Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. and Alan R. Gaby, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | In a double-blind study of 10 patients with AMD, ginkgo was significantly more effective than a placebo, as demonstrated by improvement in long-distance visual acuity.15
A group of chemically-related substances known as flavonoids are found in a wide variety of plants. The most beneficial flavonoids for the eyes are the anthocyanosides, which are found in high concentrations in blueberries (especially the European blueberry, also called bilberry), grapes, and other fruits and vegetables. | Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | Schmid, W, Anbau von ginkgo biloba Kurzfassung der Referate und Poster des II. winter-seminars zu Fragen der Arznei- und Gewiirzpflanzenproduktion, 2001, Sauplanta EV., Bernburg, pp. 32-33.
18. Kasbohm, A., 1999, Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzenanbau- nur ein Nischen-markt?, ZMR Marktbericht Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzen., 1(1): 2.
19. Ibid.
20. Dachler, M. and Pelzmann, H., Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzen, Anbau- Ernte-Aufbereitung (Klosterneuburg: Osterreichischer Agrarverlag, 1999), pp. 25-35.
21. Jens, P., 1987, Guide to good agricultural practice for herbs (EHI A), Newsletter of Med. andArom. | The commonly used drugs are Armeniaceae amarum (seed), Sterculiae lychnophorae (seed), Farfarae (flower), Rhododendrri daurici (leaf), ginkgo (seed), Lilii (bulb), Eriobo-tryae (leaf), Syringae (bark), Moms radicis (root bark), Stemonae (root), Fritillaria cirrhosa (bulb), and Fritillaria thunbergii (bulb).
Antiasthmatic Drugs
Antiasthmatics are used for relieving asthmastic symptoms. Most of the antitussives may have some effect on asthma, whereas antiasthmatics also relieve cough. | Similarly, ginkgo biloha L. has been introduced from the Far East into other regions, and about 6,000 tons of leaves are produced in France and the United Stales in addition to the amount produced in China, its native habitat.34
• In several countries, failing social conditions may limit collection activities in the future. In southeastern Europe, reduction in growing spaces and high labor costs have reduced drug production. A well-planned and coordinated cultivation is desired to supply the in-demand drugs. Thus even hawthorn, elder, or linden may be introduced in Europe in the future. | Leaf cultivation of ginkgo for medicinal use, Proceedings of WOCMAPII, Acta Horticult., 502: 143-151.
35. Bohr, C., 1997, Inkulturnahme von bisher aus Wildsammlungen stammen-den Wirkstoffpflanzen, Drogenreport, 10(17): 37-39.
36. Lange, 1998, Europe's medicinal and aromatic plants.
37. Franz, C., 1996, Ziichtungsforschung und Ziichtung an Arznei- und Gewiirz-pflanzen, Z. Arzm Gew. pfl., 1(1): 30-38.
38. Nemeth, E., 2001, Goals and results in improvement of biological background of medicinal plant production, Internal. J. of Horticult. Sci., 7(2): 20-27.
39. Nemeth, E., Bemath, J. | Somatic embryogenesis from immature zygotic embryos of ginkgo biloba, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 44(1): 19-24. nArya, S., Arya, I.D., and Eriksson, T., 1993. Rapid multiplication of adventitious somatic embryos of Panax ginseng, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 34: 157-162.
°Krishnan, P.N., Sudha, C.G., and Seeni, S., 1995. Rapid propagation through shoot tip culture of Trichopus zeylanicus Gaertn., a rare ethnomedicinal plant, Plant Cell Reports, 14: 708-711.
PStapfer, R.E. and Heuser, C.W., 1985. In vitro propagation of periwinkle, HortScience, 20(1): 141-142. | Two recent studies specifically aimed at patients displaying characteristic symptoms of AD have shown some beneficial effects, although a recently published study in healthy volunteers showed no significant improvements in the group administered ginkgo extract.6
Sage species, Salvia officinalis L. and S. lavandulaefolia Vahl, are traditional herbal plants that have attracted recent interest. Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century herbals mentioned the reputation of sage as being good for the memory. | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | Extracts of the herb ginkgo biloba also might be beneficial, though the research has been conflicting. ginkgo serves as both an antioxidant and as a dilator of blood vessels in the brain, improving blood circulation to neurons.
