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Health in the 21st Century: Will Doctors Survive?

Francisco, M.D. Contreras
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When we have the flu, our body asks for herbal teas, broth (Jewish penicillin), and rest. Less money and lives would be lost if we would just listen to our bodies! According to the modern-scientific-uncommon-sense medical establishment, some "waco" doctors in Paris, France, are treating "terminal" patients (to me there are only terminal illnesses) in the most outrageous, inhumane way. In this clinic of torture, the patients are "forced" to fast as long as their condition will permit.
After 6 months, 70% of the ones who took the thermogenetic herbal product, KEM-A-KILOS, lost between 30% and 90% of their excess weight, but more importantly almost all reported going to a smaller dress size. None of the patients reported any adverse effects except that they had more energy and had to spend money on new, smaller clothes. In the placebo group, only 12% lost weight Reducing body weight equals increased energy, self-esteem, and reduced risk of disease.

Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research

John Boik
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The ingredients of herbal formulas discussed in this book are provided in Appendix B. Free radical scavengers can be used to protect cells from oxidative damage and subsequent initiation. Proliferation is controlled by stem cells and is an exponential process. The descendants of stem cells can either partially or fully differentiate. The more they differentiate, the less they proliferate. A number of natural agents have been identified that induce differentiation and thereby limit proliferation. Cell death can occur through necrosis or apoptosis.

Cancer Therapy: The Independent Consumer's Guide To Non-Toxic Treatment & Prevention

Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.
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Leung in his informative book, Chinese herbal Remedies (New York: Phaidon Universe, 1984). After hundreds of research reports, however, scientists still do not understand exactly what ginseng does in the body. According to a celebrated Russian theory, ginseng is not so much a medicine as an "adaptogen," i.e., a substance that brings the organism into equilibrium. Thus, ginseng might increase the blood pressure of someone with low blood pressure, while decreasing it in people with hypertension. The adaptogen theory is based on many scientific observations over decades.

Innocent Casualties : The FDA's War Against Humanity

Elaine Feuer
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That same month, FDA agents raided Bio-Mechanics Clinic and Health Store in Aberdeen, Idaho, seizing the clinic's herbal supplements, testing equipment, patient files, and ledgers. The FDA continues to remove alternative health books from the marketplace. By their very nature, dietary supplements must be marketed so that the consumer is informed of their health and disease-prevention benefits.

Beating Cancer with Nutrition

Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS
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Numerous herbal extracts, including ginseng and ginkgo biloba, can enhance the aerobic capacity of the cell. Coenzyme Q-10 is a nutrient that is the rate-limiting step in aerobic metabolism, not unlike the bridge that ties up traffic going into the city during rush hour. Most people are low in their levels CoQ. Breathing is a lost art in our modern world. Ancient scholars and spiritual teachers taught us that breath is the essence of life.

A Physician's Guide To Natural Health Products That Work

James A. Howenstine, MD
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They also sell a herbal product called Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, which is an updated version of Ba Wei Wan. In 1974 Dr. Gary Price Todd, an opthalmologist, took care of a patient with blindness in both eyes from cataracts .He operated on one eye and prescribed Vitamin E, zinc, and other nutrients. When the patient returned for the second cataract operation, her vision had improved to 20/25 and the surgery was cancelled. Antioxidants had dissolved the opacity in the lens. Vitamin C is important in the prevention of cataracts.

Defeating Diabetes

Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard
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It comes as no surprise that those who seek a solution, with wallet in hand, will have a few thousand options to choose from. Some offer reasonable support, some are totally useless, and still others are risky. Prescription Drugs Swallowing a pill seems so much easier than changing your entire way of life. If only it were that simple! Prescription medications for weight control are not everything most people hope for. The most common prescription medications used for weight loss are appetite suppressants. They work by reducing appetite or increasing feelings of fullness.

