Steven V. Joyal See book keywords and concepts | Varying levels of success have been found with other interventions, including nutraceuticals (such as Saint-John's-wort, L-tryptophan, ginkgo biloba), light therapy, exercise, stress-management techniques (covered in this chapter), prayer/spiritual guidance, and various mind-body therapies (for example, guided visualization, self-hypnosis, biofeedback). Please see the Suggested Reading List for resources that explore these other strategies for treating depression. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Anonym, Phytopharmaka fur altere Menschen: ginkgo, Kava, Hypericum und Crataegus. In: DAZ 135(5):400-402. 1995.
Anonym, Weipdorn bei Herzinsuffiziens und Angina pectoris. In: Symbiose 4(3): 16. 1992.
Bahorun T, Gressier B, Trotin F, Brunet C, Dine Th, Luyckx M, Vasseur J, Cazin M, Cazin JC, Pinkas M, Oxygen species scavenging activity of phenolic activities, fresh plant organs and pharmaceutical preparations. In: Arzneim Forsch 46(11): 1086-1089. 1996.
Bahorun T, Trotin F, Pommery J, Vasseur J, Pinkas M, Antioxydant activities of Crataegus monogyna extracts. In: PM 60(4):323-328. 1994. | Marshall Editions See book keywords and concepts | Certain herbal therapies, especially ginkgo, can also increase blood flow. Avoiding smoking is particularly important if you have Raynaud's disease.
Medication: Calcium channel blockers, usually nifedipine, are used to treat Raynaud's disease. Nitroglycerin, which causes the direct dilation of the blood vessels, has also been used topically.
Surgery: A surgical intervention called localized digital sympathectomy is available for severe cases in which tissues may be lost. With this procedure, nerve pathways to affected areas are interrupted and the nerves around blood vessels are cut. | Taking regular aspirin or NSAIDs and certain herbs such as ginkgo, ginger, ginseng, garlic, and feverfew may predispose some people to easy bruising as can very high doses of certain supplements (for example, more than 3 g a day of Vtiamin C, or more than 6 g a day of fish oil). In other cases, a coagulation or clotting disorder may be present and should be evaluated. Such disorders are often genetic and most (but not all) are mild. They are diagnosed by blood tests. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | Dermatological Effects: Stevens-Johnson syndrome after oral ingestion of ginkgo has been reported (Davydov & Stirling, 2001). Contact dermatitis has occurred. Although the intact fruit does not cause dermatitis, the fruit pulp is irritating to mucous membranes and may produce primary irritation and allergic contact dermatitis. Symptoms include intense itching, edema, papules, and pustules. The skin reaction generally subsides within 7 to 10 days (Huh & Staba, 1992; Tomb et al, 1988). | Marshall Editions See book keywords and concepts | Also take 1-2 g of ginger, or 1-2 ml of tincture, three times a day for its anti-inflammatory benefits and ability to relieve pain. ginkgo biloba, taken at 120 mg twice a day, can help improve circulation. Make sure the product is 24% flavone glycosides.
Hydrotherapy: Hot and cold water can be used to improve blood flow and provide pain relief. Submerge the affected hand and wrist in hot water for 3 minutes then in cold for 30 seconds. Repeat this sequence three times.
When working on a computer, take breaks every 30-60 minutes. | Most studies have used 120-240 mg daily with 60-80 mg tablets taken two to three times daily. ginkgo can also be taken as a tea or tincture two to three times daily. There have been few reported side effects, although care should be exercised for those who are also taking anticoagulant and antithrombotic drugs, as there is an increased risk of bleeding.
Bilberry: This treatment is recommended without reservation due to its lack of side effects and the fact that bilberry has many positive qualities, such as being packed with antioxidants. | If you are on blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin or asprin, or a herbal supplement that affects bleeding, such as ginger, garlic, ginkgo, feverfew, ginseng, fish oil, or nattokinase, it should be stopped three days before the procedure. Also, if you are on a steroid or another medication that affects the immune system, consult with your physician about the risks and benefits of having the procedure while on the medication to avoid infection. The procedure itself usually involves numbing the toe with the local anesthetic lidocaine, without epinephrine (adrenaline). | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Dingermann T, Phytopharmaka im Alter: Crataegus, ginkgo, Hypericum und Kava-Kava. In: PZ 140(23):2017-2024. 1995.
