The Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts |
The extract from this fragrant herb is such a strong preservative that it's used in the food industry to keep foods fresh. Studies have found that animals eating even small amounts of rosemary each day are protected from cancer.
"Even using just a fraction of a teaspoon of the dried leaves every day could have potential health benefits," says Chi-Tang Ho, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Food Science at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Try rosemary on chicken, potatoes and Italian foods.
Can the Spam. |
Dr. Gary Null See book keywords and concepts |
The parasite giardia may be an important cause of chronic fatigue, causing dysfunctional immune activation or transport of RNA viruses; therapies for giardia include grapefruit-seed extract, the herb Artemisia annua, and the medications quinacrine and metronidazole. |
Margarita Artschwager Kay See book keywords and concepts |
It was thought to accelerate birth, provoke menses, and open obstructions in women by getting rid of the 'cold'. The herb's qualities were odorous, sharp, 'hot', and 'dry' in the third degree. Hernandez said that since it grew so well in Michoacan, it could easily be transplanted to Spain.
In northwestern New Spain, Esteyneffer ([1719] 1978) said that guaco root, when dried and pulverized, healed and prevented scarring of venereal ulcers and restored the gums. |
the Editors of PREVENTION Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts |
Several years ago, a German study found two substances in this herb that produce anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects," says Dr. Tyler. Health food stores sell ready-made arnica ointments such as Antiflora, which may help bruises disappear. They should contain at least 10 percent arnica to be effective, says Dr. Tyler.
Reach for vitamin C skin cream. The latest "miracle" ingredient to show up in skin cosmetics is vitamin C. This one seems to have some merit. "Vitamin C penetrates the skin deeply and may help build up the skin's support structure of collagen," says Dr. Clark. |
Enjoy a cup of decaf or herb tea, instead.
Skip the smoke ... and the cocktail. "Stay away from any kind of smoke," Dr. Smith says. "If someone's smoking around you, ask them to do it elsewhere."
And the cocktail? Alcohol is another dehydrator to avoid while you have postnasal drip. If you do indulge, Dr. Smith recommends drinking three eight-ounce glasses of water before you go to bed, which will offset alcohol's drying effect.
Try mucus-thinning medications. Over-the-counter agents like Robitussin syrup, which contain guaifenesin, will thin postnasal mucus, says Richard Mabry, M.D. |
A Chinese herb called ephedra is a good nasal decongestant, says Dr. Tyler. You can often find it in teas in health food stores, but make sure you're getting Ephedra sinica, the Chinese or Indian variety. The American species of ephedra lacks the active ingredient you need. Dr. Tyler cautions that ephedra will also act as a mild stimulant and should be avoided if you have high blood pressure or heart problems. Drink two cups a day until you feel better.
What if It's an Allergy}
If your doctor says your chronic stuffy nose results from an allergy, these are the basic treatments. |
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
In the January 1991 issue of its Cancer Journal for Clinicians ACS referred to the Hox-sey therapy, a nontoxic combination of herb extracts developed in the 1940s by populist Harry Hoxsey, as a "worthless tonic for cancer." However, a detailed critique of Hoxsey's treatment by Dr. Patricia Spain Ward, a leading contributor to the OTA report, concluded just the opposite: "More recent literature leaves no doubt that Hoxsey's formula does indeed contain many plant substances of marked therapeutic activity. |
Margarita Artschwager Kay See book keywords and concepts |
They mix pine gum with romero and another herb to dress bruises.
Alaskan Athabascans use various parts of both pines and spruces for many conditions, including diarrhea and venereal disease, and the gum as a poultice for wounds (Fortuine 1988). The Navajo make a skin salve from pinyon pine pitch and also used it as an emetic; they boiled the leaves with juniper to treat diarrhea (Mayes and Lacey 1989). The Hopi and Zuni use it similarly.
Mexican Americans in Colorado boil trementina (turpentine) and mix it with tobacco and honey to make an ointment for removing slivers and treating boils. |
This may be the most popular herb for Mexicans and Mexican Americans, who use it for a variety of conditions. When a woman begins to have labor pains, she prepares a pot of te de manzanilla from the dried flowers. As she drinks the tea, she finds that it may relieve false labor, causing the contractions to cease. If it increases the efficacy of the uterine contractions, making them come more often and harder, she knows she is in good labor. A tea of the flowers or leaves may also be given for infant colic. |
the Editors of PREVENTION Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts |
Many pregnant women benefit from this herb. To try it, dissolve a teaspoon of powdered ginger in a cup of hot water. Drink the tea every four hours as needed.
