra spp.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Weiss RF. herbal medicine. Sweden: Ab Arcanum. 1988 7. Amann W. Removing an ostipation using Agnolyt. Ther Gegenew 1965; 104: 1263-1265 8. Reichert RG. Phyto-estrogens. Quart Rev Nat Med Spring 1994, pp. 27-33 9. Sliutz G, Speiser P et al. Agnus castus extracts inhibit prolactin secretion of rat pituitary cells. Horm Metab Res 1993; 25: 253-255 10. Jarry H, Leonhardt S, Wuttke W. Agnus castus as dopaminergous effective principle in mastodynon N. Zeitschrift Phytother 1991; 12: 77-82 11. Schneider HPG, Goeser R, Cirkel U. Prolactin and the inadequate corpus luteum.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Mowrey, The Scientific Validation of herbal medicine (New Canaan, Conn.: Keats Publishing, 1986). Morning sickness may have evolved as a means of protecting embryos from food toxicity. Several studies have associated morning sickness with lower rates of miscarriage. M. Profet, "Mother Nature Knows Best," Nutrition Week 22, no. 32 (August 21, 1992): 1. A case study of a woman with severe nausea through her entire first pregnancy reports that when the same trouble plagued her halfway through her second, she started taking 500 mg capsules of ginger 20 times a day.

The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications

Christian Ratsch
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In the countries of the region, "herbal medicine [uses] a decoction of the root and the hulls as a diuretic and to alleviate inflammations of the nasal cavities" (Stark 1984, 69*). The seed is also used as an anthelmintic in West African folk medicine (Ott 1993, 400f.*). Homeopathic medicine uses a tincture made from the hairs of the seedpods known as Dolichus pruriens—Cowhage (Schneider 1974, 2:334*). Extracts of the seeds may be suitable for the Top: The fruits of Mucuna pruriens ssp. gigantea.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Evaluation of the Japanese-Chinese herbal medicine, Kampo, for the Treatment of Lupus Dermatoses in Autoimmune Prone MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr Mice," Journal of Dermatology 21, no. 12 (December 1994): 935-39. In a study, 24 of 27 discoid lupus patients who received 30-60 g in divided doses of Tripterygium wil-fordi roots and stems over a 14-day period experienced improvement, the majority within 2-4 weeks of treatment. Q. Wanzhang et al., "Clinical Observations on Tripterygium Wilfordi'm Treatment of 26 Cases of Discoid Erythematosus," Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 3, no. 2 (1983): 131-32.

Blended Medicine: The Best Choices in Healing

Michael Castleman
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Chapter 16 presents Western herbal medicine as a separate entity—in part because it lends itself to home care, in part because the herbs it employs are widely available in health food stores, pharmacies, supplement centers, and even some supermarkets. The chapters on homeopathy, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and naturopathy also touch on medicinal herbs, because herbs figure prominently in these alternative healing systems. Healing Systems: Different Perspectives on Health Mainstream medicine is a healing system.
I spoke about herbal medicine, and my talk was well-received. The conventional medical schools are definitely changing in a more inclusive direction." At Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, former surgeon general C. Everett Koop, M.D., is developing a medical center that combines mainstream and alternative medicine. "My experience as a doctor has taught me that a mix of different approaches is often necessary to achieve success," he notes. "We need to be flexible and adaptable. "Drugs and surgery are useful tools, but I would like to see us broaden our range of approaches," Dr.
Plants also provide the basis for Western herbal medicine, a cross-cultural blend of age-old European, Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and Native American herbal traditions. What many people don't realize is that medicinal herbs are a key link between the alternative therapies and mainstream medicine. For much of the pharmaceutical industry's 130-year history, researchers have focused on extracting medicinal constituents from plants and repackaging them as drugs. An estimated 25 percent of all pharmaceuticals still come from plant sources.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Treatment with Hachimijiogan, a Non-ergot Chinese herbal medicine, in Two Hyperprolactinemic Infertile Women," Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 68, no. 5 (1989): 475-78. Zhibai dihuang pills were successfully used to treat 8 immunologically infertile couples with antisperm and/or anitzona pellucida antibodies in their blood serum. Study results: Over 80 percent of the couples achieved successful pregnancies within 9 months. D. J. Li et at, [Treatment of Immunological Infertility with Chinese Medicinal Herbs of Ziyin Jianghuo], Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 15, no. 1 (January 1995): 3-5.

Breast Cancer? Breath Health! The Wise Woman Way

Susun S. Weed
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Protec^nTg^Yoiir Liver • Perhaps the single most important contribution herbal medicine can make to women choosing chemotherapy is to offer them ways to maintain strong liver function. Dandelion, yellow dock, or burdock root tincture, 20 drops, 2-3 times a day, will do, but my favorite liver ally is milk thistle. * Milk thistle is legendary for protecting the liver from damage. It is highly regenerative to liver tissue as well. In Europe it is used to treat liver degeneration (e.g., from cirrhosis, hepatitis, and chemical poisoning).
Herbal Healing for Women, Rosemary Gladstar, Simon & Schuster, 1993 9. herbal medicine, R. F. Weiss, M.D., AB Arcanum, 1988 10. The Herbs of Life, Leslie Tierra, Crossing Press, 1992 11. Indian Herbology, Alma Hutchens, Merco, 1969 12. Medicinal Plants, Steven Foster, James Duke, Houghton Mifflin, 1990 13. Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West, Michael Moore, Museum of New Mexico Press, 1979 14. Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West, M. Moore, Red Crane, 1993 15. Medicines from the Earth, R. E. Schultes, Harper & Row, 1978 16. Milk Thistle, Christopher Hobbs, Botanica, 1992 17.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Her practice in Brooklyn, New York, specializes in nutrition, herbal medicine, and classic homeopathy. hellerwork SARAH SUATONI The White Street Center for Movement and Bodywork 43 White Street New York, NY 10013 (212) 966-9005 (212) 219-3053 (fax) A certified Hellerwork practitioner. Ms. Suatoni works with Dr. David Kaufman at the Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Lab-oratory at Saint Luke's Hospital, New York City. She is also cofounder and codirector of the White Street Center for Movement and Bodywork in New York. herbology LETHA HADADY Karma Unlimited Inc.

Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies

Richard Gerber, M.D.
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One criticism of the newer drug approach as compared to herbal medicine is that there are so many different substances present within the natural plant that it is sometimes hard to distinguish and isolate all of the physiologically therapeutic chemicals. When a patient takes a pill containing a single active drug, he or she might be missing out on further therapeutic benefits had he/she ingested the original healing plant. These extra ingredients contained within the herb may offer additional aid toward resolving the patient's illness.

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...and Nutrients:

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...and Alkaloid
...and Polysaccharides
...and Potassium
...and Quercetin
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...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
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...and Blood sugar levels
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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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Medicinal plants