Some research indicates that the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fish oils also can reduce the risk of neuroinflammation. Given the progressive nature of Alzheimer's disease, the emphasis should be on prevention or reversing its early stages. It is not likely that advanced Alzheimer's disease can be reversed because of extensive damage to brain cells. | The Editors of FC&A See book keywords and concepts | In addition, fish oil acts as a natural blood-thinner, so avoid mixing it with aspirin, garlic, ginkgo, or prescription blood-thinning medications.
Get a lift from ginseng. Panax ginseng is one of the "true" ginsengs — not an imitator often passed off for the real thing - and is the most well-researched kind. It's been used to treat fatigue, poor concentration, low energy, and now mental health.
A small group of young adults took 200 milligrams of panax ginseng every day and within four weeks felt more sociable and mentally healthy. | Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. and Alan R. Gaby, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | John's wort against depression or ginkgo to aid memory, make sure all the essential nutrients are not only being ingested, but absorbed, as well.
DR. GABY'S COMMENTARY j/\^s dr. wright pointed out, factors that improve overall health may also enhance mental function. These include eating healthful foods, avoiding excessive alcohol intake, dealing with digestion and absorption problems, exercising regularly, taking a high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement, and maintaining a positive attitude. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | Ohio State University in Columbus. ginkgo biloba offers hope to MS patients. Oregon Health and Science University. Cranberries protect body against harmful bacteria. Rutgers University. Pomegranate juice reduces artery-blocking plaque. Lipid Research Laboratory in Israel. Broccoli promotes healthy joints. Johns Hopkins University. Cruciferous vegetables protect against lung cancer. The Lancet. Uncooked soy can lower cholesterol by 9 percent. University of Kentucky. Sweet potatoes boost immune system. American Institute for Cancer Research. | Dr. Richard Schulze and Sam Biser See book keywords and concepts | Schulze: In six days, stroke patients had big changes with cayenne and ginkgo that would have taken six months with ginkgo alone. I saw big-time cures in stroke victims in 24 hours — but never without big doses of cayenne pepper.
I saw Alzheimer's respond in a week, big changes, with blasts of this cayenne formula. You can go from six dropperfuls a day up to two to four dropperfuls every other hour.
Brain tonic: This formula for strokes, memory, depression and hearing is 1 part Cayenne, 3 parts ginkgo Biloba leaf, 1 part Rosemary (optional). | Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | With hypertensive hemorrhages, I would use only a low dose of ginkgo biloba—60 mg— and then check bleeding and clotting time three weeks after beginning supplementation.
Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B^
I suggest taking methylcobalamin as 1,000 ug three times a day, and the folate no more than 800 ug a day.
Strengthening the Heart Muscle
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQIO)
Most patient studies used at least 100 mg of the extract. For those with congestive heart failure, the dose begins at 300 mg a day and goes up to 600 mg a day in three divided doses, that is take 200 mg three times a day. | Most doctors will know little or nothing of ginkgo biloba, if they have heard of it at all.
Hawthorn Extract (Crateagus oxacantha)
This plant extract has been shown to increase the strength of heart contractions (ejection fraction), dilate blood vessels (which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow through the coronary arteries), and acts as a powerful antioxidant.348 1 have found it to be especially effective with patients who have hypertension, since it blocks the angiotensin-converting enzyme responsible for elevating blood pressure. | Unlike aspirin, ginkgo also contains numerous flavonoids that protect the weakened vessel from further damage by free radicals. In addition, it directly strengthens the collagen and elastin in the blood vessel walls.3'8
Other natural products have the same effect. Pycnogenol and grape-seed extract, bind tightly to the collagen in blood vessels, protecting it from further damage both by free radicals and an enzyme called collagenase. These products have also have been shown to inhibit stress and smoking-related platelet activation, that is, clotting of the blood at sites of blood vessel injury. | Michael Janson, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | In addition to these nonspecific benefits and memory enhancement, ginkgo extract helps with peripheral vascular disease, vertigo (dizziness), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), migraine headaches and Raynaud's phenomenon. Because degenerative eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, are probably related to oxidation and poor microcirculation, ginkgo has been suggested for these conditions.