The Natural Medicine Guide to the 50 Most Common Medicinal Herbs

Heather Boon, BScPhm, PhD and Michael Smith, BPharm, MRPharmS, ND
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North America and Western Europe, other members of this genus have a medicinal reputation in many other traditional healing models.5 For example, in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, L. chinensis Lour, is specified.6 Parts Used The aerial parts are dried for use. Traditional Use Lobelia has a rather infamous medical history. This herb was used by peoples of the First Nations primarily for respiratory conditions and as an emetic. It later became popular among the early European settlers.4,5 Lobelia was smoked in a similar fashion to tobacco, hence one of the synonyms, Indian tobacco.
Given the lack of information and the fact that the herb acts as on smooth muscle, wild yam should be avoided in pregnancy. DRUG INTERACTIONS No cases of drug interaction could be found. DOSAGE REGIMENS ž tincture: 2-4 mL three times daily.6 Willow Salix spp THUMBNAIL SKETCH Common Uses ž Arthritic Conditions ž Analgesic Active Constituents ž Phenolic Glycosides (including salicin and salicortin) Adverse Effects ž Rare — Nausea, Headache, Digestive Upset Cautions/Contraindications ž Classic ones applicable to salicylates (e.g.


John R. Smythies
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Many herbal medicines have a high content of antioxidant phytochemicals. An ayurvedic—the ancient folk medicine of India—drug prepared from a number of plants is marketed today as a product named Geniforte. In animal experiments this induces the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes and reduces the level of lipid oxidation. Boldine, an ingredient in a Chilean folk medicine made from the boldo tree, is used for the treatment of liver complaints and rheumatism. Very potent at mopping up hydroxyl radicals, this antioxidant is nontoxic and nonmutagenic.
It is likely that many herbal remedies work by virtue of their antioxidant content, yet the reverse is also true. Some flavonoids have properties that depend on actions unconnected with their antioxidant properties. For example, it has been shown that some flavonoids, like quercetin, gossypol, chrysin, and apigenin, bind to a certain receptor in the brain to which benzodiazepine tranquilizers, such as Valium, usually bind.

A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients

Ruth Winter, M.S.
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Used in herbal creams to soothe irritated skin. MAKEUP BASE, FOUNDATION • See Foundation Makeup. MALEATED SOYBEAN OIL • Modified soybean oil in which some of the unsat-uration has been converted to carboxylic acid. See Maleic Acid and Soybean Oil. MALEIC ACID • Colorless crystals with a bad taste. Toxic by ingestion. Used as a preservative for oils and fats. MALEIC ANHYDRIDE • Colorless needles derived from oxidation of benzene. Used in the manufacture of polyester resins, pesticides, as a preservative for oils and fats, and in permanent-press resins. Irritating to tissue.
Calamus root is an ancient Indian and Chinese herbal medicine used to treat acid stomach, irregular heart rhythm, low blood pressure, lack of mental focus, and for coughs. Native Americans would chew the root to enable them to run long distances with increased stamina. Externally, it was used to induce a state of tranquility. It is used in "organic" cosmetics. CALCIFEROL • Vitamin D CALCIUM • The adult body contains about three pounds of calcium, 99 percent of which provides hardness for bones and teeth.
Toxicity of herbal shampoos depends on ingredients and amounts used. The allergic potential of the shampoos also depends on sensitivity and the herbs used, as well as the other ingredients, such as quillaja bark and ammonium carbonate. HERNIAR1A GALABRA EXTRACT • Rupture Wort. A small herb with tiny green flowers. HESPERIDIN • A natural bioflavonoid (see). Fine needles from citrus fruit peel. Used as a synthetic sweetener.
One of the most commonly used herbal preparations to induce menstruation, the extract has been shown to stimulate uterine muscle. Chinese dry mugwort and then burn it in a therapeutic technique, moxibustion, to treat a variety of ills. Contains volatile oils, tannin (see) and the sugar, inulin. ARTICHOKE EXTRACT • A tall herb, Cynara scolymus, that resembles a thistle. It is edible. It is used in cosmetics to "relax" the muscles as it is rubbed on the skin. ARTIFICIAL • In the context of cosmetics, a substance not duplicated in nature.

