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Within an herbal or natural remedy there may be more icine through research on their safety and efficacy. "As a physician," says Adriane Fugh-Berman, a medical officer at the National Institutes of Health and author of Alternative Medicine: What Works, "I've seen scientific evidence of these therapies in the form of clinical trials.

The Memory Solution

Dr. Julian Whitaker
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I've read several studies in which herbal supplements were analyzed and found to contain little or none of the herb identified on the label!) For example, let's say you are shopping for the herb feverfew, which is used for the prevention of migraine headaches. You go into a store and find, say, six different brands of feverfew. Some may be tablets, some may be capsules, and the potency of each may vary, but all of the products appear to be pretty much the same. How do you know which brand to choose? You may decide, all things appearing equal, to purchase the least expensive.

Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives: A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients Vitamin E

Ruth Winter
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Used as a flavoring in alcoholic beverages only and to soothe irritated skin in herbal creams. MALATHION • Yellow liquid derived from diethyl maleate and dimethyldithio-phosphoric acid, it is an insecticide against such pests as aphids, the leaf-cutter bee, and the Mediterranean fruit fly. Toxic when absorbed through the skin and can damage transmission of nerve signals.

The Way of Herbs

Michael Tierra
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CHINESE HERBS China is perhaps unique in the world in its long commitment to preventative medicine through the use of herbal tonics. The tonic herbs have several uses, including direct treatment of acute ailments, building strength in the recovery process, balancing the body's energy and preventing disease from occurring. These herbs are combined to make tonic soups providing nourishment and gentle stimulation to the organs. The Chinese herbs are becoming more readily available in the West, and many of the ones described here can be purchased in herb stores around the United States.

Earl Mindell's Secret Remedies

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Gotu kola—This herb has been used in India and China for hundreds of years, where it is part of traditional herbal medicine. Recent studies show that gotu kola has a positive effect on the circulatory system by strengthening the veins and capillaries, thereby improving the flow of blood throughout the body, including to the brain. Siberian ginseng—This form of ginseng has been known to ancient Chinese for more than three thousand years.
Vitex is found in many herbal formulas designed to treat menopausal symptoms. Anise, fennel, licorice root, and red clover—These herbs contain phytoestrogens, which may account for their traditional use as a milk promoter in nursing mothers. Although each has only mild estrogenic activity, they may help ease some of the discomforts of menopause, especially when added to other phytoestrogenic herbs and foods. Foods rich in phytoestrogens include alfalfa, apples, barley, carrots, cherries, chick peas, garlic, green beans, oats, peas, potatoes, rice, rye, wheat, and, especially, yams.
Combination supplement for gallbladder health: I recommend a combination herbal formula, that is, one capsule containing peppermint, dandelion, and turmeric. Several commercial brands are available at natural-food stores. Take one to three capsules daily. Gastrointestinal Disorders Gl disorders are a virtual epidemic in the United States—diet is a major culprit. The cure? A change in diet and lifestyle.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs

John Heinerman
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There are various types of this herbal compound under different names at some but not all health food stores. An alternative to this that is just as effective calls for rubbing a little aloe gel obtained from & fresh plant leaf'with an equal small amount of juicy latex gathered from afresh milkweed plant, between your wet thumb and index finger until well mixed. This mixture is then gently brushed over the closed eyelids towards the corners of the eye, but never under any circumstances to be rubbed into the eyes direct!
Ghee is used as an excellent base for many herbal salves and oils in India by Ayurvedic folk healers everywhere. This is nothing more than clarified butter, a delicious and fragrant oil that is semi-solid at room temperature. To make this ghee, melt 2 pounds of butter in a saucepan until it reaches a slow, rolling boil. Remove from the heat and carefully skim off the foam with a spoon. Return the pot to the heat and repeat this procedure twice more, removing as much of the foam as possible and discarding it.
A new kind of herbal combination called Artichoke/Garlic may be obtained through the mail from Old Amish Herbs out of St. Petersburg, Florida (see Appendix). Recommended intake has been 2-4 capsules per day with meals as necessary. Remedy for Liver Problems Certain acids in artichokes definitely help to activate liver function. Scientific literature indicates a definite improvement in liver problems when artichoke is regularly used. A Quick Three-Minute Salad Ever in a hurry and don't have much time to fix yourself something to eat? How about whipping up an instant artichoke salad?
A Multi-Purpose Health Tea Maurice Messegu6, a world-renowned French herbal folk healer, swears by basil as an excellent nightcap tea for restlessness and migraines. He also recommends the tea to promote more milk in nursing mothers, and as a useful gargle for Candida albicans or yeast infection of the mouth and throat. It's also very, very good for women to take before and after childbirth to promote blood circulation. The steaming tea is also good for a patient with fever to hold his head over and inhale while covered with a blanket.

