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Sadly, due to the nature of the pharmaceutical and medical industries, patients and even doctors are rarely apprised of the benefits of herbal therapies. Both patients and doctors are very well aware, however, of the latest drug therapies. The best standard medical treatments for chronic hepatitis are with drugs known as interferon and ribavirin. These medications offer about a 40 percent chance of eliminating chronic liver infection. The costs are high?forty-eight weeks of interferon/ribavirin combination therapy should cost approximately $10,000.
For relief, coffee drinkers must switch to beverages like herbal tea or one of the popular grain drinks rather than decaf. But the news isn't all bad for you lifelong Java lovers?although there is considerably more indigestion among coffee drinkers, there is no increased risk of stomach or duodenal ulcers. Cigarettes and Alcohol Both cigarette smoking and alcohol can compromise LES function and cause indigestion. Most of the distress from alcoholic beverages comes from irritation of the stomach lining and the production of acid.
Rather than reaching for a soothing herbal tea, she drank soda and coffee by the potful. Instead of warm vegetable soup, she pulled out the oil and drowned her sorrow in deep-fried chicken and mashed potatoes swimming in butter. Succulent fresh fruits were replaced by cookies and pies with a hefty dollop of ice cream on top. Now Louise was paying the price. Considering the eight hundred thousand hospitalizations and $5 billion spent annually on gallbladder disease, it's safe to say that a lot of folks are paying the same price.
Interestingly, extracts from a variety of plants, such as garlic, thyme, and East African herbal plants, inhibit the growth of H. pylori in the test tube. Antibiotics for Ulcers: A Temporary Fix Standard medical treatment in the form of a "triple therapy" accelerates the healing of ulcers. This regimen includes two powerful antibiotics and a single antacid or bismuth compound.
Decaffeinated coffee causes almost as much GERD and indigestion as regular—switch to water, cereal beverages, or herbal teas. Raise the head of the bed four to six inches to allow gravity to keep the contents in your stomach while prone (wedges specifically designed for elevating the upper body and extra pillows will not help—they only bend you at the middle). Stop all unnecessary medications that may be causing GERD and indigestion. Antacid medications should be used only as a last resort. Many health problems, from sinusitis to asthma, can be relieved by stopping acid reflux.

Big Pharma takes over veterinary medicine; dogs and cats drugged with chemicals for profit

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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They have a whole line of health products that have been tested and proven over two decades of clinical use to help with things like joint pain, respiratory infections, thyroid function, immune function and much more. See their product line here: http://www.azmira.com/Products.htm You can also call Azmira at (U.S.

BeliefWorks: The Art of Living Your Dreams

Ray Dodd
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Energy drinks containing large doses of caffeine and herbal stimulants like ephedrine, guarana, and ginseng have overtaken bottled water as the fastest-growing sellers in the beverage business. The Starbucks Corporation, which sells coffee drinks, started as a local coffee shop in Pike Place Market on the waterfront in Seattle, Washington. Just 13 years after going public, it has more than 6,300 locations in 30 countries (yes, there is one on every other corner!) with annual revenues of $5.6 billion and climbing.

Disease sniffer device could provide non-invasive early disease detection by "sniffing" patients

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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However, when one doctor took the exact same herbal tincture Hoxsey used and distilled it into a liquid, then loaded it into a syringe and surgically injected this tincture into the tumors of cancer patients under a microscope (which destroyed the cancer tumors), the medical establishment welcomed this and they gave it credibility, because now it was very technical. It required surgical instruments. It was basically the same thing as the standard Hoxsey treatment, but it was administered through a syringe rather than simply being applied to the skin or taken orally.

Beat Diabetes Naturally: The Best Foods, Herbs, Supplements, and Lifestyle Strategies to Optimize Your Diabetes Care

Michael T. Murray
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Drinking extra water can provide relief, as can sipping on carminative herbal teas such as ginger root, peppermint, fennel, and chamomile. In some cases, the digestive symptoms are more severe or prolonged. Reducing the recommended dosages of the SlimStyles producrs with PGX will allow adaptation to occur. You should be able to resume full dosages within a relatively short period. Exercise! In any discussion of weight loss, it is important to emphasize the need for exercise. Any weight loss program that is not accompanied by regular physical activity is almost guaranteed to fail.

Empower yourself in 3 minutes a day: An introduction to indy media, NewsTarget.com and the online information revolution

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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They'll control blood sugar with herbal extracts and heal broken bones with electricity. Aspartame will be outlawed, the mass fluoridation of public water supplies will be abandoned, and the FDA as we know it today will have long since disappeared into the history books. Only the most ignorant consumers will use synthetic chemicals (prescription drugs) to treat health problems. These events, and many others, will take most people by surprise. But not NewsTarget readers.

