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The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbs

Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien
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Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Information Center of the National Agricultural Library, this database contains bibliographic records and abstracts on vitamins, minerals, and herbal dietary supplements. New York Botanical Garden http: / / www.nybg.org One of the United States' foremost botanical gardens, also accessible in virtual form. Paracelsus http: / / www.teleport.com/~ibis/paracib.html This site provides valuable information about the integrated use of a wide range of therapeutic methods in health care.

Healing with Plants in the American and Mexican West

Margarita Artschwager Kay
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Ancient compilers of herbal knowledge included the Greeks Hippocrates, Aristotle, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, and Galen and the Romans Pliny and Celsus in the early centuries of the Christian era. Their books, ancient summaries of even older writings, remained the mainstay of medical theory, passing into Arabic hands during medieval centuries. Arabic interpreters of these Greek and Roman writers included Avicenna, the Persian Rhazes, and the Jewish Maimonides, whose works were valued in Moorish Spain. With the onset of the Crusades, Europe was again exposed to ancient medical theory.

The Practical Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Mark Bricklin
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Spoerke, David G. herbal Medications. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Woodbridge Press, 1980. This has become one of my favorite reference works, because it is one of the very few herb books written by a scientist in nontechnical language. The author is associate clinical professor of clinical pharmacy at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy and is also managing director of the Intermountain Regional Poison Control Center. Dr. Spoerke's book is valuable not so much because of what it tells you to do with herbs but for what it tells you not to do with them.

Healing with Plants in the American and Mexican West

Margarita Artschwager Kay
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But the common people came rarely to these doctors for medical aid, not only because a fee was charged for their services, but also because the medicinal value of herbs was common knowledge and they could concoct remedies from their own gardens" (Emmart 1940:48; italics in original). An herbal garden may still be seen in Cuernavaca, on the grounds where both Cortes and Mexico's ill-fated Emperor Maximilian (1864-67) had their palaces. It is used today for teaching folk healers.17 There were also great herb gardens near Tenochtitlan and throughout the Aztec empire (Nuttall 1923).
At the same school, an herbal was written by an Aztec doctor, Martin de la Cruz, and translated into Latin by a colleague there, Juan Badiano (Gates 1939); written to impress the Europeans with its sophistication, it too neglected the Aztec theory of illness and cure (Ortiz de Montellano 1990:20). In 1571 Philip II, the successor to Charles I in Spain, sent Hernandez to study the natural history of the New World. Hernandez, born into a family of conver-sos, was a scientist trained in medicine at Alcala de Henares.
More is recorded about medicinal plants for babies because infant care information usually follows discussions of childbirth in herbal books and ethnographic records. Infants Across the cultures of the American and Mexican West, 'cold' was seen as the most serious threat to the health of the infants. However, many other concerns—such as preventing infection of the umbilical cord stump and eyes of the newborn, relieving colic, promoting sleep, relieving the itching of diaper rash, treating diarrhea, and raising the fontanelle—also received attention.

Healing Pets With Nature's Miracle Cures

Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A.
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A combination of biological response modifiers, Magnolia Plus herbal combination, and acupuncture has cured many patients. BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA Bacterial pneumonia frequently occurs secondary to other disease. Predisposing diseases in the dog include megaesophagus, aspiration, airway foreign bodies, viral infections (canine distemper), and immune deficiency. Predisposing diseases in the cat include aspiration, airway foreign bodies, bite wounds, and viral infections such as feline leukemia virus (FELV), feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), and feline immunodeficiency virus (FTy7).
It is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of all diseases are self-limiting and will heal without drug or herbal intervention. Nature has marvelous healing abilities, and the symptoms that we are presented with should not be suppressed but studied so that a holistic approach to disease can be instituted to affect a permanent cure. When the body's natural healing system is overloaded, symptoms and disease situations result. If we only treat the symptoms instead of the underlying imbalance, the situation may result in chronic disease and susceptibility to a more serious situation in the future.
It has been suggested that one of the underlying reasons that certain herbs and mushrooms have long been regarded as being healthful in traditional Chinese and Japanese dietary and herbal practices is partly because of their polysaccharides. In particular, astragalus, Lycium fruit, ganoderma, cordyceps, and shiitake, when consumed in large amounts, may provide enough polysaccharides to yield a medicinal immunological effect.
Researchers at Hunan Medical University refer to cordyceps as one of the most potent herbal tonics in traditional Chinese medicine. Their findings show that cordyceps activates NK cells in vitro and in animals and has significant antitumor activity. They concluded that cordyceps could be used as an immunopotentiating agent both in the treatment of cancer and in patients with deficient immune systems.34 It is well known that patients with autoimmune diseases possess low NK cell activity. I have used this herb as adjunctive therapy in all autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.
How exactly this herbal formula works is not totally understood; however, the main active ingredient, gastrodia, is composed of various chemicals including vanillin, which has been shown to have anticonvulsive effects.31 Pets with neurologic diseases, in particular, need foods that are high in B-complex vitamins. For example, thiamine (Bj) is required for normal functioning of all body cells, especially nerves. A deficiency can prone a patient to neuritis, muscular weakness, dizziness, and mental confusion.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Cooking for Healthy Healing, How to be Your Own herbal Pharmacist, and Party Lights, as well as a Library Series of specialty booklets on nutritional healing. Dr. Rector-Page speaks nationwide regarding Lifestyle therapy on radio and TV talk shows and at conventions. DR. JANE GUILTINAN Natural Health Clinic Bastyr University Seattle, WA (206) 632-0354 Dr. Guiltinan, chief medical officer at Bastyr University, Seattle, Washington, has been a naturopathic physician for ten years, specializing in women's health care and immune system disorders.