The Way of Herbs

Michael Tierra
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One of the best herbal enemas is catnip tea. Others which are also very useful are those made from a combination of nervines, such as lobelia or skullcap, with astringents, such as yellow dock or bayberry bark. Use equal parts in making a strong tea for use as an enema. Enemas are given cool (but not cold) if one is trying to remove old waste that has dried and hardened on the intestinal walls. A cool catnip enema is useful to reduce fever. Enemas are given warm for treating nervous conditions.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs

John Heinerman
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Unsurpassed Blood Purifier Burdock root is perhaps the most widely used of all blood purifiers, among the best the herbal kingdom has to offer for this, and the most important herb for treating chronic skin problems. It's one of the few that can effectively treat eczema, acne, psoriasis, boils, herpes and syphilitic sores, styes, carbuncles, cankers and the like. To make an effective tea, bring 1 quart of water to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer, adding 4 tsp. cut, dried root. Cover and let simmer for 7 minutes, then remove from heat and let steep for 2 hours longer.

The Way of Herbs

Michael Tierra
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To make the herbal soup, combine six to seven grams (about one-quarter ounce) of each of the desired herbs in a large nonmetallic pot. Use a quart of water per ounce of herbs and simmer for an hour. Drink one cup of tea, once per day, reheating the soup each day until it is all used. Always include some licorice in the formula. Most of the Chinese herbs mentioned in this book are considered to be tonics of either the Yin-body, Yang-energy, Yin-blood or tonics for specific organs. Usually these herbs are used in a powerful Chinese herb soup.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs

John Heinerman
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In his book, Honest herbal, he explains how it probably works: "(1) Bran dilutes, in the large amount of water held by the fiber, any carcinogens which might be present and (2) decreases the contact time with potentially damaging substances, since the larger stool is expelled more rapidly." Bran Good for Diabetes Both adult and juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus can be helped by the frequent consumption of either wheat or sorghum brans. One clinical study noted that wheat bran can exert a mild reduction in the insulin needs of young, insulin-dependent diabetic subjects.

The Way of Herbs

Michael Tierra
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A native of Africa, where it has been used in tribal marriage rituals, yohimbine is probably the strongest purely herbal aphrodisiac effective for both men and women. Yohimbine from the herb is one of the only recognized medical drug aphrodisiacs. It dilates the blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes, which causes the blood to rise closer to the surface of the sex organs. Because yohimbe increases pelvic circulation and stimulates erections, one should be careful to not aggravate prior irritation of the kidneys, colon, or prostate.

The Way of Chinese Herbs

Michael Tierra, L.Ac, O.M.D.
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Chinese herbal medicine is based on the Four Diagnoses: observation, palpation, interrogation, and listening. The practitioner first begins by listening and evaluating the patient's primary and secondary complaints, noting at the same time complexion, level of vitality, physical appearance, openness, and emotional demeanor. All of these are evaluated according to yin-yang principles. Ten basic questions encompassing symptoms that are not obvious through assessment by any other method are asked: 1. Ask about chills and fever and sensitivity to heat and cold. 2.
United Kingdom British herbal Medicine Association PO Box 304 Bournemouth BH7 6JZ phone: 01202-433691 Council for Acupuncture 179 Gloucester Place London NW1 6DX phone: 0171-724-5330 London School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine 60 Bunhill Row London EC1Y 8QD phone: 0171-490-0513 Australia Acupuncture Ethics and Standards Organization PO Box 84 Merrylands NSW 2160 Australian College of Oriental Medicine 24 Price Road Lalorama VIC 3766 phone: (03) 728-4073 CORRESPONDENCE COURSE East West Herb Course P.O.
Rice, being the most balanced food, makes a good extractive for herbal wines. In the Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang (Sacred and Beneficial Formulas from the Tai Ping), compiled during the Song and Yuan Dynasties (969-1368), it is stated: Wine is the essence of grain. It harmonizes and nourishes the Spirit and Qi. Having a fast and strong energy, it must be used carefully. It is readily absorbed through the stomach and intestines, efficiently carrying the therapeutic energy of all medicines directly into the blood.
In Chinese medicine, herbal teas are called tang, which means soup. This is because the ingredients of formulas are based not on the total amount of herbs but on the dose of each, so that many ingredients can constitute a large total herb amount. Furthermore, these are usually decocted for a prolonged period (30 minutes to 1 hour)—sometimes double-decocted, which makes them quite strong and souplike. Chinese soups provide warm, flavorful liquids that can be taken throughout the meal.
Chinese herbal medicine is a very complex subject, and mastery requires years of dedicated study. Still, perhaps, the most important use of this book for the Western layperson is to learn how to integrate Chinese herbs into their lives, as most traditional Chinese know very well how to do. The goal is to achieve the confidence to begin with a few herbs and formulas and then add to them as your needs expand.
TN7 4ET phone: (011-44-1) 342-826-347; fax: (011-44-1) 342-822-312 CHINESE MEDICAL SUPPLIES (Moxibustion, Cups, Dermal Hammers, Magnets) Oriental Medical Supplies 1950 Washington Street Braintree, MA 02184 phone: (800) 323-1839 PLANETARY FORMULAS Planetary Formulas are an herbal product line created by Dr. Michael Tierra over years of clinical experience. They are composed of Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic herbs in tablet, liquid extract, or syrup form and can be used to treat a large variety of ailments and meet a great many health needs.

