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Robert Hass, M.S.
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In a medium bowl, combine ground "meat," bread crumbs, onion, herb seasoning, garlic powder, salt, pepper, egg white, Worcestershire sauce, XU cup pasta sauce and soy milk. Shape mixture into 12 balls and place them into the foil-lined pan. Bake the balls for 8-10 minutes, then remove them. Turn the oven down to 350°F. Warm the remaining spaghetti sauce over medium heat. Arrange the bread on a foil-lined baking sheet. Slice out a 2-inch-wide and 1-inch-deep trough in the center of each roll, stopping 1 inch from the ends. Spoon a little sauce and some shredded mozzarella on each roll.
YIELD: 4 SERVINGS 2 cups Green Giant Harvest Burgers For Recipes (at room temperature) 1A cup Progresso Plain Bread Crumbs 1 teaspoon sweet white onion flakes or dried minced onion 'A teaspoon herb seasoning such as Mrs.

The Diabetes Cure : A Natural Plan That Can Slow, Stop, Even Cure Type 2 Diabetes

Dr. Vern Cherewatenko and Paul Perry
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Research has shown that by keeping glucose stores high, this herb sends a message to the brain that the body is full and not hungry. This keeps the person with type 2 diabetes from gaining weight, which would make the diabetes even worse. I have seen changes in my own patients as they have participated in our comprehensive, multidisciplinary diabetes and weight-management programs. They have learned through our Transitions Course the tools needed to make major lifestyle changes and keep these changes in effect. The elements of the Transitions Course will be discussed throughout this book.

Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

Paul Pitchford
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Pour on herb sauce and bake 30 minutes. • Garnish with parsley. • Serves 4. WHEAT V iJln/(/s Healing properties: Cooling thermal nature; sweet and salty \ /vTvfM^^v flavor; tonifies the kidneys; builds the yin; one of the few foods which Chinese medicine attributes with directly nourishing the heart-mind: calms and focuses the mind and can be used for palpitations, insomnia, irritability, menopausal V\N^\*K'iJ^l^/' ; difficulty, and emotional instability. Encourages growth, \\ vyigX^^^ weight gain, and fat formation—it is especially good for l\ 2+ children and the frail person.

Homeopathic Medicine at Home: Natural Remedies for Everyday Ailments and Minor Injuries

Maesimund B. Panos, M.D. and Jane Heimlich
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In some regions the favored remedy for diarrhea and dysentery was "Indian chocolate," made by decocting the root of an herb called water avens and adding honey and milk to the decoction. As civilization moved westward, the pioneer woman prescribed for her household and often doctored other families. Old diaries and letters testify to the skill and courage of these women who, equipped with a home doctoring book and home remedies, rode great distances on horseback to treat sick neighbors and deliver babies.

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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Silicon is found in mother's milk, in the fiber fraction of brown rice, in leafy greens and bell peppers, and in the herb called horsetail. These are primarily vegetarian sources. I have found that horsetail is extremely high in silicon and very good for bone repair, regenerating fingernails, and improving hair strength and vitality in my patients. Only organic silicon helps to do this. The inorganic form doesn't seem to have this effect. Magnesium, although comprising 0.1% of bone as compared to calcium being 20.
Hawthorn berry is a good herb to take occasionally to support the heart, as well as peppermint, tansy, and sorrel. Although ginger is good for the heart, it is also heating and thus best taken in the fall. The emotions associated with the heart and small intestine are joy and sorrow. If there is some sorrow, try to let it be released so the joy of summer can be expressed without any holding back Dual-Dosha Constitutions Rarely do people have just one dosha. Most people have a constitution that is a mixture of two doshas.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Ginseng is the best-known longevity herb. For centuries, the Chinese have revered ginseng for its rejuvenating effects. Research has shown that ginseng can stop free radical damage associated with aging. It helps people focus better when under stress, and increases overall energy levels. Gota kola. Elephants, who browse on gota kola, are known to have excellent memories and to be long-lived. Gota kola is useful for increasing vitality and endurance, and may lower blood pressure. Hawthorn berries support circulation and cardiac function. Milk thistle protects liver function.

Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

Paul Pitchford
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The herb also supplies an antidepressant dye which acts on the nervous system to reduce anxiety, hysteria, and depression. Before the twentieth century, St. Johnswort was used to rid the body of "bad spirits," a term associated with serious diseases. Terminology aside, St. Johnswort was correctly identified as having great healing potential in the treatment of difficult conditions. The recent scientific discovery of antiviral properties in St. Johnswort reaffirms the value of our ancestral healing awareness. St.
Sprouted barley is a common Chinese herb; it is slightly warming and has a sweet flavor; treats indigestion from starchy food stagnation or poorly tolerated mother's milk in infants; tonifies the stomach; alleviates stagnant liver signs including chest or upper abdominal swelling and tightness; and strengthens weak digestion and poor appetite in cases of spleen-pancreas deficiency. Also useful in Candida yeast-induced digestive weakness. Caution: Roasted whole barley or pearl barley can worsen cases of constipation.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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GINSENG_ Products and Uses: The root of an herb used by the Chinese for medicinal purposes for 2000 years. Currently a popular item in the U.S. This supplement is promoted as being beneficial for almost all human ailments, including stress, depression, anemia, diabetes, menopause, and so on. There are no long-term studies to support these claims Precautions: Use at typical dosage appears to be harmless. Those with high blood pressure and pregnant patients should avoid use. Synonyms: PANAX GINSENG ?

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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A kapha person who is low in pitta energy will often be brought into balance by the heating energy of the same food or herb. Throughout the recipes, K means kapha, P means pitta, and V means vata. Many recipes also suggest modifications that make it more balancing for a certain dosha. Although the following recipes may be eaten in any season, the times of the year in which a particular recipe is more balancing for all three doshas are also provided.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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After spending a few hundred dollars on the herb, they were left with thinner wallets, and more depressed than ever. After a a couple of years, and millions of dollars in profits, studies began to trickle into the media spotlight that all the hype over St. John's Wort was just that — hype. Yes, there had been a few small studies in Europe which suggested that St. John's Wort was an effective mood lifter, but more rigorous studies with larger numbers of people showed that St. John's Wort may have no more effect on depression than a glass of plain water - if effect, no effect at all!

Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and Memory

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
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Ginseng This herb has astonishing neurological effects, and is particularly adroit at stopping the overproduction of Cortisol. Ginseng, as you may know, is generally regarded as the "Cadillac" of Asian medicinal tonics. It is used very widely in America, Europe, and the Far East, and has been employed medicinally for thousands of years. High-quality ginseng is very prized among practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. A Chinese emperor once paid the equivalent of thirty thousand dollars for one particularly well-developed root.
I recommend to my male patients over fifty that they consider taking saw palmetto berries, a prostate-protecting herb.) Recently, low-strength formulations of DHEA have begun to appear in some health food stores and mail-order catalogs, but I believe it is unwise to use this medication without the supervision of a doctor. Currently, some young bodybuilders are taking over-the-counter DHEA indiscriminately. Because young people already have optimal levels of DHEA, this use poses a potentially dangerous risk.
Though it's ridiculous to pay this much for ginseng, these high prices illustrate the herb's allure. Ginseng became a major commodity in Europe in the late 1600s, after the King of Siam gave a gift of ginseng to Louis XIV. In America, ginseng was a popular medicinal tonic as early as the mid-1700s. In fact, it was the primary crop harvested and traded by Daniel Boone, who sometimes brought up to fifteen tons of ginseng from the frontiers of Kentucky, where it grew wild, to the eastern United States. In Kentucky, ginseng is still an f 11-million-per-year crop.

Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Facts Bilberry, also known as European blueberry, is the herb that is synonymous with healthy eyes, tor more than 1,000 years, bilberry has been a folk remedy for a variety of eye problems. In fact, during World War II, Royal Air Force pilots ate bilberry jam before night missions to improve their vision. Bilberry contains compounds called anthocyanosides, natural antioxidants that protect the capillaries (small blood vessels) from free radical damage, thereby improving circulation.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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WINE YEAST OIL comfrey__ Products and Uses: A root herb sold as a tea, tablet, capsule, tincture, poultice, or lotion. Promoted as having curative properties. Precautions: Comfrey taken orally has been linked to liver damage (cirrhosis). Unborn children have suffered liver damage as a result of mother's use. Animal studies show lung, kidney, and gastrointestinal problems resulted from consumption. Australia, Canada, Germany, and Great Britain restrict sales of comfrey. Synonyms: NONE KNOWN.

Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition

Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D.
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General Measures • Rest (bed rest is preferred) • Drink large amount of fluids (preferably diluted vegetable juices, soups, and herb teas) • Limit simple sugar consumption (including fruit sugars) to less than 50 grams per day Nutritional Supplements In general, those supplements see recommendations in Immune Support.

In Bad Taste: The Msg Symptom Complex : How Monosodium Glutamate Is a Major Cause of Treatable and Preventable Illnesses, Such As Headaches, Asthma, Epilepsy, heart

George R. Schwartz
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Quick herb Stock (Makes 1 quart) Place in a soup pot: 2 tablespoons dried thyme 2 tablespoons dried parsley 1 tablespoon dried oregano 10 black peppercorns, crushed 4 bay leaves 1 medium onion, sliced thin 2 quarts cold water Bring to a boil and simmer until the liquid is reduced by one-half. Pass through a fine strainer and cool. Refrigerate or freeze.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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GENTIAN VIOLET_ Products and Uses: Derived from an herb. Used to treat poultry for fungus disease and added to poultry feed to prevent fungus. Also has been used to treat humans for burn wounds, fungus infections of skin, and internally for parasite infections Precautions: A carcinogen. Synonyms: CRYSTAL VIOLET GERANIUM OIL, ALGERIAN TYPE_ Products and Uses: Used in bakery products, beverages (nonalcoholic), chewing gum, confections, gelatin desserts, ice cream, and puddings. Used as a flavoring agent. Precautions: A skin irritant. GRAS (generally recognized as safe).

Homeopathic Medicine at Home: Natural Remedies for Everyday Ailments and Minor Injuries

Maesimund B. Panos, M.D. and Jane Heimlich
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If cystitis develops when you are away from home without your remedies, drink a generous amount of cranberry juice, preferably without sugar, and parsley tea made from the fresh or dried herb. BEYOND FIRST AID: A severe reduction in or lack of urination is a danger signal that may indicate that the normal path of urine through the kidneys is being blocked. This condition, called pyelitis, is an inflammation of the kidney passages. Symptoms include low back pain, chills and fever, a burning sensation on urination, and sometimes swelling of the legs.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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Ginkgo biloba — This herb is generally very well tolerated. Ginkgo may potentiate MAO-inhibitors, so consult your physician if you are using an anti-depressant and are not sure if it is in this class of drugs. In large amounts, ginkgo can cause diarrhea, irritability and restlessness. Gingko is also well known to cause heartburn and stomach upset in many people. • Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) - This should not be used during pregnancy. Do not take for more than two weeks at a time. Eating the fresh plant can cause inflammation of mucous membranes.
As little as 50 milligrams of dried herb or a single milliliter of lobelia tincture has caused these reactions. Because of its similarity to nicotine, lobelia may be dangerous to susceptible populations, including children, pregnant women, and individuals with cardiac disease. Lobelia is nevertheless found in dietary supplement products that are marketed for use by children and infants, pregnant women, and smokers. E.

Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

Paul Pitchford
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To produce emesis, drink a cup of mint tea or hot w lemonade followed by 2 cups of lobelia herb tea (2 cups warm salt water may be substituted), and, if necessary, trigger regurgitation by sliding the middle finger down the throat. To treat the convulsions that may occur with asthma attacks, a lit- ,w tie lobelia tea or 10-20 drops of lobelia tincture can be taken. w Asthma is frequently related to low blood sugar. (See symptoms and suggestions in "Hypoglycemia" section, page 335.) Asthma attacks may also be caused by allergies (see "Allergies and Food Combining," page 232).

