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Martin's Press, 1985), 50+: The Graedons' People's Pharmacy for Older Adults (Bantam, 1988), Graedons' Best Medicine: From herbal Remedies to High-Tech Rx Breakthroughs (Bantam, 1991), and The Aspirin Handbook: A User's Guide to the Breakthrough Drug of the '90s (Bantam Books, 1993). The total number of her books in print exceeds two million. Teresa is a member of the Society for Applied Anthropology, the American Anthropological Association, the Society for Medical Anthropology, and the American Public Health Association.

Prozac Backlash: Overcoming the Dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Other Antidepressants with Safe, Effective Alternatives

Joseph Glenmullen, M.D.
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John's wort, most of the clinical research on herbal antianxiety agents has been carried out in Germany. Clinical studies have demonstrated kava's efficacy in treating anxiety disorders. These studies are similar to those used to win approval of synthetic antianxiety agents and sleeping pills. One of the largest and most recent was a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 101 patients with a variety of conditions, including agoraphobia, social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder. Conducted by H. P. Volz at the University of Jena, the study was published in Pharmacopsychiatry in 1997.

Prescription Alternatives, Third Edition: Hundreds of Safe, Natural Prescription-Free Remedies to Restore and Maintain Your Health

Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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A glass of room temperature water, raw cabbage or potato juice, or herbal teas such as fenugreek, slippery elm, comfrey, licorice and meadowsweet (lukewarm, no lemon) can bring quick relief. Fresh papaya or banana can help as well. If you do need to lower your stomach acidity you can use a form of organic sulfur called MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) in supplement form, 1,000 mg daily. Don't eat a lot of fat, either, as fat slows the emptying of the stomach. Use alcohol and chocolate in moderation. Eat several small meals a day so that you don't overeat at any one meal.

The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements and Herbs

Nicola Reavley
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Supplements and herbs There are several supplements and herbal remedies that may be useful in improving liver function. Antioxidants help to protect the liver from free radical damage; and carnitine, choline and inositol may help to prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. Beneficial herbs include a group of plants known as bitters, which stimulate the flow of digestive juices from the glands of mouth, stomach, pancreas and small intestine. Bitters also stimulate liver activity, increasing both bile production and release from the gallbladder.

The Healthy Home: An Attic-to-Basement Guide to Toxin-Free Living

Linda Mason Hunter
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Leave herbal bouquets standing in open dishes for a fragrant smell. PESTICIDES Rachel Carson startled the world 25 years ago with dire warnings about pesticides in her landmark book, Silent Spring (Houghton Mifflin, 1962). Today, some of the compounds she rallied against, such as dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane (DDT) and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, have been yanked from the market. But pesticide use in the United States has more than doubled since the early 1960s.
Store them, then, with a fresh herbal sachet. SILVERFISH ¦ Silverfish feed on the starch of wallpaper paste and book bindings in environments with high humidity. Increase ventilation and reduce humidity in bathrooms and basements. ¦ Replace old, peeling wallpaper. Store books in a dry location. ¦ A silverfish trap can be made by placing strips of masking tape on the outside of a glass jar, from the rim to the base, to create a surface rough enough for the silverfish to climb.
Use eucalyptus oil on the skin or hair. herbal powders are even easier to use, and most contain pyrethrin flowers or diatomaceous earth. Apply the products outdoors daily until the fleas are gone. After that, use them two to four times a month for the rest of the flea season. ¦ Provide 1 to 4 teaspoons of brewer's yeast daily, depending on your pet's body weight. This will cause your pet to give off an odor that supposedly keeps fleas away, though you won't smell anything. Crushed garlic and/or brewer's yeast are very effective, but smelly, repellents if applied directly to the skin or hair.
Try some of these remedies: ¦ Use an herbal flea collar. You can find them in most pet shops. Don't use chemical flea collars, dips, or sprays. They're strong enough to kill an invading flea force, so did you ever consider what they may do to your pet? Some contain phosphate insecticides— spin-offs from research on nerve gas warfare. They work by paralyzing an insect's nervous system, but they also present a risk of heart and respiratory depression, allergies, damage to the nervous system, and in extreme cases, death for your pet. ¦ Use eucalyptus oil on the skin or hair.