Emser W, Bartylla K, (1991) Verbesserung der Schlafqualitat. TW Neurol Psychiatr 5:636-642.
Gepner B, Cnota P, (1994) Untersuchung der Vigilanz nach Applikation von Kava-Kava-Extrakt, Diazepam oder Placebo. Z Phytother 15:30-37.
Gleitz J et al., Antithrombotic action of the kava pyrone (+)-kavain prepared from Piper methysticum on human platelets. In: PM 63(l):27-30. 1997.
Gleitz J et al., Kavain inhibits non-stereospecifically veratridine-activated Na+ channels. | Memory effect of standardized extracts of Panax ginseng(G 115), ginkgo biloba(GK 501) and their combination Gincosan (PHL-00701). In: PM 59(2).106. 1993.
Pfister-Hotz G, Phytotherapie in der Geriatrie. In: ZPT 18(3): 162-165. 1997.
Ploss E, (1988) Panax Ginseng C. A. Meyer. Wissenschaftlicher Bericht. Kooperation Phytopharmaka, Koln Bonn Frankfurt Bad Homburg.
Siegl RK, (1979) Ginseng abuse syndrome - problems with the panacea. J Amer Assoc 241:1614-1615.
Siegl RK, (1980) Ginseng and the high blood pressure. J Am Med Assoc 243:32.
Singh VK et al., (1983) Planta Med 47:234.
Singh VK et al. | Elson M. Haas, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Ginkgo biloba
One of the oldest living plant species is the ginkgo tree. Estimated at well over 100 million years old, the leaves from this tree have a bilobal, brainlike appearance, hence the name, ginkgo biloba. Though fairly new to the Western culture, the leaves of the gingko tree have been used for centuries in the Orient for complaints associated with aging.
An extract of the ginkgo biloba leaves has been tested and reported to be effective at reducing ischemic symptoms—vascular insufficiency associated with aging and atherosclerosis. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Dingermann T, Phytopharmaka im Alter: Crataegus, ginkgo, Hypericum und Kava-Kava. In: PZ 140(23):2017-2024. 1995.
Engelhardt A, (1962) Justinus Kerner und das Johanniskraut. Apotheker-Dienst Roche 3:51-55.
Ernst E, (1959) St. John's Wort, an anti-depressant? A systematic, criteria-based overview. Phytomedicine 2:67-71.
Freytag WE, (1984) Dtsch Apoth Ztg 124(46):2383.
Giese AC, (1980) Hypericism. Photochem Photobiol Rev 5:229-255.
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G, (Hrsg.), (1993) Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Auflage, Drogen E-O. | Craig Pepin-Donat See book keywords and concepts | As an example, taking vitamin E, which most people consider very safe, along with ginkgo biloba in combination with Coumadin, heparin, or warfarin (all prescription drugs to help thin the blood) increases the risk for subdural hematomas, retinal hemorrhages and internal bleeding.7 The combination of vascular dilation and blood thinning drugs can prove to be deadly.
Another supplement that has certain proven benefits that have been overexploited and exaggerated by the supplement industry is St. John's Wort. It has been used for centuries to relieve ulcers and nausea. Today, St. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Dingermann T, Phytopharmaka im Alter: Crataegus, ginkgo, Hypericum und Kava-Kava. In: PZ 140(23):2017-2024. 1995.
Eichstadt H, Bader M, Danne O, Kaiser W, Stein U, Felix R, (1989) Crataegus-Extrakt hilft dem Patienten mit NYHA II-Herzinsuffizien Therapiewoche 39: 3288-3296.
Ficarra P et al, (1984) Farm Ed Prat 39(10)342.
Ficarra P et al., (1984) Farm Ed Prat 39(5)148.
