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Herbal medicine

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In The Scientific Validation of herbal medicine, Dr. Mowrey notes that he never suggests chickweed because of the lack of backup research on it. Plantain (Plantago ovata) is a green with much more scientific support. The plantain fiber aids in weight loss by reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, by lessening fat absorption, and by its "appetite-satiating" effect. Dr. Mowrey's herbal formula for weight loss includes plantain, fennel seed, burdock root, hawthorn berry (to support heart function), kelp, and bladderwrack.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Although Thomson brought back to medicine the vitalistic Hippocratic idea of vis medicatrix naturae and gained widespread public support for the use of herbal medicine, the Thomsonian movement was probably detrimental to medical reform. Thomsonians became locked in prejudice and dogma and insisted that all medical knowledge was complete and could be found in Samuel Thomson's works. These and other claims roused scorn, indignation, rage, and resentment in the average North American doctor.

PDR for Nutritional Supplements

Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik
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RP is an herbal medicine prepared from the root of the legume Pueraria labata, commonly known as kudzu. RP has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of a wide range of disorders. It has also been used in traditional Chinese medicine since 600 AD for its "anti-drunkenness" effect and is still used by traditional Chinese physicians for the treatment of those who abuse alcohol. It is thought that the antidipsotropic (anti-drinking) effect of RP is due to daidzein and daidzin. Daidzein is a solid substance that is virtually insoluble in water.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs and Spices

John Heinerman
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At the time that Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded Kuwait, precipitating the Persian Gulf War, I was in British Columbia giving a summer course on herbal medicine. An instructor there who showed students how to make salves and oils in an herbal hot pot was a woman named Netta Zeberoff. She was a Russian Doukhobor by birth and recounted in private how members of her family walked "naked as jay birds" (as she so aptly put it) into a provincial government office to express their dissatisfaction with some point of law.

Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer

Michael Lerner
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Still another legacy of romanticism to German medicine is the healing power accorded to nature, whether it be in the form of long walks in the forest, mud baths, or herbal medicine. The medical use of spas is even more widespread than in France, and plants are more widely used for their healing powers. . . . About one fifth of German M.D.'s practice either homeopathy or anthroposophic medicine, as well as Phytotherapie, or plant therapy. These forms of therapy are recognized under the West German health system. . . .
Potentiation of the Therapeutic Effect of Chemotherapy and Hyperthermia on Experimental Tumor and Reduction of Immunotoxicity of Mitomycin C by Juzen-taiho-to, a Chinese herbal medicine," Gan To Kagaku Ryoho (Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy) 16(2):251-7 (1987). 31 Y. Ohnishi, "Preventive Effect of TJ-48 on Recovery from Radiation Injury," Gan To Kagaku Ryoho (Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy) 16(4 Pt 2-2): 1494-9 (1989). 32 T.

The Doctor's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals

Dr. Mary Dan Eades
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Although many mainstream physicians don't have expertise in the area of herbal medicine, they should be made aware of what you are putting into your body so that they can make the best and most accurate recommendations. • Don't self-diagnose the big problems. Granted, you know if you're sunburned, or have been bitten by a bug, or are suffering from PMS; these circumstances are fairly cut-and-dried and easy to treat. But remember that it is important to treat the disorder rather than the symptoms.

Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century

Earl Mindell
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Naturopathic Naturopathic medicine encompasses herbal medicine, massage, acupuncture, and a broad spectrum of other alternative treatments. Naturopathic doctors (N.D.s) are required to pass a national licensing exam after completing four years in a naturopathic medical college. Orthomolecular Medicine An alternative therapy that aims to provide optimal levels of substances normally found in the body through nutrients.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 2

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Cowling: British herbal medicine Association. 1983: p 136, 141 39. Boyle W, Saine A. Lectures in naturopathic hydrotherapy. East Palestine, OH: Buckeye Naturopathic Press. 1988: p 127 40. Zesen W. The effect of acupuncture on 40 cases of endocrine ophthalmopathy. J Trad Chin Med 1985; 5: 19 Diagnostic summary 1319 Hypoglycemia Introduction 1319 Diagnostic considerations 1320 Michael T. Murray, ND General considerations 1321 Health impacts of hypoglycemia 1322 Joseph E.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Bastyr University's Department of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has been conducting an in-depth study of the endangered species used in the practice of Chinese herbal medicine. The work at Bastyr has forged strong relationships with conservation groups, federal agencies, consumers, students, and others at institutions involved in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. The Bastyr project, called the Endangered Species Project (ESP), is creating a database listing all common Chinese herbal formulations, with their respective ingredients, sold in the United States.
The systems of herbal medicine that have been proved to a very large extent are based upon delivering much higher levels of herbal compounds than those easily obtained via the use of tinctures. Specifically, we are referring to the use of highly concentrated standardized extracts from Europe and the use of herbal preparations in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the typical daily dosage of prescribed crude herbal material is approximately 20 g.