The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profiteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex

John Lauritsen
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With regard to treatment options, PH adopt a "free marketplace of ideas" approach, with special emphasis on therapies which are commonly referred to as "alternative" or "holistic"; these would include nutritional therapies, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, herbal therapies, and acupuncture. Some people in PH have strong opinions, and do not hesitate to express them, but no one is obliged to go along with them. For example, Cass Mann is opposed to eating meat, fish or poultry, on ethical grounds and because of the various hormones, antibiotics and other adulterants found in flesh foods.

Prescription Alternatives, Third Edition: Hundreds of Safe, Natural Prescription-Free Remedies to Restore and Maintain Your Health

Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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When you travel pack natural remedies like prunes, psyllium or bran. • herbal remedies that contain cascara sagrada or senna stimulate contractions in the large intestine and rectum, moving the contents of the bowel. Don't use them more than once in a while, because you can quickly develop a dependency on them. • Supplementation of magnesium at 600 to 900 mg a day helps to relieve constipation by drawing water into the contents of the large intestine and by relaxing irritated, constricted intestinal walls.
Chinese Herbs The Chinese have dozens of tried and true herbal remedies called "patent medicines" that they have used for thousands of years. These are just starting to catch on in the United States. They are available at many health food stores and herb shops. There are two that work SHOULD YOU GET A FLU SHOT? Every fall Americans are put through the annual flu season vaccination ritual. The ritual goes like this: You go to your physician, he or she tells you that the flu can be deadly and that a flu shot will prevent it.

Prozac Backlash: Overcoming the Dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Other Antidepressants with Safe, Effective Alternatives

Joseph Glenmullen, M.D.
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Clinical research has also shown the increasingly popular herbal remedy St. John's wort is as effective as synthetic drugs for mild to moderate depression.63 In Germany, St. John's wort is the most commonly used antidepressant. For more severe depression, there are creative ways of combining short-term drug use with other treatment modalities with the goal of removing the medication after six months to a year. Evaluating when one might be ready to go off medication is an important priority. This should be reassessed at least once a year.
I recommended a local health food store where she could get the herbal preparation and more information. Zoe told me that in recent months she had begun drinking more, although not heavily. Still, she was concerned about it. I urged her to stop drinking altogether, since alcohol is a powerful central nervous system depressant that worsens depression. We also discussed Zoe's starting a diet and exercise regimen to help ward off depression. Unfortunately, in retrospect, I now know Zoe's efforts to try alternatives to Prozac were only halfhearted.

The Miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution for Pain

Stanley W. Jacob, M.D., Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D.
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Massive consumer interest and an avalanche of scientific discoveries about vitamin, mineral, amino acid, herbal, and phytochemical (natural plant compounds) supplementation in recent years are causing physicians to take a broader look at the health-promoring and cost-reducing porential that these natural substances offer. Research has demonstrated, for instance, that vitamin E supplementation combats arterial plaque formation and enhances immune function.

Breaking the Antibiotic Habit: A Parent's Guide to Coughs, Colds, Ear Infections, and Sore Throats

Paul A. Offit, M.D.m Bonnie Fass-Offit, M.D. and Louis M. Bell, M.D.
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For example, as we stated above, herbal teas were used in the 1700s to treat heart failure. In 1775 William Withering evaluated each of the herbs contained in those teas and found that one, digitalis, was important in strengthening the heart muscle. Subsequently, this compound, now synthesized as the medicine digoxin, was tested in scientific studies to see whether it worked and in which situations it worked best. Personal experience is fine, but "alternative" medicines should not be exempt from scientific study. c Laboratory Studies (Does it work in a test tube and in animals?

The Top Ten Herbs to Cure Big Diseases

Dr. Richard Schulze and Sam Biser
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If there is intestinal infection, add more Garlic bulb, and if there is any stomach or intestinal bleeding, add more Habanero pepper. All herbal formulae can be adjusted like this to meet your specific needs. Note from Sam Biser: This formula #1 is best for people who have trouble going. This is over 90% of the population. For the people who tend toward diarrhea, you need Dr. Schulze's #2 formula with charcoal in it. Covered next. My wife Sandy uses the first formula, while 1 am the overactive bowel type and use the second formula only.