Fischer K, Jung F, Koscielny J, Kiesewetter H, (1994) Crataegus-Extrakt vs. Methyldigoxin. EinfluP auf Rheologie und Mikrozirkulation bei 12 gesunden Probanden. Munch Med Wschr 136 (Suppl 1), 35-38. | Dianne Onstad See book keywords and concepts | Not yet popular among westerners, ginkgo nuts are consumed for the most part by the Chinese and the Japanese. Most are eaten as appetizers, but they also appear in any "eight-jeweled" Chinese dish. Skewered and grilled, or fried and added to other dishes, they contribute color and a mild, sweet, crisp flavor. While fresh ginkgo nuts appear in the autumn markets, boiled and canned nuts are also available year-round.
Health Benefits
Ginkgo nuts have a high starch content of over 60 percent. They are said to promote digestion and diminish the effects of too much drinking. | Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA See book keywords and concepts | Ginkgo biloba takes time to produce its effects and should be taken in repeated doses for a fairly long period of time. ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) with at least 24 percent ginkgoflavogly-cosides is the best form to take. Standardized, semipurified, and concentrated, GBE provides consistent levels of its most active compounds. Take the recommended dosage on the package.
Glutathione, also known as GSH, is a tripep-tide made from the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. | Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Studies show that the plant contains not only bioflavonoids and beneficial acids but also chemicals unique to the ginkgo plant, called ginkgolides. It has marked effects on the central nervous system in humans.
Ginkgo biloba can help restore cerebral blood flow after a blockage, and one German study showed that ginkgo biloba given to patients with chronic cerebrovascular disease reduced major symptoms, including vertigo, headache, ringing in the ears, and loss of short-term memory. | Elson M. Haas, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | An extract of the ginkgo biloba leaves has been tested and reported to be effective at reducing ischemic symptoms—vascular insufficiency associated with aging and atherosclerosis. ginkgo biloba appears to increase cerebral blood flow and thus help oxygenation; it also may inhibit platelet aggregation. In a study of geriatric patients, ginkgo was shown to reduce symptoms of vertigo, memory loss, tinnitus, and headache. In another study of lower limb claudication symptoms, ginkgo helped reduce pain and improve walking tolerance over the placebo group. | by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Other Recommendations
Significant improvements in mental function and mood in patients with the early stages of AD have been reported with the daily supplementation of ginkgo biloba extract, 40 to 80 milligrams of the extract standardized to 24 percent ginkgo flavonglycosides, three times a day, and acetyl-l-carnitine, 500 to 1,000 milligrams, three times a day, for at least three months. However, less noticeable improvements have been noted in patients with more advanced stages of AD. | Dianne Onstad See book keywords and concepts | While fresh ginkgo nuts appear in the autumn markets, boiled and canned nuts are also available year-round.
Health Benefits
Ginkgo nuts have a high starch content of over 60 percent. They are said to promote digestion and diminish the effects of too much drinking. An extract of the leaves increases peripheral blood circulation, especially to the brain, thus enhancing memory. It is also a powerful antioxidant.
Ginkgo / Nutritional Value
Per 100 g Edible Portion
1.68 g
2.00 g
0.50 g
0.98 g
20 mg
1. | Marshall Editions See book keywords and concepts | The herb ginkgo biloba has also been used.
Tinnitus retraining programs: These involve counseling and using broadband noise exposure, a type of wavelength that we are commonly exposed to on a daily basis, to habituate a person to tinnitus.
Traditional Chinese medicine categorizes tinnitus into two common types: the first is due to excess heat in the liver and the second is due to deficiency in the kidney.
Herbs: The herbs and patent herbal pills listed below are available from Chinese herbalists. | Peter J. Whitehouse and Daniel George See book keywords and concepts | Widely used in Asia for its stimulant properties, although, as with ginkgo, ginseng's mechanism of action and therapeutic effects are not clear, ginseng is obtained from various plants from the Panax genus (provocatively translated as "all healing" in Latin), including some used by indigenous peoples in North America. There was a small spike in the popularity of ginseng after it was reported that rats fed high doses of the herb learned the layout of a maze quicker than rats in a control group. | Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Since then, there have been two studies that have not found ginkgo to be any better than placebo for relieving symptoms of tinnitus.817,818 At this time it would be fair to say that the evidence is mixed at best and probably not very promising. On the other hand, ginkgo does seem to improve circulation and may be worth a try. Do not expect any miracles, though.