The Green Pharmacy Anti-Aging Prescriptions: Herbs, Foods, and Natural Formulas to Keep You Young

James A. Duke, Ph.D.
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I discouraged her, insisting that there was no way an herbal remedy could outperform the more potent pharmaceuticals he was already taking. But my mother-in-law insisted on giving him chamomile. I couldn't stop her. "From his first cup, my father-in-law said the chamomile tea made him feel better. It wasn't long before he reported substantial pain relief. I found it hard to believe, but intriguing. "Eventually, my wife (who is my research partner) and I tested several chamomile extracts on the small intestines of guinea pigs.

A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients

Ruth Winter, M.S.
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The inner bark contains a lot of mucilage and is used in cosmetics, in baby products, and in herbal products to soothe the skin. EMBRYO EXTRACT • An oil extracted from fetal calves, often promoted in "youth-restoring" creams and lotions. EMETINE CHLORIDE • A preservative. Made from ipecac (see), it is used in medicine to treat amebic dysentery. Acute toxicity can occur at any dose. EMOLLIENTS • Creams, Lotions, Skin Softeners, and Moisturizers. An emollient by whatever designation—night cream, hand cream, eye cream, skin softener, moisturizer, and so on—remains an emollient.

The Green Pharmacy Anti-Aging Prescriptions: Herbs, Foods, and Natural Formulas to Keep You Young

James A. Duke, Ph.D.
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Alphabetically last, but certainly not least, is the reigning king of herbal sedatives. Valerian has been used as a sleep aid for some 1,000 years. Many studies have found the herb to for the Gardener Valerian Valeriana officinalis A perennial, valerian can be grown from seeds in spring or from root divisions in fall. The herb prefers rich, heavy loam, but it tolerates most garden soils. It needs to be watered and weeded frequently.

A Physician's Guide To Natural Health Products That Work

James A. Howenstine, MD
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Kava is a herbal preparation from the South Pacific that produces relaxation with no loss of mental acuity, thus making it an ideal supplement for today's frenetic lifestyle. This is a safe substance, reportedly free of side effects, and not addictive. There is an actual enhancement of perception, awareness, and clarity of thought. This appears to have similar tranquilizing to benzodiazepines (Valium) without sedation. Beneficial effects can be seen in a week. The standard dose is 135 to 250 mg of 30% kavalactones three times daily for anxiety and two doses at bedtime as a sleep aid if needed.
A second natural agent for treating depression is the herbal extract 5-hydroxytyptophan which is the direct precursor of serotonin. The dose is 100 mg three times daily. SAME (s-adenyl-methionine) is another natural antidepressant. SAME is found in every cell in the body. This substance is a natural metabolite produced from the essential amino acid methionine and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). SAME is a precursor for glutathione, Coenzyme A, and taurine. This also boosts levels of serotonin and balances the levels of other neurotransmitters that are important in regulating mood.
Perilla oil is available from Health-n-Energy 800-571 2999 Essiac Essiac formula was given to nurse Rene Caisse more than 80 years ago by a woman whose breast cancer had been healed by this Ojibway Indian herbal preparation. The formula is composed of four herbs (burdock root, slippery elm, sheep sorrel, and Indian rhubarb). The burdock root contains inulin, which improves the function of white blood cells. This root also contains Vitamin A and selenium, which scavenge free radicals and chromium which regulates blood sugar levels. Slippery elm has mucilage that benefits plasma and lymph.
If the PSA begins to rise, a Chinese herbal therapy (PC SPES) often proves effective in treating the cancer, which coincides with a falling PSA value. This also works on those who at first responded and then relapsed on hormone therapy. Antineoplaston from Dr.Burzynski's clinic in Houston has also cured some prostate cancer. For prostate cancer management, stay on a low fat diet, eat tomato products often, take a multivitamin, vitamins C, E and selenium. If I developed prostrate cancer I would take flax oil and cottage cheese.
Marcial-Vega believes that this herbal blend may be opening up the drainage canals for the eye that have become partially occluded over many years. One drop is applied to the upper and lower eyelid of each eye at bedtime. Generally a few days are needed for the vision to return to normal. The blend is fat- soluble. Eye infections respond promptly. EYE BLEND is available from Health Horizons 305 442- 1233 or 1800 771-0255 and from our Natural Health Team 800-416-2806.