Food Swings: Make the Life-Changing Connection Between the Foods You Eat and Your Emotional Health and Well-Being

Barnet Meltzer, M.D.
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I advise that the following herbal remedies be taken in the following dosages, along with 100 mg of 5-HTP, three times daily: þSaint John's wort (.3% hypericin): 300 mg three times daily for those under 55 þGinkgo biloba (24% ginkgo flavoglycosides): 60 mg three times daily for those over 55 ANTI-ANXIETY NUTRITIONAL TRANQUILIZERS Those suffering from depression often find it difficult to muster up the energy to do much of anything, and they generally feel emotionally exhausted. If depression is characterized by lethargy of the mind, body, and soul, anxiety is all about tension.
It's difficult to let go of American dietary staples such as milk, hamburgers, ice cream, coffee, and beer, and substitute them with healthy alternatives such as rice milk, garden burgers, fruit salads, and herbal teas. But I don't expect you take my word at face value. Find your favorite items on the Top Ten list, then check out what they're really doing to your body. /. White Refined Sugar: White refined sugar, or sucrose, drains your liver, imbalances your adrenal glands, overtaxes your nerves, and depletes your B vitamins.

Beating Cancer with Nutrition

Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS
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Dash and other herbal seasonings go with anything. If using a pressure cooker, use twice the amount of barley measurement for the water. Bring to a rock, then immediately remove from stove burner. Follow rest of the directions . Whole Wheat Piecrust 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons canola oil 1/4 cup water Stir dry ingredients together. Mix in oil. Add enough of the water to make the dough form a ball. Roll flat between sheets of waxed paper and lift into pan. Make edge.
Harry Hoxsey (1901-1974) popularized his great-grandfather's herbal formula which had reputedly cured horses of cancer. Harry Hoxsey's father was a veterinary surgeon who also used the formula on both animals and people with cancer. Yet Harry is the man who made the formula famous. Hoxsey's flamboyant and controversial style led to many encounters with federal officials and the American Medical Association. At his zenith in the U.S., Hoxsey had thousands of very happy cancer patients going to his 17 clinics across the country.
Many of the people listed below have staked their claim to herbal cures of cancer, including Caisse, Hoxsey, Winters, and others. Periwinkle plant is now the very acceptable cancer drug, vincristine. Undoubtedly, plant extracts will become a major source of cancer drugs in the future. James Duke, PhD, a well respected botanist with the United States Department of Agriculture, has written textbooks on the anti-cancer ingredients in many plants. If you have seen the movie "Medicine Man", then you can appreciate the complexities of trying to find the active ingredient(s) in plant extracts.

Food Swings: Make the Life-Changing Connection Between the Foods You Eat and Your Emotional Health and Well-Being

Barnet Meltzer, M.D.
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Have a salad, a smoothie, a fruit cup, or some herbal tea. Then, even if your natural appetite returns between regularly scheduled meals, hold off until the next designated eating time. This way, you'll stick to your daily agenda. 5. Substitute Intimate Conversation and Good Company for Overindulgence They say laughter is the best medicine. Companionship at mealtime is good for the soul, and it actually curbs your appetite by shifting the focus from eating to socializing. There are times when it is quite healing to enjoy breakfast or lunch alone, in a relaxed natural environment.

Healing Myths, Healing Magic: Breaking the Spell of Old Illusions; Reclaiming Our Power to Heal

Donald M. Epstein
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Natural healers, particularly those involved in herbal medicine and homeopathy, were gradually replaced by allopathic physicians. The practice of medicine was shifting from an art form, involving the application of natural remedies, into a "science." Instead of people being victimized by evil spirits that destroyed their health, bacteria became the villain. By the 1950s, bacterialost its status as the evil offender, and viruses became the primary cause of disease. Viruses then became less popular, and faulty DNA was blamed for victimizing people with poor health and disease.