The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies

Mark Stengler, N.D.
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Arthritis Many herbal medicine experts mention that ginger is effective in treating arthritis, but in day-to-day treatment of patients, I have not found this to be true. Ginger by itself does not usually provide substantial relief. That said, however, it can be helpful to some people as part of a comprehensive herbal formula, such as practitioners of Chinese herbal formulas have created for patients with a "cold constitution.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Another of the problems of herbal medicine in the US has been the lack of standardization. The herb which best exemplifies this dilemma is digitalis. One batch of crude digitalis might have a very low level of active constituents, making the crude herb ineffective, while the next batch might be unusually high in active constituents, resulting in toxicity or even death, when standard amounts were used.

When Healing Becomes A Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies

Kenny Ausubel
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Germany leads the developed countries in its acceptance of herbal medicine. The German equivalent of the FDA has systematically compiled over 380 monographs on individual herbs, detailing both their safety and efficacy. Its Commission E collated all the herbal foMore as well as scientific studies into a reliable database. The monographs were published in the German Federal Register, intended as package inserts to permit physicians, pharmacists, and customers to have access to credible information.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs and Spices

John Heinerman
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But in much of Europe, where herbal medicine is more popular and widely accepted by members of the orthodox medical establishment, it isn't uncommon at all to find aconite tincture. I like to combine it with some valerian tincture for such problems. My standard recommendation has always been 10 drops of each tincture in one-half cup distilled water three times daily on an empty stomach. It has never failed to work that I know of, for arthritis or gout.
I interviewed a number of folk healers and scientists who've devoted their careers to the study of jamu (the Indonesian word for traditional herbal medicine). I learned from all of my sources a variety of uses for "cajeput" or melaleuca oil. Two drops of oil in some lukewarm water, shaken well, and given to an infant in a plastic feeder bottle will relieve the worst case of colic.
Once extensively employed in midwifery to eliminate the rigidity of pelvic muscles in childbearing women and for respiratory and inflammatory disorders, it has pretty well fallen out of favor at present except with a small number of those who still practice classical herbal medicine. They find that the herb is quite effective as a smoking deterrent, as a antispasmodic for whooping cough, for diphtheria, tonsillitis, and as an anti-inflammatory in cases of erysipelas. The herb works best when used either as a tincture or tea.
How Ginkgo Works to Increase Circulation With almost 300 published studies and reports to its credit, ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) is the herbal medicine most frequently prescribed by alternative-minded doctors and natural-oriented pharmacists worldwide. A large German phyto-medicine company was the first to develop this standardized concentrated extract. It involves 27 different extraction steps and requires 50 pounds of leaves to yield just one pound of GBE, taking up to two weeks to complete.
NOTE: There should be medical supervision from an expert trained in herbal medicine when this is undertaken. For external purposes, a liniment rub of belladonna is rubbed into the skin for relieving aches and pains. Two ounces each of dried, or eight ounces each of fresh, pulverized rootstock and leaves are put into a quart bottle. Add a pint of gin, brandy or vodka and set aside for almost two weeks, shaking the bottle contents twice daily. The liniment will have a cooling effect when applied to the skin and bring relief in less than five minutes.

The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies

Mark Stengler, N.D.
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UNSTUNG HERO Though stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a threatening-looking plant, the roots and leaves have the components of a remarkably effective herbal medicine. Curiously, each part of the plant has different medicinal uses. The leaf is used for allergies. A rich source of minerals, it also serves as a mild diuretic, and it's often recommended for arthritis. The root has become popular for the treatment of prostate enlargement. The Latin name of Urtica means "to sting." The plant does, indeed, have small fibers or spines that sting the skin, and it can be seriously irritating.
In Chinese and naturopathic herbal medicine and in many other natural healing systems, optimizing liver health is considered very important if you want to treat conditions such as PMS, irregular menstrual cycles, or the symptoms associated with menopause. In addition to helping out the liver, dandelion has two chemical constituents—taraxerol and taraxasterol—-that help balance hormones as well. Weight Loss If you take dandelion leaf tea or extract, you'll encourage the excretion of water, which leads to weight loss.
I and other experts in the field of herbal medicine find no problem with prescribing black cohosh on a long-term basis. It is no doubt safer than long-term hormone replacement therapy. WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS? Though side effects are uncommon, a small percentage of users get digestive upset. This may be corrected by taking black cohosh with food. Clinical studies involving more than 1,700 patients over a 3- to 6-month period showed excellent tolerance of black cohosh. Using higher dosages than I recommend may result in headaches and dizziness.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Their use in Chinese herbal medicine dates back more than 4,000 years.1"3 References in ancient documents to members of the Araliacea family were imprecise, giving rise to some confusion in modern interpretation. However, the value of eleuthero as a medicinal agent was certainly known to the Chinese, as evidenced by the following ode plants, with leaves resembling horse chestnut and young shoots resembling ginseng. Unable to identify the plant, the two scientists brought back samples to St Petersburg for classification.

