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Herbal Defense

Robyn Landis
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Glycerine can be purchased at any drugstore.) Strain, bottle, and store in a cool, dark place (the tincture does not need to be refrigerated). Tincture Dosages Karta Purkh feels that, unfortunately, tinctures are one of the most widely misunderstood forms of natural medicine. The primary misconception involves dosages. There is a very widespread impression (fostered largely by the dosages printed on the bottles) that you can put 3 drops of a tincture in some orange juice and get all better.
The outrage is disproportionate to a highly questionable degree. Note: While the specific Texas proposal analyzed above was withdrawn, another very much like it has actually become reality in Nebraska. In July 1996, the Nebraska State Legislature passed a law prohibiting the over-the-counter sale of any ephedra- or ephedrine-containing supplement product. These products are now controlled substances that can only be dispensed by written prescription. As described above, FDA-approved OTC drug products are exempted. Only dietary supplements containing ephedra or ephedrine are restricted.
THE GIFT I WANT TO GIVE I have some things that a lot of people want. I feel fantastic—strong, healthy, and energetic—virtually all the time. I feel like I grow healthier and look younger every year. I don't live in fear of disease. I don't have the daily physical complaints most people do. I don't get colds and flu. I'm very clear about what keeps me this way, and it's not "luck." I derive such tremendous satisfaction and value from living the way I do, and am so fascinated by the gentle plant medicines that help me achieve the kind of health I enjoy; how could I not want to share it?
It's also among the most popular herbs in other countries, especially in Europe, where much of the research supporting its efficacy has been conducted.) Echinacea has the distinction of being near the top of the "favorite" list of nearly every health professional I interviewed. For example, at Dr. Ann McComb's Center for Optimal Health in Bellevue, Washington, echinacea (along with Vitamin C, and goldenseal if bacterial infection is involved) is a standard protocol for all upper-respiratory conditions. Few antibiotics or antihistamines are ever prescribed.

Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment

Donald R. Yance, j r.,C.N., M.H., A.H.G., with Arlene Valentine
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Supplements for Low Platelet Count Supplement Daily dose Red root 60-120 drops (Yi-l teaspoon) 3 times daily (It is truly amazing how well this works) Marrow Plus or Composition-A 4 tablets, 3 times daily or 4-5 tablets, 3 times daily SP500 (Spleen Extract) 2-6 tablets daily with meals Melatonin 1-10 mg taken before bed Shark oil 1,000 mg, 3-6 times daily Table 11.

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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Finish with citrus fruit salad and herbal tea. DINNER 4-6 oz. grilled halibut with ginger. 1 medium baked potato topped with l/i teaspoon cinnamon. 6 oz. apple, raisin, and walnut salad with a splash of balsamic vinegar. Finish with a glass of rice milk. DAY 2 BREAKFAST 4 oz. fruit mixed with 2 cups plain yogurt. Finish with 1 cup soy milk. LUNCH 4-6 oz. lentil soup with 1 sLice rye toast. Finish with a sliced banana with cinnamon. DINNER 8 oz. grilled dark-meat fowl with yz cup mixed portobello and reishi mushrooms. Finish with 6 oz. mixed berry smoothie. DAY 3 BREAKFAST 6 oz.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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If the catarrhal state were found to be more than just a sustaining cause then it would require deeper treatment using lymphatic and expectorant herbs. Sometimes, where there is a good understanding of the main predisposing cause and a very effective treatment, only this cause needs to be treated. For example, Ross River virus infection, which is endemic in Australia, can lead to a chronic condition with joint pain, lethargy and night sweats due to the persistence of the immune imbalance caused by the virus.

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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Lemon herbal tea. LUNCH 6-8 oz. steamed or baked chicken breast cooked with 3 bay leaves. 6 oz. cauliflower, beet, and green bean salad mixed with olive oil. Finish with mango juice. DINNER 8 oz. lean steak with 4 oz. jasmine rice and 6 oz. mixed grilled vegetable salad sprinkled with dill. Finish with banana puree and a touch of cocoa powder. HEALTHY 1 whole-grain nutrition bar; y4 cup nuts; veggie SNACKS burger on whole-wheat bun with tomato sauce and oregano; 4 oz.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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PVR = postvoid residual **p<0.001 PSA = prostate-specific antigen IPSS = international prostate symptom score Footnote: A curious aspect of this study is the marked placebo effect which developed in a 24-week unblinded phase which followed the placebo phase. Nonetheless, active treatment remained significantly superior to placebo. SIDE EFFECTS The clinical information in Tables 1-3 suggests that LESP is well tolerated by most patients and causes relatively few side effects. No serious side effects can be conclusively attributed to therapy with LESP.

The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps

Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith
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In the Resource Directory you'll find a list of cleansing and detoxification centers across the United States. Some of these allow for weekly stays, which can be especially helpful to those dealing with multiple health issues or who simply need more structure. I CHAPTER 9 TOXIC MYTHS AND THE TRAIL OF CHEMICALS IN OUR DAILY LIVES The ubiquity of pollutants in our bodies was recently brought to the attention of Canadian politicians, and reported with the comedic heading "Pollutants in Politics: Chemical Testing Reveals Party Leaders' Toxic Relationship." But it was no laughing matter.