Beat Diabetes Naturally: The Best Foods, Herbs, Supplements, and Lifestyle Strategies to Optimize Your Diabetes Care

Michael T. Murray
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Make your physician aware of all the nutritional supplements or herbal products you are currently taking to avoid any negative interactions with any drugs you are taking. țIf you are currently taking a prescription medication, you absolutely must work with your doctor before discontinuing any drug or altering any drug regimen. țDiabetes is a multifactorial disease that requires a multifactorial solution: medical, nutritional, and lifestyle changes. Do not rely solely on a single area of focus.
PCX free Formula strawberry, Formula V2 cup of kidney herbal with 12-16 orange, with 12-16 beans with V2 tea ounces of cantaloupe) ounces of cup of boiled wild 2-4 water V4 cup raw of water rice; V2 cup of grams nuts green beans; PCX 1 cup of mixed greens salad; V2 cup of non-fat cottage cheese; V2 cup of grapefruit they contain are offset by the number of calories your body burns in the process of digesting them. Feel free to eat as much of the following foods as you want to help keep you feeling satisfied between meals.
Examples of supplementary measures include medications, nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, and any other treatment measure designed to support or improve health. An example of an essential supplementary measure is the use of insulin in the treatment of people with insulin-dependent diabetes. At this time, insulin is absolutely essential to these individuals. Without it, they would either die or suffer greatly. There are numerous other examples where an appropriately used medication or surgery is absolutely essential to support good health.
Dear Doctor, We have written the book Beat Diabetes Naturally as a guide that includes valuable and sensible information on how to incorporate diet, nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, and other strategies such as acupuncture into their diabetes treatment.

The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
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In Britain at this time, not only were the leaves considered a delicacy in salads, but dandelion roots were roasted, ground and used to make "coffee," a process described with much approval by Grieve in A Modern herbal, the first comprehensive encyclopedia of herbs, published in 1931 in Great Britain: The prepared powder is said to be almost indistinguishable from real coffee, and is claimed to be an improvement to inferior coffee, which is often an adulterated product.

Education Not Medication -- a women's health program by Mike Adams

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Naturopathic doctors who once prescribed laetrile for cancer patients, for example, have been run out of the country or arrested. herbal product companies have been censored to such a degree that none dare tell the truth about the anti-cancer effects of their own products, and even broccoli growers and marketers are scared into remaining silent about the remarkable, scientifically-proven anti-cancer effects of broccoli. In other words, if you want to know what the cancer industry supports or attacks, just check to see which list it's on.

Amazon Herb Company launches Liquizon capsules with alcohol-free, concentrated rainforest herb liquids

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I got a mouth full of liquid herbal concentrates that simply leave most tinctures in the dust. These are herbs with a potency rarely found in the supplements industry. The Kavazon Liquizon product, for example, which is made with Kava, tingles and then slightly numbs your tongue. That's how you know it's the real deal. You can easily taste the medicinal bitters in Recovazon (one of my favorite products) or the wholesome intensity of Una de Gato. Whether it's Chinese herbs or rainforest botanicals, I prefer to taste the medicine I'm taking.

Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham discusses healthy herbs that naturally increase sex drive without lethal side effects

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It's just that the herbal sector doesn't have or spend the type of marketing dollars that the pharmaceutical sector does. Mike:That's right. Kilham:If you want improved libido, sexual function and sexual pleasure by the way, then herbs can help you to have that safely and effectively. Mike:It won't cloud your mind or compromise your heart or kidneys like a lot of prescription drugs. In fact, it's the opposite. Kilham:You know, seven months after Viagra came out on the market, the United States Food and Drug Administration reported 123 Viagra-related deaths in the United States.

Bird flu spreading rapidly; U.S. government warns population

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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When an outbreak is actually reported in the mainstream media, this lack of preparedness will inevitably lead to panic runs on face masks, antiviral medicines (including herbal tinctures), and even basic supplies like water and sleeping bags (to keep warm when the heat is gone). The very best antiviral medicines that I recommend in the book -- ones that are far more effective than Tamiflu at killing various viral strains -- will be rapidly sold out. During a bird flu outbreak, these will probably be selling on eBay for $250 a bottle.

Before You Take that Pill: Why the Drug Industry May Be Bad for Your Health

J. Douglas Bremner
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In animal studies it has been shown to increase immunologic activity; yet, despite all the promotion of its preventative properties, echinacea has not been shown to be useful in the prevention of colds. Based on some small earlier trials of questionable methodology that were performed primarily in Germany, echinacea was initially claimed to reduce the length of colds. Results of more recent randomized, double-blind trials conducted in the U.S. using appropriate methods, however, have not been consistent with those of the German studies.

General Mills takes leadership step in switching to whole grain breakfast cereals

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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So, I would prefer an unsweetened cereal that I sweeten myself with stevia, which is an herbal sweetener. In due time, these carbohydrates are going to slowly get converted into blood sugar, so they're going to give you a steady, slow stream of fuel. Fuel to power your brain (remember, your brain runs on blood glucose), fuel for the organs in your body, fuel for the physical movements you need to engage in just to get to work and get to your desk and so on. This is going to be a slow, steady source of fuel.

