Larry Trivieri, Jr. See book keywords and concepts |
Tinctures usually contain more alcohol than extracts (sometimes up to 70% to 80% alcohol, depending on the particular herb and manufacturer).
Essential Oils: Essential oils are usually distilled from various parts of medicinal and aromatic plants. Some oils, however, like those from lemon, orange, and other citrus fruits, are actually expressed directly from the peels. Essential oils are concentrated, with one or two drops often constituting adequate dosage.Thus, they are to be used carefully and sparingly when employed internally. |
Gale Maleskey See book keywords and concepts |
Dr. Warnock. You should never take it during a gallstone attack, however. If you already have gallstones that begin to cause persistent pain or a fever, you should see a doctor immediately, not wait months to find out whether the herb is effective. I says genital herpes_
The herpes simplex virus is a sneaky little devil. Most of the time, it lies dormant in the nerve cells near your spine. The moment it notices that your immune defenses are down, it comes to life and makes a bee-line for the skin's surface surrounding your genitals. |
John Heinerman See book keywords and concepts |
In fact, I can think of nothing better which conforms to the "green herb for meat" idea conveyed by God unto Adam in Genesis 1:29 than this. When "Nature's own green butter" is regularly consumed, then the aforementioned glandulae sebaceae are able to secrete their usual oily semifluid sebum through the fine hairs covering that superficial thin layer of skin known as the dermis or corium. Internal glands similarly respond to the natural fat in avocado, enabling them to secrete their own fluids to keep our body muscles and joints limber at all times.
Malnutrition and Underweight. |
Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Ginger and the herb feverfew can prevent migraines, and coffee sometimes cures them. Natural plant oils can reduce arthritis pain. Cranberry juice can fight the pain of bladder infections. Vitamin B6 can even increase your pain resistance, to name just a few.
Whether we are talking about back pain, migraines, cancer pain, or anything else, there are three basic principles to using foods to fight pain.
I will spell them out briefly here and, in the chapters that follow, will show you how to apply them.
1. Choose pain-safe foods. |
Gale Maleskey See book keywords and concepts |
For low sex drive, you might want to try the herb Siberian ginseng, says Dr. Brody. It has been shown in some animal studies to block stress-induced decreases in sexual activity, she says. Since recommendations vary, you should talk to your doctor about how much Siberian ginseng is right for you.
Some women experience anxiety with menopause. If you are one of them, the first thing you should do is avoid caffeine and sugar, says Dr. Brody. Then, if you still find yourself wrestling with nervous tension, you might want to try kava kava, she suggests. For depression try St. |
Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman See book keywords and concepts |
Bilberry herb that may improve vision, particularly night vision; may aid in the prevention of vascular disease.
Bioflavonoids Potent antioxidant compounds that have antiinflammatory and antiviral effects; are used to treat allergies and asthma; may be effective against heart disease and cancer.
Black currant oil High in gamma-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid; involved in the synthesis of prostaglandin type 3; may protect against cancer and heart disease.
Blue-green algae Single-cell aquatic plants that contain trace minerals; may have neurostimulatory effects. |
Ben Davis See book keywords and concepts |
Mullein herb........4 grams
Lime-tree blossom... 3 grams
Santala.............3 grams
Mistletoe...........4 grams
Fennel..............3 grams
Silver weed.........3 grams
Rue................3 grams
For congestion of the lungs.
For congestion of the lungs.
For kidney diseases.
Good for asthma and heart troubles.
. To cause sweating.
A good tea for de-. pression, vertigo, congestion, heart palpitations.
Good for colic or severe . chills.
For bleeding of lungs, . stomach or severe bleeding of lower part of body.
Good for cramp. . vertigo.
3 grams
2 grams
3 grams..... |
James S. Gordon, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
I discovered that I knew which herb to use for what condition, and I somehow "guessed" that rubbing a certain point, far removed from an offending ache, could indeed relieve it. I wasn't sure what to make of all this and couldn't absolutely rule out prior but forgotten knowledge, but something else, some other kind of knowing, seemed to be at work. As unsettling as it was to my rational mind, it was certainly suggestive and inviting.
Secondly, if I was understanding Dr. Singha correctly—and I was pretty sure I was—every person really is different from every other. |
Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
A more acceptable herb to use for glaucoma is Coleus forskohlii, originally used in Ayurvedic medicine. An appropriate dose is 50 milligrams of the standardized 18 percent extract three times daily, taken orally.
To sum up: the best preventive plan against glaucoma is to pursue overall good health; follow the guidelines for good cardiovascular health; eat a low-carbohydrate, low-fat diet; and exercise regularly to maintain good blood flow to the eyes.
Retinal Disorders: Are Floaters Always Innocent? |
However, licorice is such a potent herb that it really should be taken only under a doctor's supervision, and your blood pressure should be monitored. Every internist is aware of the danger of licorice consumption in patients with high blood pressure. This is because licorice has a powerful effect on the adrenal glands, slowing the breakdown of the mineralocorticoids and causing the body to retain sodium. Licorice's active ingredient is glycyrrhizin, a plant hormone that enhances the action of the adrenal hormones. |
Some women report having relief from hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms when using black cohosh, a medicinal plant known to Native Americans for years and containing large amounts of phytoestrogens, in conjunction with estrogen cream.12 A herb called Vitex agnus castii, or chasteberry, is sometimes helpful for the same symptoms. These can both be found in health food stores in various forms, sometimes as teas or capsules or tinctures.
