Ben Davis See book keywords and concepts |
She had previously applied many remedies without obtaining relief, but the herb water bandage dissolved the hardening so that her hearing was perfectly normal again.
Stitch In the Side
"People often complain of a sudden and severe stitch in the side, in the neighborhood of the lower ribs. Frequently they complain of a burning sensation, extremely difficult breathing, a tendency to vomit and a severe cough which hurts greatly," Father Kneipp observed. "A cloth which has been dipped in water and some vinegar, may be bound to the painful part. |
Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts |
In much the same way, the herb willow bark was the predecessor of aspirin.)
Many American physicians and health professionals say that both of these techniques are powerful methods for pain relief and disease treatment.
"But acupressure can be even more powerful than acupuncture for relieving everyday aches, pains and stress," says Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D., director of the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley, California, and author of Acupressure's Potent Points. Those common complaints include headaches, backaches, sinus pain, neck pain, eyestrain and menstrual cramps, he says. |
Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman See book keywords and concepts |
Licorice root Major Chinese herb used to invigorate the functions of the heart, spleen and pancreas; contains glycyrrhizic acid that appears to block tumor growth; reported to have anti-inflammatory properties that may be helpful in treating arthritis; contains carbendoxolane that seems to be effective in treating stomach ulcers. Caution: Licorice should not be used by people with high blood pressure. |
Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts |
Gotu kola is an herb available in most health food stores.) Let the mixture cool a little, then drink. Dr. Lad suggests drinking this mixture once a day for a month and seeing if your memory improves. And, he says, as long as you don't have lactose intolerance or any other kind of sensitivity to dairy products, you can continue to drink this mixture for as long as you like.
Food Therapy
Go for a low-fat diet, says Michael A. Klaper, M. |
Most health food stores carry salves made with this herb; Gladstar says to follow the directions on the label of the product you choose.
Witch hazel, usually distilled in alcohol, helps, too, according to Gladstar. She says to moisten cotton cloths with witch hazel extract and apply the cloths as compresses, leaving them on for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day. Keep both the salve and the witch hazel extract in the refrigerator, Gladstar suggests; they'll retain their freshness and feel cool and soothing when you use them. |
Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman See book keywords and concepts |
Valerian root herb with effective antispasmodic properties; a nerve tonic.
Vanadium Trace mineral that aids in the regulation of insulin metabolism.
Wheat grass Used to protect against pollutants; excellent source of chlorophyll.
Zinc Essential trace mineral; seems to increase the level of T cells in individuals over 70 years of age; appears to be involved in cellular division, growth and repair; may help prevent prostate gland dysfunction in older men; may help prevent vision loss due to macular degeneration and cataracts. |
Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts |
Steep for ten minutes, strain to remove the herb and cool before using as a mouthwash, he says.
Sage is another good choice for a sore throat, according to Dr. Tyler. He says to chop two teaspoons of fresh leaves (available in most health food stores), then pour boiling water over them and steep for ten minutes. Strain the tea to remove the leaves and cool before using as a mouthwash, he says.
Dr. Tyler suggests that you repeat the gargles as necessary for a maximum of two to three days. |
The primary Ayurvedic remedy for all three doshas is an herb called arjuna, says Dr. Frawley. The recommended dosage is 500 milligrams to one gram, two times a day, he says. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend arjuna to stimulate circulation, to strengthen the heart muscle, to stop bleeding and to promote healing after a heart attack. It is available by mail order (refer to the resource list on page 634).
Since heart disease is life-threatening, Ayurvedic practitioners suggest that you consult an M.D. before trying this or any other self-care remedy. |
Ben Davis See book keywords and concepts |
This common herb is available at most health stores in powder or capsule form. One woman dissolved some in water, and applied it to the area several times a day and before bed. This worked after a doctor's lotion failed. "Almost immediately," she says, "the shingles started drying up." In two weeks, they were completely gone. She also drank 1 capsule with warm water an hour before each meal (reportedly a safer dose is Va teaspoon daily, no more).
Buckwheat cake has been used to halt MS (multiple sclerosis). In one reported case, a young M.D. |
One woman stated: "It was from an herb book that I learned about the wonders of garlic, and it cleared up pneumonia congestion in my lungs when antibiotics failed."
It is called poor man's penicillin. Reportedly, 1 milligram of this plant equalled 25 units of penicillin. It even fights some germs penicillin won't touch. Unlike penicillin, available only in doctor-prescribed drugs that may cause serious side effects or allergic reaction, this plant is safe and available without pre-scription, and can be eaten for enjoyment. Its germ-killing power remains in the bloodstream for 10 hours. |
Nontoxic, Natural and EarthwiseDebra Lynn Dadd See book keywords and concepts |
Meadowbrook herb Garden.
Flea Control_
Harmful materials: pesticides.