The collapse of health and the downfall of the U.S. economy (preview)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Citizens of countries throughout Europe, Asia, South America and even New Zealand have far greater access to herbal medicine that really works. Plus, direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs is illegal everywhere in the world except the United States, meaning Americans are the only people crazy enough to tolerate the advertising of prescription drugs to a mass audience that isn't even qualified to prescribe those drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe them, so why isn't drug advertising limited to doctors? It's going to get ugly around here The bankruptcy of America won't be pretty.

Nutritional products from New Chapter and other health innovators

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Why doesn't everyone choose the path of health, longevity, and being happy and healthy through nutrition, herbal medicine, and natural health? Because it requires taking responsibility for your outcome. It seems so much easier to sit back on the couch, avoid exercise, eat junk foods, and blame somebody else for your health problems. You then go to the doctor and blame them when you don't get healthy. I think it's so ridiculous. People need to take responsibility for their health.

Experiment shows medical doctors to be glorified drug dealers, easily manipulated by drug companies

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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These healers are using herbal medicine with over 2,500 years of proven clinical use and millions of hours of clinical experience. I'm talking about traditional Chinese medicine, Western herbs, Ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture, massage therapy, homeopathy and other modalities in the alternative medicine realm. Organized medicine says "Those aren't proven -- only our stuff is proven. Your stuff is not proven." But of course, all their stuff is the circular reasoning I was talking about. They dismiss everything outside of the corrupt system that generates profits for them.

Exclusive interview with Carol Simontacchi, author of "Natural Alternatives to Vioxx, Celebrex and other Anti-Inflammatory Prescription Drugs"

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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That really is not true, because there are some excellent anti-inflammatory herbal products, mineral products [and] oil products that have really good research behind them to show that they work just as well as the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. I talk about those in the book. I didn't list all of them -- it's a little book -- but we have a really good selection to make in that. Mike: Indeed. Can I call you a critic of the pharmaceutical industry? Simontacchi: You can call me a very cynical critic instead. Mike: Okay, great.
Mike: Sure, do you also cover any nutritional supplements or herbal supplements? Simontacchi: I do. I also cover lifestyle and stress, for example. Stress actually causes the body to miss the message to shut down the inflammation, so it just keeps it going. I talk about that, and also about supplements. Mike: In the past few months, we've seen the FDA advisory panel make some rather precarious decisions on Vioxx, and part of the apparent reasoning of the panel was that they need to keep Vioxx and other Cox-2 inhibitors legal because people don't have alternatives.

Interview with Chris Kilham, the Medicine Hunter, author of Hot Plants

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Now that we're getting so much negative press about Vioxx, Celebrex, and Naproxen, it's inevitable that we'll see a gigantic increase in the use of herbal anti-inflammatories, so I'm all over those. Mike: What about anti-cancer herbs? There are so many potent anti-angiogenesis properties from the rainforest. Kilham: I think a lot of people, either during or after conventional cancer treatment, supplement their treatment with things like reishi mushroom, una de gato, or some other things. I don't see the cancer herb category becoming a major category any time soon.

Will that facelift get you a pay raise? Cosmetic surgery and your career

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If you took a biological measurement of your age, you can actually reverse that biological age through outstanding nutrition, physical exercise, brain exercise, herbal supplements and so on. You can't do that with cosmetics. All you can do is cover up your age, and the older you get the more you have to cover up. In fact, popular cosmetics are made with such dangerous ingredients that they actually impair your health, can create liver toxicity, clog up skin pores and introduce a lot of toxic chemicals into your system causing you to age faster.
On the herbal front, there is of course ginkgo, and ginkgo does, in fact, improve brain function. However, it shouldn't be relied on as the only way to boost brain function. There are far greater benefits from physical exercise and breathing therapy and other nutritional supplements. Ginkgo's great, but don't use it alone, use it in conjunction with other nutritional elements to boost your brain function. Now, let's move on to perhaps the most important thing you can do to boost brain function and appear younger: engage in brain exercise and avoid those activities that dumb you down.

The FDA, Vioxx, and crimes against humanity

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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So even though the whole class of drugs is extremely dangerous compared to herbal remedies or even relatively safe painkillers, some doctors want these black box warnings removed on the basis that, within this class of drugs, each one carries the same risk as the next. This is the kind of huge distortion of logic that you see in conventional medicine today. Obviously, these doctors are on the payroll of the drug companies that stand to benefit from the removal of these black box warnings. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Saliva
...and Histamine
...and Estrogens
...and Stomach acid
...and Cortisol
...and Methionine

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Body weight
...and Height
...and Heart rate
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose

...and Animals:

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Herbal medicine
Side effects