A study by the U.S. |
Ben Davis See book keywords and concepts |
Health food stores usually have a large assortment of herb teas. Use the instructions on the package for preparing them. Peppermint, camomile, rose hips and red clover are some of the teas which can be used.
9 to 10 a.m.: Glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice: orange, apple, grape, pear, etc . . . Practically any fruit juice can be used, but try to use those which are specifically beneficial for your condition [see examples in coming chapters]. Juice should be diluted half-and-half with water. NOTE! Avoid commercially bottled, canned or frozen juices.
1:00 p.m. |
Valerie V. Hunt See book keywords and concepts |
A simple test for "good" or "bad" field interaction is demonstrated with applied kinesiological manual testing of the muscle strength of the arm when a single food, herb or medication is placed in one's field or held in one's hand. If the muscles test strong to downward pressures on the arm, the field interaction is positive and that substance is not harmful to the person. If the muscles become weakened and the arm cannot resist pressure, the field interaction is poor and the substance should be avoided. |
Ben Davis See book keywords and concepts |
Cup of herb tea.
7:00 p.m.: Glass of freshly made vegetable or fruit juice, diluted with water. 9:00 p.m.: Enema, preferably camomile.
"Drink plain lukewarm water when thirsty. The total juice volume during 24 hours should be between V/2 pints and V/2 quarts. Never mix fresh juices with vegetable broth, only with pure water.
"This is all. You may show these instructions to your own doctor and ask him to supervise your fasting and examine your condition as your fasting progresses. |
Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman See book keywords and concepts |
Saw palmetto herb that appears to aid in preventing testosterone from binding to cells in the prostate gland; may help treat the symptoms of benign prostate hypertrophy; may be useful in treating genitourinary tract problems in both sexes. |
Feverfew herb possessing anti-inflammatory properties.
Flax oil High in alpha-linolenic acid, protective against heart disease; contains 27 anticancer compounds that may help lower the risk of breast and colon cancer.
Folic acid B vitamin that assists in the formation of red blood cells and in nucleic acids (RNA and DNA); may help prevent heart disease by controlling levels of homocysteine; may help prevent colon, rectal and cervical cancer. |
Susun S. Weed See book keywords and concepts |
Results & Notes: If I were restricted to using only one herb, this would be it: to ease my muscles and nerves, counter infection, cheer me, and relieve aches and pains. I don't leave home without it. References: 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, 25; illustrated on page 236.
Other Names: Sour grass, red top Type: Stimulating/Sedating
Found in: Temperate regions worldwide; acid soils, gardens, roadsides, pastures, orchards.
Part Used: Leaves, stems, roots, harvested before plant flowers. Actions & Uses: Internally-Protects against damage from chemotherapy/radiation; stops diarrhea. |
It shares with its better-studied sisters-soy, lentils, and the Chinese herb astragalus-the ability to repair damaged DNA, turn off oncogenes, and reverse precancers and in situ cancers. It is a widely used folk remedy against cancer. According to J. Hartwell, author of Plants Used Against Cancer, medical literature has reported and confirmed hundreds of cases of remission of cancer after consistent use of red clover. I personally know of several such cases. Homeopathic Trifolium (mother tincture) is a specific against breast cancer. |
Breast ^ancerr Breast neaitn:
Red Clover
Trifidium pretense
Other Names: "The herb of immortality" Type: Nourishing
Found in: Temperate regions worldwide; fields, roadsides, lawns. Part Used: Just-opened blossoms with a few leaves clinging. Actions & Uses: Internally-Anti-cancer; alkalinizes, builds blood; helps prevent breast cancer recurrence; anti-angiogenetic; protects liver and lungs; improves appetite; relieves constipation; eases anxiety; relieves symptoms of premature menopause, increases fertility. Externally—Softens, reduces breast lumps; antifungal (vinegar). |
Ginseng is another energy-promoting herb; it helps protect you from the side effects of radiation, too. (See page 85.)
• To build stable, reliable energy, I use nettle infusion, dandelion root vinegar, or yellow dock root tincture daily.
Step 4. Stimulate/Sedate
• Wheat grass, barley greens, mint infusion, and fresh carrot juice are stimulating, short-term allies for increasing energy; they help prevent recurrence, too.
Step 1. Collect Information
• Radiation therapy can weaken the ribs, causing them to ache, feel sore to the touch, or throb. |
Results & Notes: Kelp is an anti-cancer herb without peer. Effects from lavish use can be noticed within a week, and increase as time passes. Mail order sources, page 54. References: 3, 5, 10, 21; illustrated on pages 41 and 217.