Adding a little zinc to the mix (50 milligrams) might be worth consideration since a small study suggested that this mineral produced some modest clinical improvement.819
Melatonin is natural, safe, and not very expensive. | Paula Begoun and Bryan Barron See book keywords and concepts | Green Tea & ginkgo Moisturizer SPF 15, for Normal Skin, above and the same review applies.
© Blue Green Algae with Grape Seed Extract Soothing Mask, for Combination/Oily Skin ($8.98 for 4 ounces) is similar to the Green Tea & Green Clay Rejuvenating Mask, for Normal Skin, above except this adds lavender oil, which makes it too irritating.
© Natural Herbal Facial Cleanser, for Oily Skin ($12.98 for 8 ounces) is painful to even write about! | Ben-Erik van Wyk See book keywords and concepts | They are known as ginkgo nuts or white nuts (// zi in Chinese).
Origin & history Indigenous to eastern China. It is a "living fossil" (identical to fossils that are 200 million years old). The tree has been cultivated in China (especially in temples) since ancient times and was taken to Japan and Korea about 1 000 years ago. ginkgo has become a popular street tree all over the world. Commercial plantations in China, France and the USA produce leaf extracts that are used in medicine (improvement of age-related circulatory disorders). Parts used Seeds. | Ann M. Coulston and Carol J. Boushey See book keywords and concepts | However, there are no scientific studies that support their benefit except one very small (20 persons) study of ginkgo biloba in patients with AMD, in which improvement in visual acuity was indicated in a preliminary report (recently reviewed [233]).
A. Overview
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a disease among people with diabetes that is considered to be the result of damage to the microvasculature of the retina. It is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in working age U.S. adults (20-74 years) [234]. | Ginkgo biloba extract reduces endothelial progenitor-cell senescence through augmentation of telomerase activity. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 49, 111-115.
251. Yamamoto, Y., and Gaynor, R. B. (2004). IkappaB kinases: key regulators of the NF-kappaB pathway. Trends Biochem. Sci. 29, 72-79.
252. Farooqui, A. A., Horrocks, L. A., and Farooqui, T. (2007). Modulation of inflammation in brain: a matter of fat. J. Neurochem. 101, 577-599.
253. Beitner-Johnson, D., and Millhorn, D. E. (1998). | Ginkgo biloba and neurodegenerative disorders. Front. Biosci. 9, 3091-3104.
4. Cabeza, R., Grady, C. L., Nyberg, L., et al. (1997). Age-related differences in neural activity during memory encoding and retrieval: a positron emission tomography study. J. Neu-rosci. 17, 391^100.
5. Small, S. A., Stern, Y., Tang, M., and Mayeux, R. (1999). Selective decline in memory function among healthy elderly. Neurology 52, 1392-1396.
6. Murphy, D. G., DeCarli, C, Schapiro, M. B., et al. (1992). | Additionally, previous research has shown that under OS or inflammatory conditions, polyphenols similar to those contained in blueberries, tea, red wine, or ginkgo biloba altered signaling in ERK activity (e.g., see [258, 259], as well as PKC [260, 261] and CREB [262] in several models described next).
1. BV2 Mouse Microglial Cells
As mentioned previously, accumulating evidence indicates that inflammation in the CNS increases during normal aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases augment neuroinflammation. |
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Related Concepts:
Extract Ginkgo biloba Biloba Study Patients Brain Effects Treatment Blood Memory Effect Standardized Placebo Studies Double-blind Herb Symptoms Circulation Blood flow Herbs People Taking Clinical Dementia Disease Results Cerebral Function Activity Dose Leaves Increase Improved Damage Flow Antioxidant Rats Cells Ginseng Levels Tinnitus Time Oxygen Drugs Placebo-controlled Dosage Alzheimer's Trial Group Body Improve Alzheimer's disease Herbal Extracts Doses Tea Trials Drug Prevent Heart Improves Root Research Problems Depression Mental Healthy Leaf Ginger Chinese Free Increases Vitamin Reduced Side effects Conditions Garlic Blood vessels Properties Helps Flavonoids Product Blood pressure Active Peripheral Elderly Combination Ginkgolides Glycosides Avoid Human Disorders Therapy Treating Stroke Chronic Acute Vascular Water Acid