Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND See book keywords and concepts |
Four or five times a day, apply a thin layer to the affected area and rub it completely into the skin. Be sure to wash your hands well after using the cream.
¦ Horsetail supplies natural silica, which is required for tissue repair and healing. Take 500 milligrams three times daily.
¦ Pine-bark and grape-seed extracts are natural antiinflammatories with antioxidant properties. Take 50 milligrams of either three times daily.
¦ Turmeric is a strong natural anti-inflammatory. Take 500 milligrams three times daily. |
John Boik See book keywords and concepts |
Complete remission > 60%
Solid ascitic carcinoma of the liver
Complete remission > 60%
Ehrlich ascites carcinoma
2.5 mg/kg matrine effective
Sarcoma 180 effective
Ehrlich ascites
0.5 mg i.p. of matrine daily
40% survival rate (0% in controls)
Kojimaetal., 1970
0.5 mg i.p. of oxymatrine daily
0% survival
Sarcoma 180 (Bulgaria strain)
0.25 mg i.p. of oxymatrine daily
Reduction in tumor size by 58%
Sarcoma 180 (Hokken strain)
0.5 mg i.p. of oxymatrine daily
Reduction in tumor size by 9 to 20%
0.25 mg i.p. |
Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Dandelion root is revered for its ability to tonify the liver. The leaves have a natural diuretic effect—that is, they'll help remove excess water from the body. In addition, the whole plant is a nutritious and healing food. You can use the leaves in salads or in teas. The roots can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute, while the flowers have gone into a variety of alcoholic beverages, including dandelion wine and the after-dinner liqueur schnapps. |
Christian Ratsch See book keywords and concepts |
Haag 1995, 78)73
The shamans venerate Shiva, whose roots can be traced back to the Vedic Rudra. They regard him as the primordial first shaman, who had a perfect understanding of the shamanic arts and who taught this to certain chosen people. One Nepalese name for Shiva is vijaya, "the victorious"; in the Vedic scriptures, hemp is referred to by the same name. Shiva is also known as Bhangeri Baba, "the lord of hemp" (Storl 1988, 83, 198, 201). According to shamanic tradition, it was he who discovered hemp and sowed it in the Himalayas so that humans would always have access to it. |
John Robbins See book keywords and concepts |
It's like the idea that if you put three billion monkeys in a room, one of them might write a Shakespearean sonnet."60
Based on this reasoning, the FDA in 1960 closed the Hoxsey clinics in all 17 states where they were flourishing. Treating Hoxsey like some sort of notorious public enemy, the FDA posted prominent public warnings against his treatment in all 46,000 post offices nationwide.61
Hoxsey's chief nurse, Mildred Nelson, went to Mexico, where she has since operated the Bio-Medical Center, and where Americans with cancer must go today if they want to receive the Hoxsey treatment. |
Andrew Chevallier See book keywords and concepts |
The root has been used with black pepper (P. nigrum, see below) or jequirity (Abrus precatorius, p. 156) to produce sterility in women.
Caution The observed increase m the occurrence of oral cancers in regular users makes it unwise to chew betel.
Piper cubeba
( Piperaceae ) cubeb
Description Climbing perennial growing to 20 ft (6 m). Has oval to oblong evergreen leaves, small flowers forming spikes, and round brown fruit.
Habitat & Cultivation Native to Indonesia, cubeb is cultivated in much of tropical Asia, especially in the shade of coffee bushes (Cqffea arahica, p. 190). |
It is occasionally used as a means to relieve chronic skin problems such as psoriasis, but, in general, cleavers is preferred as a treatment for this condition. Lady's bedstraw has had a longstanding reputation, especially in France, of being a valuable remedy for epilepsy, though it is rarely used for this purpose today.
Related Species G. elatuin has also been considered a remedy for epilepsy in France. (See also G. aparine, above.)
Gardenia jasminoides syn. G. augusta, G. |
(Punica granatum, p. 257) is used to make a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for dysentery.
Pomegranate flower
Pomegranate fruit
Tea (Camellia sinensis, p. 1 79) is astringent and tonic
('Zingiber officinale, p. 153) is known as the ''universal medicine" in Ayurveda. It is particularly helpful for relieving nausea and indigestion.
Ginger root
Ginger powder
Huo po (Magnolia officinalis, p. 230) relieves cramps and indigestion.
Baical skullcap
(Scutellaria baicalensis, p. 133) is given for diarrhea.
Fu ling (Poria cocos, p. |
This group of compounds includes salicylic acid — the natural forerunner of aspirin. Salicylic acid is found in many plants, for example wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens, p. 213) and white willow (Salix alba, p. 128). Another phenol is thymol — a constituent of thyme (Thymus vulgaris, p. 142). Phenols are antiseptic and reduce inflammation when taken internally, yet they have an irritant Thyme effect when applied to the skin.
(Thymus vulgaris)
Tannins are produced to a greater or lesser degree by all plants. |
Christian Ratsch See book keywords and concepts |
Martinez 1987, 427*). It may have inebriating effects (cf. Astragalus spp.).
Dakaris, Sotiris. 1989. Das Totenorakel am Acheron. In Tempel und Statten der Cotter Griechenlands, ed. Evi Melas, 157-64. Cologne: DuMont.
Murakoshi, Isamu, Kazuo Toriizuka, joju Haginiwa, Shigeru Ohmiya, and Hirotaka Otomasu. 1979. (-)-(rra«s-4'-B-D-glycopyranosyloxy-3'-methoxycinnamyl)-lupinine, a new lupin alkaloid in Lupinus seedlings. Phytochemistry 18:699-700.
Lycopodium clavatum L.
(Lycopodiaceae)—club moss
Lycopodium clavatum L. and other club mosses indigenous to Europe (Lycopodium spp.; cf. |
Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1Michael T. Murray, ND See book keywords and concepts |
The principal components of the oil are menthol (29-28%) (see Fig. 98.1), menthone (20-31%) and menthyl acetate (3-10%), although gas chromatographic analysis of peppermint oil will typically show more than 40 different peaks. Most of the volatile oil components are terpenoids.1
General description 827 Chemical composition 827 History and folk use 828 Pharmacology 828 Clinical applications 828 Dosage 829 Toxicology 829
The composition of menthol and other volatile oil components is sensitive to climate and latitude, as well as to the maturity of the plant. |
Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts |
TURMERIC: Mellow with Yellow
The Indian spice turmeric, an ingredient in some kinds of mustard, is rich in a substance called curcumin, which can reduce the joint swelling, stiffness, and chronic pain of arthritis as well as or better than NSAIDs, but without the side effects, says Dr. Braly.
Curcumin relieves pain by blocking a number of inflammatory processes in the body and improving circulation to the painful area. Dr. Braly recommends taking a 200-milligram supplement two or three times a day until you are pain-free. |