Healing with Plants in the American and Mexican West

Margarita Artschwager Kay
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Most of all, thank you Art Kay, for letting me drag you through herbal gardens here and in Mexico, Europe, and Africa and for teaching me how to write about what I saw. I hope that Healing with Plants in the American and Mexican West can be a useful source of information for doctors, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacologists, toxicologists, and other health-care providers. My purpose is to present facts with neither advocacy nor wholesale condemnation about healing traditions that use plant remedies.

PDR for Nutritional Supplements

Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik
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The leaves of Lagerstroemia speci-osa are used in Southeast Asia as an herbal remedy for a number of disorders, including diabetes and obesity. In the Phillipines, the plant is known by the Tagalog name of banaba. Colosolic acid has been reported to activate glucose transport in cell cultures and to lower glucose in diabetic mice. There are a few reports that colosolic acid lowers blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetic subjects. However, none of these reports has appeared in peer-reviewed scientific literature.

The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating

Rebecca Wood
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It's one of the most common ingredients in Chinese herbal formulas, for it moderates the strong effects of other ingredients and makes them more effective. Licorice reduces vata and pitta. Use A common flavoring ingredient in tobacco, beer, soft drinks, and medicines, licorice has an anise- or fennel-like aroma with a strong, dominating sweetness. This taste overwhelms both sweet and spicy dishes, except when minute quantities are blended with other spices—a pinch of powdered licorice added to fruit juices or punch adds an interesting note of flavor.
Use Caraway seeds may be chewed or infused as an herbal tea. The seeds are used to flavor breads, cakes, and pastries, and vegetable and meat dishes, especially in German, Austrian, and Scandinavian cuisine. The feathery, mild:flavored greens are used, before they flower, as an herb. Cook the taproot as you would a carrot. See Carrot Family; Herbs and Spices. CARDAMOM (Elettaria cardamomum) Cardamom, an Old World spice that tastes like lemon zest and eucalyptus, is a member of the ginger family.
In Peru, anise ranks with chamomile as a popular herbal tea and is listed on many restaurant menus. In Mediterranean regions, fresh anise greens are used as a salad ingredient and a cooked vegetable. See Herbs and Spices. Anjou Pear See Pear. ANNATTO Achiote, Lipstick Tree (Bixa orellana) The rust-colored seeds of the annatto evergreen are a potent, almost neon orange-red colorant. The intensity of color is comparable to turmeric only it is predominantly salmon red rather than mustard yellow.
Use While mature alfalfa is typically fermented into silage for cattle, for human consumption it is sprouted and its pea-flavored leaves are used in salads or as a medicinal tea and herbal supplement. See Sprouts. Algae See Microalgae; Seaweed. ALMOND (Prunus dulcis) A cousin of peaches, plums, and apricots, the almond is our oldest cultivated nut; wild almonds have been found in excavated Greek archaeological sites dating from 8000 b.c. Two types of almonds are grown—sweet and bitter. Sweet almonds are used primarily as a nutmeat.
For such individuals, digestive enhancers are available, including enzymes, probiotics, and various herbal formulas. General food-combining guidelines for people with sensitive digestion include: • Eat fruit by itself as a snack rather than combined with other foods; or when it's pie for dessert, give your digestive process some time between dinner and dessert. • Milk is most easily digested when consumed alone.

PDR for Nutritional Supplements

Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik
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Arnica is available in homeopathic preparations, herbal tinctures and topical ointments, gels and creams. Arnica is listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS). HOW SUPPLIED Cream Gel — 1% Ointment Pellets Tablets Tincture Topical Spray LITERATURE Ernst E, Pittler MH. Efficacy of homeopathic arnica: a systematic review of placebo-controlled clinical trials. Arch Surg. 1998; 133:1187-1190. Hart O, Mullee MA, Lewith G, Miller J.
Newall CA, Anderson LA, Phillipson, JD. herbal Medicines: A Guide for Health-Care Professionals. London: The Pharmaceutical Press; 1996, ppll0-113. Vaddahi KS. The use of gamma-linolenic acid and linoleic acid to differentiate between temporal lobe epilepsy and schizophrenia. Prostaglandins Med. 1981; 6:375-379. Fish Oils TRADE NAMES Fish oil is available generically from numerous manufacturers. Branded products include MaxEPA, Super EPA, Omega 3 (several manufacturers), Sof-Gel E.P.A.
Arnica is available in homeopathic preparations, in herbal tinctures and in topical products. Externally applied tinctures of arnica are commonly used in countries such as Germany to treat contusions, sprains, hematomas, rheumatic disorders and superficial inflammations of the skin. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY ACTIONS Arnica has putative analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities.