The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century

James F. Balch, M.D.
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Ginkgo Biloba Extract Ginkgo biloba extract is more an herbal preparation than a food. It is extracted from the leaves of the ginkgo tree. The word "biloba" means that these leaves have two lobes, like a couple of Japanese fans held together at the base. It has been used in Europe to help manage problems with circulation. It is particularly helpful in increasing blood flow in the smallest blood vessels, the capillaries.

The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D.
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Therapies, all of which aim to balance qi, include acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, massage, herbal remedies, and the practice of meditation, concentration, and exercise known as qigong. With the exception of moxibustion and cupping, this book contains chapters discussing each of these therapies, and all are described briefly below. What Practitioners Say It Does Unlike Western medicine, Chinese medicine is not disease-specific. It is concerned instead with discovering the unique underlying dysfunction that allows illness to develop in a particular individual.

The Way of Herbs

Michael Tierra
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A salve can be made by first preparing an herbal oil, heating it and then adding melted beeswax sufficient to obtain the desired consistency (about one and one-half ounces per pint of oil). The quickest method is to extract the herbs in hot oil, allowing about two hours for roots and barks to extract in oil heated to just below the point where it will bubble. Keep the pot covered. Add leaves and flowers next, and continue to cook gently for another hour. Then add the melted wax and stir well.

The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Healing

Gary Null, Ph.D.
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Nishiyama, et al., "An herbal Prescription, S-113m, Consisting of Biota, Ginseng and Schizandra, Improves Learning Performance in Senescence Accelerated Mouse," Biol Pharm Bull, 19(3), March 1996, p. 388-393. Results of this study showed that the administration of 8 g/kg per day of a Panax ginseng extract over a period of 12-33 days reduced impairment of learning performance on a radial maze task in aged rats. —H. Nitta, et al.

The Memory Solution

Dr. Julian Whitaker
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Before taking any herbal treatments, do your homework. Make sure you take herbs as recommended, carefully considering possible allergic reactions and interactions with drugs you may be taking. Never exceed the recommended doses. Pregnant or nursing women should approach all herbs with caution. And all herbs should be kept out of reach of children. NATURE'S MEMORY BOOSTERS Some of the most exciting recent medical findings involve the power of herbs. Garlic, for instance, has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Horse chestnut has been used to help eliminate varicose veins.

The Complete Book of Alternative Nutrition

Selene Y. Craig, Jennifer Haigh, Sari Harrar and the Editors of PREVENTION Magazine Health Books
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An anti-pitta diet will prevent a pitta cough from becoming worse, but usually herbal treatment is also needed, he says. Laryngitis. This can result from an excess of any of the three doshas, says Dr. Frawley. Kapha is indicated by white mucus, pitta by yellow mucus, sore throat and fever, and vata by a dry throat and low voice. It's treated similarly to cough, with vata and kapha types responding to dosha-pacifying diets. Pitta requires stronger treatment, Dr. Frawley says. Sinusitis. Sinusitis is a kapha condition, says Dr. Glaser.
Glaser recommends herbal drops in the nose, a treatment called nasya. Bob Wartinger, a corporate manager who lives in Seattle, used a kapha-pacifying diet to clear up his congestion. A kapha-pitta,Wartinger was prone to sinus problems and colds and was seeing Dr. Sodhi for advice on boosting his energy for peak performance. Dr. Sodhi put him on a kapha-pacifying diet—no dairy products, wheat or sugar, including a ban on fructose in fruit juice. "It was hard, because I loved lasagna and orange juice," Wartinger says. "But I made the changes and felt better almost immediately. No more sinusitis.
Beverage choices include hot herbal tea, hot chocolate, hot milk and fruit juices. *Ghee, which is used often in Ayurvedic cooking, is simply clarified butter. Lunch —Cottage cheese, pasta salad and a small lettuce salad Snack —Yogurt and/or a warm drink Dinner—Pasta Primavera (page 105) Pitta Menus In general, pitta people should seek cool foods and drinks. Favor those foods with predominantly sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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