The A.D.D. Nutrition Solution: A Drug-Free Thirty-Day Plan

Marcia Zimmerman, C.N.
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He had tried various herbal remedies and supplements with limited success. Finally, he got on my 30-Day Plan and has made remarkable strides in the past months. Amazingly, he got some relief almost immediately, but it took several weeks before he was able to function normally. As experts have learned more about the progression of AD/HD into adolescence and adulthood, the extreme importance of managing the symptoms in childhood has emerged. Each child will be different and require multiple approaches to his or her condition.
There are many good herbal combinations available for children and adults in natural food stores. The total intake of chemicals from food, air, and water, our total environment, is what is harming us. Many environmentally related topics will be discussed in coming chapters. In the next section, we need to take a serious look at lead and its impact on the brain. Do Heavy Metals Weigh Down the Brain? Of course they do, but how big a problem is this? And, what can you do about it?

The Green Pharmacy Anti-Aging Prescriptions: Herbs, Foods, and Natural Formulas to Keep You Young

James A. Duke, Ph.D.
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Chamomile is one of my favorite herbal tranquilizers. Taken after supper, it can also help induce sleep. Chamomile contains flavonoids, compounds that bind to the same cellular receptors as diazepam (Valium). This means that the herb and the drug have similar effects, only the herb is milder and causes no morning-after grogginess. Other compounds in chamomile, called chrysin and apigenin, gently reduce muscle activity. Apigenin also helps ease anxiety. To make a chamomile tea, steep 2 to 3 heaping teaspoons of flowers in a cup of freshly boiled water for 10 minutes, then strain.

Cancer Therapy: The Independent Consumer's Guide To Non-Toxic Treatment & Prevention

Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.
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Thousands of patients have since been treated with this herbal mixture, most of them at Caisse's own Bracebridge Clinic in Ontario. While this clinic was shut down in 1942, the controversy over Essiac simmered for years. Charles Brusch, MD—President Kennedy's physician—is said to have declared in 1959 that "Essiac has merit in the treatment of cancer." Essiac cannot be freely marketed in either the US or Canada. However, a company in Ontario is allowed to provide Essiac to Canadian patients under a special arrangement with health officials there.

A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients

Ruth Winter, M.S.
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Calamus root is an ancient Indian and Chinese herbal medicine used to treat acid stomach, irregular heart rhythm, low blood pressure, coughs, and lack of mental focus. Native Americans would chew the root to enable them to run long distances with increased stamina. Externally, it was used to induce a state of tranquility. Banned as a food additive by the FDA. ACRYL GLUTAMATE • A surfactant. See Glutamate. ACRYLAM1DE • Colorless, odorless crystals soluble in water and derived from acrylonitrile and sulfuric acid.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs and Spices

John Heinerman
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Make it according to the directions previously given for the herbal skin wash. Small amounts (about one-half cup) can be taken with meals several times daily. And a clean washcloth can be soaked in some of the hot tea, the excess liquid wrung out; it is folded several times and then applied directly to the swelling itself. A dry hand towel should be placed over this in order to retain the heat and delay cooling as long as possible. Hutchens claims in her book that pokeroot" is very useful in the removal of chemical poisons from the body and in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Biological Measures:

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