Be aware of B6. Dr. Niebyl conducted a study in which women who took 25 milligrams of vitamin B6 three times daily for three days reduced severe nausea. Women who took a placebo—a fake, look-alike pill—had no benefit. But B6 only worked for severe cases. "The nutrient had no effect on mild nausea," says Dr. Niebyl. Ask your doctor whether B6 supplements are right for you. |
Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki See book keywords and concepts |
It is also used as an herb in traditional Chinese and Okinawan medicine. Interestingly, it was imported to the United States early in the twentieth century to control soil erosion and for use as animal feed. It was such a prolific plant that it spread like a weed through the southeastern United States. Kudzu can grow a foot a day during the summer heat and about sixty feet per year. This has earned kudzu the nickname "mile-a-minute vine." Thank goodness we now have a use for it!
Folkloric claims. |
Margarita Artschwager Kay See book keywords and concepts |
It is commonly cultivated both as a medicinal and culinary herb and as an ornamental. "De las virtudes del romero, se puede escribir un libro entero" ("One can write a whole book on the virtues of rosemary") goes the saying (Font Quer 1979: 652). The Latin name has been traced to its Greek derivation, from words meaning "aromatic bush."
Historic Use. |
Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A. See book keywords and concepts |
I have used this herb as adjunctive therapy in all autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. There are no side effects, and it can be used safely in both dogs and cats.
Coriolus versicolor is a mushroom found in wooded temperate zones in North America, Asia, and Europe. Most of the research and usage has come from Japan. In Japan, it is mainly used as an adjunct to radiation and chemotherapy in a variety of cancers.
Two principle immunologically active extracts have been identified and used. As of this writing, it has not been established which extract is more beneficial. |
Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts |
He advises his patients to drink several cups a day or take 500 milligrams of the herb each day in capsule form. Follow the dosage recommendations on the label.
Internal Energy Can Beat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome o many conventional doctors, the initials CFS might as well stand for "certified fake sickness" instead of "chronic fatigue syndrome."
That's because many conventional doctors either don't believe that CFS exists as a disease, or they don't understand it well enough to conduct the full range of medical tests that can detect it. |
GOLDENSEAL: A Killer of Bad Bacteria
The herb goldenseal can kill toxic bacteria in the intestines and can help reduce body odor, says Dr. Bennett. Follow the dosage recommendations on the label.
PROBIOTICS: More Bad News for Bad Bacteria
Taking a probiotic, a food supplement that contains "friendly" bacteria that help maintain the health of the intestines, is a must for reducing the bad intestinal bacteria that can trigger strong body odor, says Tara Skye Goldin, N.D., a naturopathic physician in Boulder, Colorado. |
Dr. Gary Null See book keywords and concepts |
Substances that have shown promise in combating CFS include malic acid (extracted from apples); magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride; broad-spectrum amino acid preparations; vitamins B6 and Bl; high-dose immunoglobulin therapy; essential fatty acid supplementation; potassium and magnesium aspartates; evening primrose oil; licorice, which seems to increase the glucocorticol hormone activity that is deficient in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome; and an extract of the traditional Chinese medicinal herb Astragalus membranous, which enhances natural killer cell activity. (See below. |
Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki See book keywords and concepts |
And its mild sedative effect on mucous membranes makes it a very gentle and reliable "stomach-settling" herb. You can't go wrong having a cup or two of chamomile tea before going to bed. You can find chamomile tea bags or loose tea in most supermarkets. If you use loose tea, add one tablespoon of the whole dried flowers to one cup of hot water, steep for ten minutes, then strain. Its gentle flowery scent is pleasant and soothing. |
Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A. See book keywords and concepts |
The immune system is incredibly complex, and an herb such as echinacea, which acts by stimulating phagocytic activity by macrophages, may be beneficial in cancers and even autoimmune conditions. Phagocytic cells are part of nonspecific immunity. These macrophages are a key element in immune surveillance. The macrophages process antigenic material (virus, bacteria, fungus, pollens, parasites, etc.) and then present this to the helper T cells. At this point, the helper T cells join the party and get to work. |
So, if an herb such as echinacea significantly increases phagocytic activity, the end result will be enhanced immune surveillance.
Echinacea is, in reality, an immunomodulator and not an immunostimulant. If an autoimmune disease is caused by a virus or a bacteria such as tuberculosis, and if they are cleared from the body by the macrophages, then inflammation will decrease. In this way, echinacea can "down regulate" an overactive or an unbalanced immune system. So the body's response to an allergen may be reduced if phagocytic activity by macrophages are enhanced. |
It's not a drug, vitamin, mineral, or herb; rather, it is a natural occurring compound, which is derived from the cell wall of Baker's yeast (Sac-charomyces Cerevisiae).
Once the immune system is activated by beta-1,3 D-glucan, the immune system creates a permanent defense against viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, or neoplastic assailants. This immune enhancer seems to selectively stimulate the macrophage part of the immune system first. As discussed earlier, a macrophage is a cell common to all living beings and is often referred to by im-munologists as the "Pac-Man" of the immune system. |
Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND See book keywords and concepts |
Do not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen when taking this herb.