Most of the scientific studies on ginkgo biloba have been done with a 24% standardized extract, not the plain powdered leaf. | Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Another property of the ginkgo extract is its ability to inhibit arrhythmia in heart muscle. As we have seen, arrthythmias constitute a major cause of death following heart attacks, especially in smokers. (Smokers have low magnesium levels.) In essence, we have in this one extract the ability to suppress arrthythmias, improve coronary blood flow, reduce blood viscosity and hypercoagulability, and reduce the damage by free radicals. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Testing Techniques
The following tests help assess possible reasons for hearing loss: Specialized hearing tests by an otologist Blood pressure
Vitamin and mineral analysis (especially magnesium, B12, and iron)— blood
Food and environmental allergies/sensitivities—blood, electrodermal
Super Prescription #1 ginkgo biloba
Take 60 to 120 mg twice a day of a 24 percent flavone glycosides standardized extract. This herb increases blood flow, which helps ear tissues receive the oxygen and the nutrients they need for good health. | Paula Begoun See book keywords and concepts | Mandarin Magic ginkgo Leaf & Earth Smoke Shampoo ($7.75 for 8 ounces), Polynatural 60/80 Shampoo ($9.25 for 8 ounces), Rosa Mosqueta Rose Hip Herbal Shampoo ($8.75 for 8 ounces), Sea Buckthorn Egg Conditioning Shampoo ($8.90 for 8 ounces), Selenium Natural Blue Shampoo ($8.75 for 8 ounces), and White Camellia & Jasmine Conditioning Shampoo ($8.50 for 8 ounces) all have a coconut-oil soap base, which can be extremely drying to the hair and irritating for the scalp. | Ben-Erik van Wyk See book keywords and concepts | The tree has been cultivated in China (especially in temples) since ancient times and was taken to Japan and Korea about 1 000 years ago. ginkgo has become a popular street tree all over the world. Commercial plantations in China, France and the USA produce leaf extracts that are used in medicine (improvement of age-related circulatory disorders). Parts used Seeds.
Cultivation & harvesting Propagation by cuttings allows the selective production of male or female plants as required. Trees are exceptionally hardy and withstand pollution and high salinity remarkably well. | Paula Begoun See book keywords and concepts | The plant extracts, from calendula, matricaria, and ginkgo biloba, have no effect on hair.
© mixed greens shampoo for normal to dry hair ($10.99 for 10.15 ounces) is almost identical to the basil mint version above, and the same concerns apply.
© pear shampoo for infants & toddlers ($10.99for 10.15 ounces). Mop claims this shampoo is "The kindest way we know to cleanse the wee ones" and that it is supposed to "Contain no harsh lather additives or detergents to dry out skin and scalp." I agree that this is gentler than the shampoos above, as it leaves out the problematic plant extracts. | Eric R. Braverman See book keywords and concepts | In France, studies have shown that ginkgo biloba has also been thought to be helpful in cerebral insufficiency. Primary and secondary prevention of stroke includes the use of ginger, onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, fish oils, aspirin, and willow bark. These natural supplements are especially beneficial to patients who have already had a stroke caused by blocked brain blood vessels.
The four natures all play an important role in sexual function. Dopamine controls libido, aggression, and power. | Blood-flow enhancers such as quercetin and D, L-phenylalanine and herbs such as huperzine-A, Rhodiola rosea, and ginkgo have improved memory and focus in Alzheimer's patients. Supplements such as Cognitex, ProCog, and my Brain Youth and Brain Memory formulas are also vital to memory and cognitive functions. | Paula Begoun See book keywords and concepts | There is no proof anywhere that the wild yam, ginkgo, milk thistle, and vitamins can reduce any sort of scalp buildup, and definitely nothing related to hormonal buildup. This is an overpriced product that isn't even a decent leave-in conditioner. Again, peppermint and rosemary are present for their tingling, bogus "it's working" effect.