Warning labels: Impregnated flea collars:
"CAUTION: Do not allow children to play with this collat. Dust will form on this collar during stotage. Do not get dust or collar in mouth, harmful if swallowed. Do not get dust in eyes, will cause temporary pupillary constriction. In case of contact, flush eyes with water. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling collar. The dust released by this collar is a cholinesterase inhibitor."
Insecticidal powders and shampoos:
"WARNING: Causes eye irritation. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
And according to clinical research, subjects with this condition substantially improved recall when the herb was taken three times daily. Ginkgo will also address other common symptoms of aging related to poor circulation: headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, dizziness, coldness or numbness of the hands and feet, cramping, and reduced ability to walk distances.
•Ginseng...The Chinese have revered ginseng for centuries, considering it an outstanding rejuvenator, aphrodisiac, and improver of most conditions. |
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts |
However safety and effectiveness are questionable with this herb, and excessive intake could cause dermatitis. (Smooth muscles are muscles within the body that are distinctively different from skeletal muscles. The fibers in smooth muscles are smaller and shorter Smooth muscle fibers are found in the gut, the bile ducts, the ureters, the uterus, and so forth. Other smooth muscles are found in the eye muscle, the iris of the eye, and the blood vessels, to name only a few. |
Richard Gerber, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
In the case of Mugwort, however, many of the herb's therapeutic effects upon nerve tissue are also shared by the flower essence.
Mugwort's most beneficial effect is its ability to reintegrate the synapses and enhance communication between the individual neurons in the brain. For instance, a person with left-brain damage from any cause, especially using creative visualization with this essence, could rechannel the energy from certain neurons, so the damaged portions of the brain could again be used. Brain damage involving the syphilitic miasm can also be treated with this essence. |
Adrian Forsyth and Kenneth Miyata See book keywords and concepts |
If you crush a basil leaf, the pungent essential oils that endow this herb with its culinary qualities fill the air. But the odor and taste that we find so delightful are anathema to many insects. These oils chemically mimic insect juvenile hormones, which regulate the insect's development, so an insect that munches on basil will have its life severely disrupted. Compounds like these essential oils may also work to deter other predators; for example, they inhibit the digestive bacteria of ruminant grazers such as horses. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
When garlic is cooked, allicin is lost, so try to take this herb raw or in capsules. Garlic also contains protein, vitamins A and C, thiamin, calcium, potassium, copper, and selenium. Note that garlic can be juiced along with your other vegetables.
Sea vegetables, which include dulse, kombu, nori, and wakame, contain trace minerals that are no longer found in foods grown on land.
An important part of a health-maximizing diet is juicing. Freshly made juice supplies concentrated nutrients and plenty of raw enzymes, which help the body digest foods, making their nutrients available to our cells. |
Berkeley Holistic Health Center and Shepherd Bliss See book keywords and concepts |
Every herb has properties which tend to have a special effect on a particular organ or system within the body, nourishing it and eventually restoring it to normal function.
Hair: rosemary, sage, henna.
Brain: lily of the valley, ginseng, gotu kola.
Ears: eyebright, Golden Seal.
Nose: for the sinuses, make a snuff of one part powdered bayberry bark and three parts Gold Seal root powder.
Mouth and Gums: tincture of cayenne rubbed directly on the gums for any gum infection; the more you do it, the quicker the relief. Bayberry bark, oak bark, or rhatany root make a good mouth wash. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
As its name implies, this herb can relieve aches and pain in the bones.
•Boswellia...Many consider this botanical to be the best natural remedy for treating arthritis. In fact, its healing properties are recorded in Ayurvedic medical literature, dating back thousands of years. Boswellia works much like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds without the side effects. Additionally, it stimulates repair by increasing circulation to the joints.
•Burdock Root...This is a blood cleanser that is especially good for helping patients with gout.
•Cayenne... |
Berkeley Holistic Health Center and Shepherd Bliss See book keywords and concepts |
Make a cool glass of herb tea or juice, and sip it while you nurse. This can give you energy and help your body to relax, thus assisting lactation.
A newborn baby is more comfortable and feels more secure wrapped snugly in a receiving blanket. Bring the baby close to you until the cheek is touching your breast, with your nipple close to the mouth. Baby's natural reflex will be to turn toward the nipple. Then pull baby close to you, just enough so that the nipple goes into the mouth easily. Pull the baby's legs closer to you, angling baby's body to keep the nose free for breathing. |
Richard Gerber, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
However, as it turned out, my friend and psychic channel Anne Puryear and her husband herb were organizing a "spiritual quest tour" to Egypt in six months and offered me a half-price trip fee if 1 would consent to be their trip physician.
I readily signed up for the Egyptian tour, which proved to be fascinating. Among the many strange and unusual events that occurred on the trip were the laying-on-of-hands healings I used with fellow trip members when minor health problems arose after our supply of Lomotil, antibiotics, and the like were exhausted. |
Berkeley Holistic Health Center and Shepherd Bliss See book keywords and concepts |
An ancient herb, henna was valued by early civilizations for both its conditioning and its coloring properties. Men especially valued the deep earth tones of henna and used it to color their nails, nipples, and navels. It was believed to concentrate energy and heighten one's awareness, and was often painted on the chakra centers of the body.