Yellow dock
Detoxifier; mild laxative; antiworm; relieves cough and lymphatic congestion.
Tincture, tea, capsule.
In large doses, can cause nausea, vomit-
Encourages perspiration. ing, diarrhea.
Homeopathy is a system of treatment that uses dilutions of plant, mineral, and animal substances, as well as some chemicals, to stimulate the defensive systems of the body in a very subtle way. It is widely used in Europe, but not as well known in the United States. |
Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki See book keywords and concepts |
This common herb can be used as a garnish for a multitude of dishes and is a great breath freshener. Parsley contains significant amounts of B vitamins and vitamin C.8° It may stimulate smooth muscle contraction in the bladder and uterus and act as a diuretic. There are several forms of parsley available other than fresh leaves, including capsules, extract liquid, oils, and teas, but we don't recommend them, since their efficacy still lacks support from human clinical trials. |
Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts |
Turmeric is a cooling herb that can reduce the inflammation of a boil and help prevent recurrences, says Virender Sodhi, M.D. (Ayurved), N.D., an Ayurvedic and naturopathic physician and director of the American School of Ayurvedic Sciences in Bellevue, Washington.
Look for a standardized extract of turmeric and take 450 milligrams three times a day. Or use it to make a skin paste that will quickly bring a boil to a head, says Dr. Sodhi.
In a blender, combine 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts, and a baked onion with enough water to make a thick paste. |
Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki See book keywords and concepts |
Shiso, or Perilla
(Perilla frutescens)
Benefit: Shiso is very high in vitamin A; at about 8,700 IU per 100 grams, it surpasses the widely acclaimed herb parsley at 7,500 IU per 100 grams.80 With a refreshing flavor somewhere between mint and basil, it is used in traditional medicine to treat fever, headache, and hair loss.
How to use: This leaf complements any dish that uses basil, such as grilled fish, casseroles, soups, and pastas.
Availability: Shiso is commonly available at Asian food stores. If not, you can substitute basil leaves. |
Robert W. Hill, Ph.D. and Eduardo Castro, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Had these results occurred from the use of an herb or vitamin treatment, there is no doubt the FDA would have acted swiftly and decisively.
Antipsychotics: Haldol is the most commonly used, though there are dozens, while Risperdol is the newer kid on the block. These are major tranquilizers and are usually reserved for more serious disruptive or aggressive behavior. They are also used to suppress the tics of Tourette's syndrome, even though they can cause a permanent movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
DERMATITIGENIC: Avocado; Chir Pine; English Filbert; Macadamia; Peruvian Yellow Oleander; African Oil Palm; Manila; Apricot; Brazilnut; Pistachio; Simaruba; Bark; Andiroba; Candlenut; Caper Spurge; Almond; Olive; Sunflower; Plum; Antler herb.
FUNGICIDE: Parsnip; Grape; Lemon; Clove; Lemon; Coconut; Potato; Grape; Cardamom; Oats; Coffee; Rice; Common Thyme; Celery; Java-Olive; Bayrum Tree; Winter Savory; Celery; Turmeric; Allspice. |
Robert W. Hill, Ph.D. and Eduardo Castro, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
How many times have we all heard that this pill or that herb will heal, give you more energy, give you greater sexual prowess, or help you lose weight? Most products with broadly based claims just do not hold up to close inspection. They may help with one thing or reduce one symptom, but they seldom meet our expectations. When they don't, we find our optimism has turned sour.
Brainwave Researchers Take Advantage of Modern Computers
When we first ventured into the field of neurofeedback, we kept waiting for the bottom to fall out. |
Mark Bricklin See book keywords and concepts |
Hatfield says of garlic that "the herb's effects are to induce perspiring, stimulate energy, prompt urination, loosen congestion, cleanse the stomach and aid digestion." It's also used for arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and sinus infections.
European physicians have reported that garlic has two outstanding medical properties. One is that it tends to open up blood vessels and reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. |
The famed pungent odor of garlic, however, is not necessarily the "active ingredient" in this particular usage of the herb; both the ancient Egyptians and Greeks regarded garlic as having supernatural powers.
That attitude toward garlic has lingered, like its aroma, down through the ages. Even today, there are people who maintain that garlic has so many beneficial properties that it should be regarded with suitable awe and used in generous amounts at the first sign of almost any illness.
It's generally accepted that garlic acts as a diuretic, stimulant, expectorant and sweat promoter. |
But then, I remembered that in homeopathic preparations this herb would be given in "triturations," which are diluted to the extent that even a tiny pill might contain only one-thousandth part of the active substance.
The idea is that "like cures like," and a very small dose of a substance that causes an ill effect in a healthy person will actually stimulate the protective reaction of the body to overcome that same ill effect in a sick person.
Thus, Dr. |