When Healing Becomes A Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies

Kenny Ausubel
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The history of the herbal treatment of cancer," he wrote, is synonymous with "the history of medicine, indeed of civilization."7 Covering more than three thousand species, Hartwell's compilation listed all the Hoxsey herbs. They ranged from having three to over thirty citations each—a very impressive score, Duke noted.8 A number of the plants, Duke pointed out, contained chemical compounds "of considerable interest" to the NCI.

PDR for Nutritional Supplements

Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik
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Box 8299 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 934-5556 (610) 688-4400 Nutritional Products Available: Amphojel Suspension Basaljel Capsules Basaljel Tablets YERBA PRIMA 740 Jefferson Avenue Ashland, OR 97520-3743 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 488-4339 FAX: (541) 488-2443 Nutritional Products Available: Colon Care Formula Psyllium Seed Capsules Great Plains Bentonite Clay Liquid Psyllium Husks 100% Pure Powder ZAND herbal FORMULAS 1722 14th Street, Suite #230 Boulder, CO 80302 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 731-8420 E-mail: [email protected] www.zand.

Natural Cures

Michael Castleman
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Dick at a scientific Never Treat Children's Colds with Aspirin In children under 18 who are experiencing significant discomfort from fever caused by colds, flu or chickenpox, do not give aspirin or its herbal equivalents, willow bark, meadowsweet or wintergreen. The combination of viral fevers and aspirin is associated with Reyes syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal illness that affects the brain and liver. Instead, place the child in a tepid bath. If you can't resist medication, give acetaminophen (Tylenol, Panadol, St. Joseph Aspirin-Free). When in doubt, call your child's physician.

Prescription Alternatives, Third Edition: Hundreds of Safe, Natural Prescription-Free Remedies to Restore and Maintain Your Health

Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Sometimes a little herbal help in relaxation can help start you on the path to healing. Kava (Piper methysticum): If you're suffering from depression and anxiety caused by chronic pain, an herb called kava might do the job for you. This member of the pepper family grows as a bush in the South Pacific. Kava is a sedative and muscle relaxant. The South Pacific Islanders, who use it in much the same way many people in North America use alcohol, describe kava as a calming drink that brings on a feeling of contentment, well-being and encourages socializing.
Glaucoma If you have glaucoma, you can try an herbal remedy that's been used in India for centuries. Derived from the coleus plant, forskohlin relaxes blood vessel walls to relieve high blood pressure and high intraocular pressure. Look for capsules of forskohlhii and take 200 to 400 mg per day. A new and very promising natural glaucoma remedy is huperzine-A, an extract of the Chinese plant known as club moss. Hup-erzine has been extensively studied as a memory booster, and it was found to also help reduce glaucoma symptoms.

The New Holistic Health Handbook: Living Well in a New Age

Berkeley Holistic Health Center and Shepherd Bliss
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It is an herbal first-aid remedy for pain when applied locally to the affected part. One of the best poultices I have ever used is made of three parts comfrey, one part lobelia, and one part cayenne. Plantain is a valuable herb because it is usually found anywhere. There are two varieties: broadleaf and lanceleaf. Both are equally good as a poultice for drawing, as a mild blood purifier, diuretic, and external pain reliever, and for bringing down inflammations.
Thomas Johnson Gerard's herbal, 1636 "O plants and herbs! You have the power to rescue this sufferer! I call upon and adjure you to make the remedy I prepare powerful and effective." Atharva Veda HERBS HAVE been and still can be used to save lives. In addition they can be used to help regenerate bodies which have been sub- _I jected to the various pollutants of Western civilization. More and more we see both young and old seeking their way back to the ways of nature as lived by the Native Americans, Chinese, and Eastern peoples.
To keep solid wastes moving, use an enema or herbal laxative for three nights, beginning the night before the fast. Some people prefer taking a colonic irrigation before and after the fast. Additionally, use a good intestinal cleanser made with a ground psillium-seed base (this invaluable item may be obtained through health-product distributors or stores). Shake a heaping teaspoonful in four ounces of water or juice, then follow with an additional twelve ounces of liquid; take this five times daily for three to six days. 2.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Histamine
...and Estrogens
...and Stomach acid
...and Cortisol
...and Methionine

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Body weight
...and Height
...and Heart rate
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose

...and Animals:

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