Today, henna is most valued for its hair-conditioning and coloring effects. Available in a variety of shades, henna deepens and heightens the natural tones of one's hair.
Color chart.
Red: brings out red highlights in dark and auburn hair. |
Richard Gerber, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
In giving homeopathic preparations of the plant, the physical drug properties of the herb are removed, leaving the subtle-energy qualities that are absorbed into the water to predominate.
What Hahnemann may have actually been doing is empirically matching the frequency of the plant extract with the frequency of the illness. He did this by matching the physical and emotional symptoms of the patient's illness with known symptoms produced by the remedy. |
Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
For vegetarians or persons who prefer obtaining Vitamin A from fruits and vegetables, carrot juice is high in this vitamin, as well as parsley, spinach, beet greens, mustard greens, kale, lamb's quarters, endive, oxalis (stemless herb), dandelion greens, turnip greens, broccoli, apricots, lettuce, cabbage, watercress, peaches, peas, beans, papayas, sweet potatoes, dried prunes, asparagus, sweet corn, oranges, cantaloupes, pecans, and many other foods. Refer to the various food listings for the exact quantity of this vitamin in each food.
Value. |
Lendon H. Smith, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Natural control: Developmental optometrists, training. Herb: Blueberry.
Allopathic control: Liquid nitrogen, surgery.
Natural control: Vitamin A: 100,000 units daily for seven to ten days.
These various therapies are compatible with the Life Balances program. They can be used simultaneously. It is expected that the L.B. program will allow clients to reduce the reliance on other therapies. People who have consistently stuck with the program will notice improvement in weeks; sometimes in months. Most will then relax a little. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
High-quality sources of the herb can be identified by their tendency to create a tingling sensation and a numbing effect on the tongue.
Fresh oats are a nervous system rejuvenator, used to counter chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition, fresh oats can quell recreational drug, cigarette, and coffee withdrawal symptoms. Remember, though, that fresh oats should not be confused with rolled or quick oats, as they possess their own distinct qualities and benefits.
Garlic is yet another immunosupportive substance that can be used to combat the body's susceptibility to infectious organisms. |
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Brush turkey with oil. Rub herb mix all over turkey. (Can be prepared one day ahead if turkey is not stuffed. Cover and refrigerate. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour before roasting.)
Position rack in lowest third of oven. Prehear oven ro 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour 2 cups of broth into pan. Roast turkey 45 minutes, then remove turkey from oven and cover with foil. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees. Return turkey to oven. Baste with pan juices every hour until done. |
Herb or green tea
2 tablespoons toasted wheat germ 2 tablespoons raisins midmorning snack
I cup nonfat, plain yogurt mixed with: Iced green tea or water
2 tablespoons chopped dates lunch
Thai Tofu Salad (serve hot or cold):
Cut into cubes 3 ounces of firm tofu and heat in a nonstick pan for five minutes. Add 2 cups preshredded cabbage mix and I tablespoon peanut sauce. Cook over medium heat for 2 minutes (or until heated through, but still crunchy). Top with !A cup chopped fresh cilantro. |
I teaspoon balsamic vinegar herb tea or sparkling water with lemon
4 ounces roast chicken breast (stuff chicken with fresh rosemary and onions before roasting)
Glazed Carrots:
Peel and slice 2 carrots into A" diagonals; cook in I teaspoon olive oil and A cup orange juice until tender. In a small bowl, mix until smooth 'A teaspoon cornstarch, 'A teaspoon ground ginger a pinch of nutmeg, and 3 tablespoons water Add ginger mixture to carrots and stir over medium heat until sauce thickens. Sprinkle with 2 teaspoons chopped chives and a pinch of red pepper flakes (optional). |
Echinacea: This herb appears to naturally stimulate your immune system by turning on blood chemicals that regulate the duration and intensity of the immune response. Thus, either the capsules or the drops taken several times during the day might curb cold and flu symptoms. Make sure the product states on the label that it is standardized, or you're likely to see little or no results. Don't take echinacea for more than two to three weeks at a time, however since its protective effects might wear off with prolonged use. |
Patricia Hausman & Judith Benn Hurley See book keywords and concepts |
Peeled cloves make a flavorful addition to herb vinegars and oils; you can also give your salad a touch of garlic flavor by rubbing the inside of the bowl with a clove before adding other ingredients.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 bulb garlic, peeled and separated into cloves
2 onions, chopped
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon dried thyme
2 allspice berries, crushed
3 cups chicken or beef stock 1 cup milk
1 cup shredded fresh spinach
Garlic Soup with Summer Greens
In a large stockpot, warm oil over medium heat. Add garlic, onions, bay leaves, thyme, allspice, and stock and bring to a boil. |