© $$$ Bionutrient Actives Scalp Therapy ($15.99 for10. | Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton See book keywords and concepts | Many appear to be very effective, such as ginkgo biloba extract for memory loss and Saint-John's-wort for depression. First make sure that you are getting all the nutrients, and once any nutritional deficiencies have been sorted out, then move on to herbal remedies. I would also advise anyone starting with these remedies, particularly Saint-John's-wort, to do so under the supervision of a trained herbalist, as it has been linked to side effects such as sensitivity to light.
Chapter 7
Digestive Disorders we all know that you are what you eat. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Ginkgo biloba for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 24:139^13.
Reiter, W. J., A. Pycha, G. Schatzl, et al. 1999. Dehydroepiandrosterone in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: A prospective, double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled study. Urology 53:590-95.
To many couples, pregnancy seems like a simple matter—so simple that not getting pregnant is their chief concern. But after years of protected sex, men and women who decide they want children may discover that conception is a far more complex process than they realized. | Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D. See book keywords and concepts | While not a cure, ginkgo biloba (page 681) extract (GBE) may improve memory and quality of life and slow progression in the early stages of the disease. In addition, four double-blind trials have shown that GBE is helpful for people in early stages of Alzheimer's disease, as well as for those experiencing another form of dementia known as multi-infarct dementia.58' 59' 60' 61 One trial reported no effect of GBE supplementation in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia or age-associated memory impairment. | Paula Begoun See book keywords and concepts | Mandarin Magic ginkgo Leaf & Ginseng Root Hair Moisturizing Jelly ($10.75 for 8 ounces) is essentially an alcohol-free version of rhe B-5 Design Gel above, and the same basic comments apply. This gel does not contain any balsam oil, and the other plant extracts used have no effect on hair.
© Natural Body Highliter Mousse, Chestnut Brown ($8 for 8 ounces) isn't a mousse because it doesn't foam and it's not dispersed by propellants (or air, as is the case with many mousses today). Rather, this is a styling gel that provides a light hold that's slightly sticky but can be brushed through. | Joseph E. Mario See book keywords and concepts | Others are the anticancer antioxidants in fruits, grains, beans, and vegetables; Cabbage family crucifer brassica plants have Brassinin, Canthaxanthin, Indole-3-Carbinol, DilndolylMethane, Lycopene, Oltipraz, Organonitriles, Phenethy 1 Isothiocyanate, and Sulforaphane; Chlorophyll and Spirulina rid body environmental toxins; Herbs include Gingerol, Rosmarinic acid, and others in Bilberry, ginkgo, Green Tea, Hawthorn berries, Red Wine, and Pine bark. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Food additives ...and Preservatives ...and Msg ...and Lactose ...and Aspartame
Related Concepts:
Extract Ginkgo biloba Biloba Study Patients Brain Effects Treatment Blood Memory Effect Standardized Placebo Studies Double-blind Herb Symptoms Circulation Blood flow Herbs People Taking Clinical Dementia Disease Results Cerebral Function Activity Dose Leaves Increase Improved Damage Flow Antioxidant Rats Cells Ginseng Levels Tinnitus Time Oxygen Drugs Placebo-controlled Dosage Alzheimer's Trial Group Body Improve Alzheimer's disease Herbal Extracts Doses Tea Trials Drug Prevent Heart Improves Root Research Problems Depression Mental Healthy Leaf Ginger Chinese Free Increases Vitamin Reduced Side effects Conditions Garlic Blood vessels Properties Helps Flavonoids Product Blood pressure Active Peripheral Elderly Combination Ginkgolides Glycosides Avoid Human Disorders Therapy Treating Stroke Chronic Acute Vascular Water Acid