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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Coltsfoot is another good general lung herb to have occasionally. Licorice root is good for the adrenals and is a mild laxative to support the bowels. Grief is the emotion in the Chinese system that is associated with the lungs and large intestine. Repressed grief can inhibit the function of these organs, so the fall is a significant time to get in touch with one's grief and express it and release it. Winter is a time of dampness and coldness. Damp and cold unbalance kapha and kapha-vata most strongly.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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Having heard of comfrey being called the miracle herb, I got several big leaves, put them through a juicer, diluted them, put the pulp on some gauze, and used this poultice just once a day. In six weeks my husband had not one ulcer on his legs. "They were completely healed. We have moved ... and have two comfrey plants started already in the garden. I wouldn't be without it." Phlebitis Victim Back On Her Feet Again! Ms. H.N. reports: "Up until recently I had so much pain with phlebitis that I was in bed for three months. Then a friend told me about vitamin E and I have been taking 400 mg.

A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients

Ruth Winter, M.S.
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BUCKWHEAT • An herb of the genus Fagopyrum. Contains rutin, a pale yellow crystal found in many plants, particularly buckwheat. Used as a dietary supplement for capillary fragility. No known toxicity. BUFFER • Usually a solution with a relatively constant acidity-alkalinity ratio, which is unaffected by the addition of comparatively large amounts of acid or alkali. A typical buffer solution would be hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide (see). BUGLE WEED • Sweet Bugle. Extract of the various parts of Lycopus virgini-cus, grown in North America. Contains a volatile oil, resin, and tannin.
BORAGO • The extract of the herb Borago officinalis. Contains potassium and calcium and has emollient properties and is used in a "tea" for sore eyes. Used in cosmetics as a skin conditioner. BORATES • Widely used as antiseptic ingredients and preservatives in cosmetics in spite of repeated warnings by medical scientists. Acute poisonings have followed ingestion, injection, enemas, lavage of body cavities, and application of powders and ointments to burned and abraded skin. Borates affect the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, and skin. BORAX • Sodium Borate.
Cases of liver toxicity caused by the use of this herb have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control. SLIPPERY ELM BARK • Bark from the North American elm. Fragrant and sticky, it contains much mucilage and powder. Mixed with hot water, it forms a fawn-colored mass. Used as a demulcent (see). No known toxicity. SMILAZ ARISTOLOCHIAEFOLIA • See Sarsaparilla Extract. SNAKEROOT • Any of numerous plants that have a reputation as remedies for snakebites. Among them, for example, senega (Polygala senega). The North American Indians, particularly the Senecas, used this for snakebite.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Who:

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...and Vitamin C
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...and Drugs:

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...and Antidepressants
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...and Macronutrients:

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...and Fatty acids
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...and Properties:

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...and Aphrodisiac

...and Biological Functions:

...and Digestion
...and Strength
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...and Memory
...and Concentration
...and Metabolism
...and Menstruation
...and Breath
...and Attention
...and Vision

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Height
...and Heart rate
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Body weight
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood levels
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Ayurvedic
...and Chinese medicine
...and Traditional chinese medicine
...and Folk medicine
...and Relaxation
...and Massage
...and Detoxification
...and Cleanse
...and Acupuncture
...and Fasting

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Estrogen
...and Hormones
...and Insulin
...and Histamine
...and Steroid
...and Dopamine
...and Cortisol
...and Saliva
...and Methionine
...and Estrogens

...and Animals:

...and Rats
...and Cat
...and Mice
...and Horse
...and Worms
...and Cats
...and Insect
...and Insects
...and Dogs
...and Turkey

...and Organizations:

...and Health food stores
...and Fda
...and Manufacturers
...and Clinic
...and Pharmacy
...and Government
...and Food and drug administration
...and Schools
...and Lancet
...and Organization

...and Chemicals:

...and Caffeine
...and Free radicals
...and Ethanol
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...and Poisons
...and Nicotine
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...and When:

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...and At night
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...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Preservatives
...and Fructose
...and Aspartame
...and Msg
...and Lactose
...and Food additives

...and Supplements:

...and Fish oil
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Spirulina
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine

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Related Concepts:

Side effects
Blood pressure