Super Health 7 Golden Keys to Unlock Lifelong Vitality

KC Craichy
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Here are three good alternatives: DISCOVER TEAS—ORGANIC GREEN, WHITE, BLACK, AND herbal TEAS Mighty Leaf Teas in silk bags. Many of these teas are organic and caffeine-free. See www.mightyleaf.com. Long Life Teas in unbleached bags. Many of these teas are organic and caffeine-free. See www.long-life.com. Yogi Tea. Many of these teas are organic and caffeine free. See www.yogitea.com. Flora Health USA (www.florahealth.

The Sunfood Diet Success System

David Wolfe
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Regularly ingesting green-vegetable juices, anti-fungal, liver cleansing herbal teas, mineral-rich sea vegetables, organic, cold-pressed oils and nutrient-rich, whole-food powders, such as Nature's First Food. Avoiding the excessive intake of fruit and other sugars will also be beneficial. Skin For beautiful, healthy, glowing skin, eat plenty of foods rich in silicon (cucumbers, horsetail herb, nettles, lettuce, nopales, okra, radishes, etc.). Regularly eat the Silicon Salad described in Appendix C: Sunfood Recipes. Silicon-residue foods help to restore the elastic skin of youth.

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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Efforts to improve insulin production naturally include herbal supplements such as Gymnema sylvestra, or nutrient supplements such as zinc and the B complex vitamins. I have seen complete reversals of type 2 diabetes with many of my patients, even those with severe forms of this disease. For example, I once treated a woman who came to me with dopamine deficiency and life-threatening type 2 diabetes, and within six months of beginning a strict dopamine diet and nutrient program, she had completely normal sugar levels.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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One of the most serious problems associated with these herbal and pharmaceutical drugs is their effect of hyperstimulating the serotonin concentrations through a variety of mechanisms to create neuronal destruction from an excess of serotonin, which then becomes oxidized. In this oxidized form, the serotonin is neurotoxic. A healthy serotonergic system acts like a neurochemical anti-stress system, maintaining balance, resilience, inner strength, and a sense of well-being. For this reason, the author considers the serotonin system a functional part of our ojas and general emotional well-being.
They are for nutritional and herbal effects, not for hydrating. This is an important clarifying point. For example, live juices are very good because they have many minerals and they are hydrating. But they are not necessarily as hydrating as mature distilled water. In contrast to chemical acids, there are natural acids - lemons, limes, apple cider vinegar, and grapefruit - that are very high in natural electron-donating hydrogen. They acidify the cell cytoplasm inside the cell around the nucleus.
The use of herbal or synthetic "consciousness drugs" is not the "medicine" way of the Essene and Kabbalistic paths. Their use is highly likely to be harmful in chronic or long-term use. At this stage of limited research, ayahuasca does not seem to consistently have any problems with short-term or long-term chronic usage.13 It is important to keep in mind the case study #1 in Chapter 4 - the subject who took ayahuasca after his Kundalini was awakened and suffered severe imbalances.

Natural Health Solutions

Mike Adams
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Why has the FDA ordered the destruction of recipe books promoting a safe, natural herbal sweetener? Why did the FDA raid a church offering genuine mental health help to the public? Why do clinical drug trials almost always produce results that support the company funding the trials? Why is much of the drug research being conducted today paid for by taxpayers, but then the rights to the chemical discoveries resulting from such research are given to pharmaceutical corporations that turn around and charge the taxpayers monopoly prices on the very same drugs?

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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Finish with herbal tea. DAY 2 BREAKFAST 8 oz. wheat germ cereal mixed with 3A cup fresh, mixed berries, V3 cup mixed walnuts and almonds, with 1 cup skim or soy milk. Finish with x/z cup orange juice, freshly squeezed if possible, so as not to introduce preservatives or extra sugar. LUNCH 8 oz. chicken soup with 1 slice whole-wheat toast. 8 oz. multicolored vegetable and tofu salad with olive oil and low-sodium soy sauce. Finish with water with lemon. DINNER Grilled vegetable mix with fava beans sprinkled with turmeric. 8 oz. beef or 8 oz. veal. Finish with low-calorie hot chocolate.

The herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook

James Green
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You certainly can incorporate finely powdered herbs in this base as wed. 2. Add 1 oz. (30 ml) of pure vegetable glycerin. 3. Add 2 oz. (60 ml) of distilled water. 4. Stir these ingredients together untd they are wed mixed. 5. Open 1 envelope of unflavored gelatin and pour it into the liquid mixture. (The box of gelatin I buy holds 4 envelopes of pure granulated gelatin, each containing 7 Gm.) 6. Place this combination on the stove burner over a low flame. 7. Stir continuously untd the gelatin is completely dissolved. 8. Remove the mixture from the stove and pour it into molds. 9.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Also consume plenty of hot liquids such as soups and herbal teas. These help the mucus to flow, relieving congestion and sinus pressure. Adding cayenne pepper, garlic, ginger, horseradish, and raw onion to soups or teas may bring even faster relief. Q| Eliminate sugar from your diet. Reduce your salt intake. Q| Do not eat dairy foods, except for low-fat soured products like yogurt and cottage cheese. Dairy products increase mucus formation. Q| Go on a cleansing fast. (See fasting in Part Three.
Detoxygen from Nature's Plus is an herbal formula that detoxifies the body and oxygenates cells. Q Licorice root supports all glandular functions. Caution: If overused, licorice can elevate blood pressure. Do not use this herb on a daily basis for more than seven days in a row. Avoid it altogether if you have high blood pressure. Q Olive leaf extract acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and is helpful if you have an infection. Recommendations Q If you develop symptoms of pancreatitis, call your physician. This is an extremely serious condition that requires medical attention.
Eliminate alcohol, coffee, and all teas except for herbal teas. Q Do not eat any animal protein except for broiled fish (up to three servings per week). Never eat luncheon meat, hot dogs, or smoked or cured meats. Limit your consumption of dairy products to a little low-fat yogurt, kefir, or raw cheese on an occasional basis. Q Do not eat any peanuts. Limit, but do not eliminate altogether, your intake of soybean products; they contain enzyme inhibitors. Q Keep in mind that the acute craving for a cigarette usually lasts only three to five minutes.

Best Choices From the People's Pharmacy

Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D.
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Listerine contains a number of herbal oils that have antifungal action, such as thymol, eucalyptol, and menthol. These ingredients might work together to knock down Malassezia and thus control flaking. The alcohol in Listerine might also have some antifungal action. / have suffered from severe dandruff all of my life, and nothing helped. I tried washing my hair with Listerine, and have been dandruff free since. It's nothing short of a miracle cure. The ingredient list for Listerine overlaps quite a bit with the list for another familiar old-fashioned product, Vicks VapoRub.
Consider an herbal approach such as stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) or butterbur (Petasites hybridus). Men with prostate enlargement may find nettles especially helpful since some OTC allergy medicines may make this condition worse. • The natural products quercetin and bromelain may help stabilize mast cells and prevent histamine release. • Cromolyn (NasalCrom) is an OTC remedy that also stabilizes mast cells. It should be used preventively before exposure to allergens occurs. Cromolyn does not cause drowsiness.
If the herbal preparation is not manufactured under very stringent quality-control conditions, there could be problems. As a result, we suggest that people use butterbur only temporarily (say, for 6 weeks during hay fever season) and that they monitor their liver enzyme activity with medical supervision. One product that should be safe is Petadolex. The German manufacturer is Weber and Weber, and it is available in the United States. Quercetin and Bromelain Two other natural products that may be worth consideration against allergies are quercetin and bromelain.
In addition, this herbal extract has antiinflammatory activity that interferes with an enzyme (Na/K-ATPase) that is necessary for prostate cell growth. Most important, human studies have shown that nettle root extract improves urine flow and decreases the amount of urine left in the bladder after voiding. Many men with an enlarged prostate report that the herb reduces the number of times they have to get up at night to go to the bathroom. / read a letter in your column about a man with allergies. Because of an enlarged prostate, he couldn't take the usual over-the-counter antihistamines.
These two herbal oils together seem to have some antifungal action. Some people are allergic to oregano oil. Anyone who has experienced a reaction to basil, sage, lavender, marjoram, or mint probably should steer clear of oregano oil. Can you stand another toenail fungus cure? I have found one that works for me, and I have tried them all, including prescription Lamisil pills. I read somewhere that oil of oregano will kill anything, so I tried putting a drop down between the nail and the skin every day. Slowly but surely the toenail is growing out normally!

Natural Health Solutions

Mike Adams
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At the same time, when conventional medicine promoters want to discredit a natural substance, an herbal remedy or the effects of nutrition on health, they always talk about absolute risk. If taking green tea supplements reduces the risk of cancer by that same 50 percent, eliminating cancer in one out of 100 patients, the news about that supplement would be something like this: "Green tea doesn't work. Only helps one out of 100 patients." In fact, a study comparing some anti-cancer drug with green tea might report: "New breakthrough drug reduces cancer risk by 50 percent!

The herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook

James Green
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You certainly can incorporate finely powdered herbs in this base as wed. 2. Add 1 oz. (30 ml) of pure vegetable glycerin. 3. Add 2 oz. (60 ml) of distilled water. 4. Stir these ingredients together untd they are wed mixed. 5. Open 1 envelope of unflavored gelatin and pour it into the liquid mixture. (The box of gelatin I buy holds 4 envelopes of pure granulated gelatin, each containing 7 Gm.) 6. Place this combination on the stove burner over a low flame. 7. Stir continuously untd the gelatin is completely dissolved. 8. Remove the mixture from the stove and pour it into molds. 9.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Methionine

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
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...and Body weight
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Herbal medicine
Side effects