When Healing Becomes A Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies

Kenny Ausubel
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When I arrived at USDA headquarters in Beltsville, Maryland, Duke shuttled me to his nearby herbal Vineyard, the small farm where he lives. A tall, gendemanly figure sporting a trim goatee, he spoke in gentle, southern tones with understated authority. Guiding me around the lush Eastern deciduous forest, he delighted in pointing out a number of Hoxsey's "herbaceous weeds" growing in his own backyard. We inspected red clover, burdock, prickly ash, barberry, poke, and buckthorn, as well as bloodroot, the herb in one of the Hoxsey external formulas.

Beating Cancer with Nutrition

Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS
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It includes fiber, an herbal laxative, proper bacteria for colonizing the intestines and botanicals for detoxification. You may be surprised at the fecal matter eliminated in the first few weeks on this program. One sliced ripe banana or less, depending on how thick you like your shakes. Banana adds texture via pectin to make this shake have true milk shake viscosity. If the banana is frozen, it will give a thick "milkshake-like" texture to your drink. 2-4 grams of buffered vitamin C powder from Emergen-C or Seraphim.

The Green Pharmacy Anti-Aging Prescriptions: Herbs, Foods, and Natural Formulas to Keep You Young

James A. Duke, Ph.D.
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In China, the seeds of the sour jujube are probably the most commonly used herbal treatment for insomnia and nightmares. Studies have demonstrated that the herb has sedative effects in both animals and humans. It contains quite an array of sedative compounds, including spinosin, swertisin, and zivulgarin. Sour jujube isn't that widely available in the United States. I have the plant in my Garden of Youth, and I know of a few other places where it's grown. If you want to try it, you may be able to find it in a Chinese herb shop.

Breaking the Antibiotic Habit: A Parent's Guide to Coughs, Colds, Ear Infections, and Sore Throats

Paul A. Offit, M.D.m Bonnie Fass-Offit, M.D. and Louis M. Bell, M.D.
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In the 1700s, the plant foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) was used in herbal teas to treat dropsy (heart failure). The active ingredient in foxglove (digitalis) is now given in pure form and is a standard therapy for those who suffer from heart disease. So one century's "alternative" medicine is the next century's mainstream medicine. There are, however, important differences in the way that drugs and "alternative" medicines are treated in this country. In 1994, Congress passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.

Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research

John Boik
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Traditional herbal treatment of cancer relies heavily on herbs from two categories of action: herbs that supplement, and herbs that clear heat. Their function, in Chinese, is fu zheng qu xie, which literally means to "support the correct and eliminate the pathogen." This strategy attempts to strengthen the patient (and his or her immune system) while concurrently attacking the cancer with herbs that clear heat. Herbs that "reduce accumulations" are also used. Herbs that reduce accumulations include some herbs from the categories regulate the blood, transform phlegm, and rectify the qi.
NATURAL AGENTS THAT STIMULATE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM 8.4.1 herbal Agents 8.4.2 Melatonin 8.4.3 Tnymostimulin 8.4.4 Oilier Agents that Stimulate the immune System 8.5 NATURAL AGENTS THAT SUPPRESS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM 8.6 SUMMARY 8.1 OVERVIEW OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Without an immune system we would quickly fall prey to the plethora of viruses, bacteria, and parasites that live within and around us.
To some degree, parts of this approach have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, where one of the traditional herbal strategies for treating cancer is "invigo-ration" of the blood circulation using fibrinolytic and other agents. However, the effects of this traditional strategy on angiogenesis has not been determined. Obviously, the degree to which fibrinolysis can be stimulated may be limited. Patients with cancer often are recovering from surgeries or have tumors that bleed. Excessive fibrinolysis in these patients could be catastrophic.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Nutrients:

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...and Drugs:

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...and Food and drug administration
...and Lancet

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Hormones
...and Insulin
...and Steroid
...and Saliva
...and Histamine
...and Estrogens
...and Stomach acid
...and Cortisol
...and Methionine

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Body weight
...and Height
...and Heart rate
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose

...and Animals:

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