Carduus marjanum
Other Names: Previously Silybum marianum; lady's thistle Type: Tonifying +
Found in: Southwest Europe; naturalized in North America; easily cultivated. Part Used: Ripe seeds.
Actions & Uses: Protects liver, improves digestion; increases appetite; prevents damage from chemotherapy; anti-cancer; eases headaches. |
Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Ginger is a settling herb which is also good for nausea.
• A low-fat, high fiber diet will put less physical stress on the bowels.
• Cognitive psychotherapy and even hypnosis have been known to help some patients.
Gastric Ulcers
Ulcer pain is usually sharp and constant and occurs somewhere between the navel and the breastbone. It may be worse between meals and feel better after eating, or the reverse may be true. Some foods may worsen symptoms.
The way modern medicine views the pathology of gastric ulcers has completely and irrevocably changed. |
Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts |
Guggulipid is an Indian herb.) Lecithin, meta-sitosterol, fish oil, garlic and ginseng supplements are available in most health food stores. Guggulipid capsules can be purchased through mail order (refer to the resource list on page 643).
Cholesterol can rise with your stress level, says Stephen A. Nezezon, M.D., yoga teacher and staff physician at the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. |
Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts |
Most commonly recommended is chewing parsley—the herb's chlorophyll is supposed to douse the garlic smell. To get rid of garlic odors on your hands, clean them with lemon or wash in cold water, then rub with salt, rinse again, and finish with a wash of warm soapy water, according to Natural History magazine.
¦ Use garlic that is as fresh as possible; growing your own is the best. Unfortunately, also, garlic varies widely in its therapeutic chemicals depending on soil conditions. That is one reason researchers say test results of garlic's therapeutic capabilities vary.
¦ Raw or cooked? |
Richard Leviton See book keywords and concepts |
Each dual-toned bottle is an emulsified balance of essential oils and aroma essences on top, water-based herb extracts on the bottom, in hues of yellow over red, pink over turquoise, green over gold.
Aura Soma, claim its originators, pharmacist-chiropodist Vicky Wall, cranial osteopath Margaret Cockbain, and former mandala artist Mike Booth, is "a non-intrusive soul therapy," a kind of spiritual restorative based on the living energies of color. |
Nontoxic, Natural and EarthwiseDebra Lynn Dadd See book keywords and concepts |
Balance" multivitamin/ mineral supplement from organically grown or wildcrafted plant and herb sources. Contains a full range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, pigments, trace elements, lipids, cell salts, and nucleic acids.
Super Blue Green Algae (Cell Tech). Harvested from a 140-square-mile lake that is rich in minerals washed from miles of volcanic soil in southern Oregon. Cell Tech.
Veg-Omega-3 (Spectrum Naturals). Organic cold-pressed flax oil.
Wachters' Organic Seafood Supplements (Wachtets' Organic Sea Products). |
InterNatural, Meadowbrook herb Garden, Naturpath, Vegan Street, Weleda.
AFM Satin Touch Hair &. Body Shampoo (AFM Entetprises). Unscented, concentrated shampoo. Formulated especially for the chemically sensitive. CD S3 AFM Enterprises, Allergy Relief Shop, Baubiologie Hardware, The Living Source, Nigra Enterprises.
Aubrey Organics Shampoos (Aubrey Organics). ED M The Allergy Store, Aubrey Organics, The Compassionate Consumer, Ecco Bella, Humane Alternative Products, Karens Nontoxic Products, My Brother's Keeper, Natural Lifestyle Supplies, Vegan Street.
Cal Ben Soap Company. |
Meadowbrook herb Garden. Small assortment of toys, including dolls made of cotton fabric stuffed with carded wool fleece, elves made of colorful felt, wooden climbing bears, and finger puppets.
Mountain Craft Shop. Largest source of authentic American folk toys, reproductions of the toys once made at home and handed down from one generation to another. The toys' names—such as Jack-in-the-Box (springs up when opened) and
Skyhook, (gravity-defying device)—are traditional and most are descriptive of their functions. Most are made of native hardwoods.
Natural Lifestyle Supplies. |
The Ark, Hearthsong, Meadowbrook herb Garden, Natural Lifestyle Supplies, Seventh Generation, Traditions.
Glue & Tape_
Harmful materials: ammonia, ethanol, formaldehyde, hexane, naphthalene, phenol, plastics (acrylonittile, epoxy tesins, poly-urethane, PVC/vinyl chloride, PVP).
Warning labels: Depending on the type of adhesive, the following warnings may appear on the label:
"DANGER: Extremely flammable. Vapot harmful. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Skin and eye ittitant. Keep out of reach of children. Bonds skin instantly. Toxic."
"CAUTION: Do not use near sparks or flame. |
The Ark, Hearthsong, Meadowbrook herb Garden, Natural Lifestyle Supplies.
Paper & Envelopes_
There is a wide variety of papers on the market; some are plain, some have plastic finishes, some are bleached, some are dyed. While paper is not a health concern for most people, the manufacture of paper can cause severe environmental harm as forests are clear cut to make paper pulp, the bleaching process produces dioxin, and the general manufacturing process creates much toxic waste that often ends up polluting rivers. |