Herbs Against Cancer: History and Controversy

Ralph W. Moss PhD
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These, and many other proclamations, led to a new validation of traditional health practices in a great many countries and to programs for their preservation and investigation. It is estimated that 80 percent of the world's population relies on traditional herbal medicines for a significant part of their healthcare. Although this is often by necessity, it is also frequently by choice. Meanwhile, in the developed countries, we have seen a "preference of many consumers for products of natural origin" (415).

The Natural Pharmacy: Complete Home Reference to Natural Medicine

Schuyler W. Lininger, Jr. DC
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Bournemouth, Dorset, UK: British herbal medicine Association, 1992, 112-14. 3. Yamahara J, Huang Q, et al. Gastrointestinal motility enhancing effect of ginger and its active constituents. Chem Pharm Bull 1990; 38: 430-31. 4. Al-Yahya MA, Rafatullah S, et al. Gastroprotective activity of ginger in albino rats. Am ] Chinese Med 1989; 17: 51-56. 5. Holtmann S, Clarke AH, et al. The anti-motion sickness mechanism of ginger. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1989; 108: 168-74. 6. Suekawa M, Ishige A, et al. Pharmacological studies on ginger. I.

Sugar Blues

William Duffy
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Used traditionally in Japanese herbal medicine, umebosbi is also a great ally in the kitchen, especially with other dried fruit. Drying fruit in season to keep it for the long winter months is an old custom. Fruit that's been sun dried without chemical preservatives has a spectacular flavor. It's quite different from sugared, canned fruit. It keeps well and takes up little space. With a few jars of dried fruit, umebosbi plums, and nuts on hand, you're ready for some sensory discoveries.
The trials were spectacular advertisements for herbal medicine. The orthodox diseasestablishment in France made Maurice Mess6gue famous. Judge after judge duly found him guilty, sentenced him to a fine of one or two francs, then sought his professional services for the ailing wife or mistress waiting in the chambers. Eventually, the healer wrote three books—all bestsellers in Europe— about his adventures and his natural cures. In each he repeats the simple prescription learned from his forefathers: Whole natural food, naturally grown.

New Choices in Natural Healing: Over 1,800 of the Best Self-Help Remedies from the World of Alternative Medicine

Bill Gottlieb
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Weiss, Rudolf Fritz. herbal medicine. Portland, Ore.: Beaconsfield Publishing, 1985. Homeopathy Organizations International Foundation for Homeopathy 2366 Eastlake Ave. E, Suite 325 Seattle, WA 98102 General information, training, referrals. National Center for Homeopathy 801 N. Fairfax St., Suite 306 Alexandria, VA 22314 Offers an information packet that includes a directory of practitioners and resources in the United States and Canada. Also publishes newsletters and sponsors classes and conferences for members. National College of Naturopathic Medicine 11231 SE Market St.

Herbs Against Cancer: History and Controversy

Ralph W. Moss PhD
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In the developing world, herbal medicine has attained new prestige, thanks mainly to the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). In the developed world, the public, by the tens of millions, is demanding an integration of conventional Western medicine and the once-scorned approaches of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Cancer is one of the diseases whose treatment is being re-evaluated around the world. There is widespread dissatisfaction with surgery, radiotherapy, and especially chemotherapy. Even oncologists (cancer specialists) are being caught up in that trend.

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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JAMA 1998;280(18): 1585-9. bernhardt m, keimel a, belucci g, spasojevic p. doppelblinde, randomisierte ver-gleich von phytodolor® n und placebo sowie offener vergleich zu felden 20 tabs bei stationaren kurpatienten mit arthrotischen gelenkversnderungen [in german]. unpublished trial, steigerwald, germany, 1990. bernhardt m, keimel a, belucci g, spasojevic p. doppelblinde, randomisierte ver-gleichstudie von phytodol® n und placebo sowie offener vergleich zu felden 20 tabs bei stationaren kurpatienten mit arthrotischen gelenkversnderungen [in german].

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Nutrients:

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...and Alkaloid
...and Polysaccharides
...and Potassium
...and Quercetin
...and Vitamin C

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Height
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Body weight
...and Heart rate
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood levels
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Stomach acid
...and Dopamine
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...and Chemicals:

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Medicinal plants