Lita Lee, Lisa Turner and Burton Goldberg See book keywords and concepts |
Formulas for Chronic or Acute Conditions
Thera-zyme T9-T10 Adr (Adrenal) or Enzyme & Herbal Formula #13
Contains the enzymes protease, amylase, lipase, and disaccharidases, brewer's yeast, Siberian ginseng root, gotu kola, rosehips, and ginkgo biloba. For sugar intolerance. |
Coleus forskohlii: Ayurvedic herb for hypertension and heart problems in general
?Ginkgo biloba: herb helpful for vascular insufficiency (circulation problems) associated with stroke
?Thyroid glandular extract
?10% natural progesterone in vitamin E oil
With her new diet and the above treatment, Isabelle gradually started to feel better. She increased her thyroid glandular extract and progesterone very slowly to avoid possible surges in blood pressure, due to increased circulation and higher sensitivity to adrenaline. |
Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
In several double-blind trials in patients with intermittent claudication, ginkgo was shown to be quite active and superior to the placebo.115116 Not only were measurements of pain-free walking distance and maximum walking distance dramatically increased, but ultrasound measurements demonstrated increased blood flow through the affected limb.
The significance of demonstrating measurable improvement in blood flow through the affected areas is great. |
The most interesting of these studies demonstrated that ginkgo biloba extract was able to counteract one of the major changes in brain chemistry associated with aging: the reduction in the number of serotonin receptor sites.120 Typically, with aging there is a significant reduction in the number of serotonin receptor sites on brain cells. As a result, the elderly are more susceptible to depression, impaired mental function, insomnia, and sleep disturbances. |
In Group 2, nineteen patients responded positively to ginkgo in that they were able to attain and maintain an erection with the help of a drug injected into the erectile tissue.
Damiana (Turnera diffusa)
Damiana leaves have been used in the United States since 1874 as an aphrodisiac and "to improve the sexual ability of the enfeebled and aged." Although there are no clinical studies to support this claim, damiana use is very popular. Damiana is thought to slightly irritate the urethra, thereby producing increased sensitivity of the penis. |
It is interesting to try to discover ginkgo's doctrine of signature. For centuries, it was believed that plants were "signed by the creator" with some visible or other clue that would indicate its therapeutic use. This concept is commonly referred to as "the doctrine of signatures. |
Jonathan Goodman ND See book keywords and concepts |
People who have had a stroke may be advised to take 40 milligrams of standardized ginkgo extract three times daily.
These caveats aside, taking aspirin is certainly a reasonable strategy for preventing stroke, as long as it's used under the supervision of a physician.
Now, let's take a look at the role of EFAs in preventing strokes. We've already discussed how the various EFAs, especially omega-3s, help reduce blood pressure and blood clots in the arteries, and also how they help improve the lipid "profile. |
Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts |
In a previous study, the researchers had found some improvement from daily doses of only 60 milligrams of ginkgo. Neither dose caused any side effects.
Zaps Cholesterol, Unclogs Arteries
It promises to lower your cholesterol more dramatically than anything else you can take, and it may clean out your arteries, too—all without the side effects of drugs.
It starts in childhood and progresses relentlessly until your arteries are wrecked—stiff, hard, and stuffed with plaque and debris. |
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Along with the other elements of her program, she took relatively high dosages of deprenyl, phosphatidyl serine, and ginkgo biloba.
Slowly she began to improve. Then, once her recovery gained momentum, she began to exhibit more pronounced signs of cognitive regeneration. She began to be considerably more articulate, and no longer struggled to find the proper word. She had much more mental energy, and became significantly more involved with the daily routine of her life. Her concentration increased in strength and duration. |
Sharol Tilgner, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Research shows ginkgo stimulates the nervous system.
Gymnema Blueberry Devil's club Jambul seed Fenugreek
Gymnema sylveslre 20-30%
Vaccinium spp. 20-30%
Oplopanax horridum 20-30%
Syzygiumjambolanum 10-20%
Trigonella foenum-graecum 10-20%
This formula assists in restoration of normal blood sugar maintenance and is used for lowering blood sugar. People who are newly type II diabetics get results quickly, while people who have been type II for a long period get slower results. |
Ginkgo should be considered when microcirculation needs to be increased.353
Hawthorne, Crataegus spp, is an adaptogen specific for the circulatory system. It is therefore used in numerous circulatory system problems. It is a slow acting, nourishing plant which needs to be taken long term for best effects. Hawthorne helps maintain healthy arteries, veins and heart by enhancing the connective tissue structure of the endothelial lining of the heart, blood and lymphatic vessels. This gives these structures resiliency against injury, disease, and the normal wear and tear of aging. |
• ginkgo, if due to lack of blood flow
• Sore Throat Formula
• Clove Oil, temporarily in small amounts
• Kavakava
• Echinacea or prickly ash topically on painful area. |
Kathi Keville See book keywords and concepts |
These herbs include hawthorn, ginkgo, Saint-John's-wort, calendula, lemon, peppers, buckwheat and rosehips. Chamomile, lavender, rose and neroli, along with the lesser-known helichrysum, also make weak and broken capillaries stronger and more resilient, soothe delicate skin and reduce puffiness.
A facial also helps combat a couperose complexion, but be sure to take extra care when applying it. Wash your face with lukewarm water and a cleansing cream. Avoid the temperature extremes of a cold water splash or a facial steam because they bring extra blood to the skin's surface. |
Researchers have favorably compared ginkgo to metroprolol and diliazem, two drugs that are commonly used to reduce heart palpitations and lower blood pressure. According to Chinese researchers, reishi, which is actually a medicinal mushroom, steadies an irregular heartbeat. This is probably one of the reasons the Chinese call it the "mushroom of immortality" and sixteenth-century Ming dynasty texts say it "mends the heart."
The popular Chinese herb astragalus helps the heart develop a more regular rhythm. It also reduces damage to heart cells. |
Blood Vessel Tonic
2 teaspoons hawthorn flowers
1 teaspoon each motherwort leaves and ginkgo leaves Vi teaspoon ginger rhizome Hot water (enough to cover herbs)
Cover herbs with hot water and let steep for 5 minutes. Strain and drink. The same proportions can be used to make a tincture.
Blood Pressure ci2>\
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of blood vessels as it is pumped through them. |
Clinical studies have shown that the four Gs— ginkgo, ginseng, Siberian ginseng and gotu kola—enhance mental abilities, including concentration, aptitude, behavior, alertness and even intelligence. And this seems especially true if you have experienced a decline in any of these.
In one study, proofreaders and radio telegraph workers, both of whom have stressful jobs that require close attention to detail, made fewer errors—only half as many as those who didn't take the herb—and had a quicker reaction time when they took Siberian ginseng or ginseng while working under pressure. |
One of the herbs that researchers are most interested in is ginkgo. Another is the Chinese herb club moss, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine to promote circulation. In Alzheimer's disease, neurons are destroyed because of a defect in a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Chemist Alan Kozikowski, Ph.D., from the University of Pittsburgh, found that a derivative of club moss reduces the breakdown of acetylcholine. He found that the effect of this herb is three times stronger than that of drugs typically prescribed for Alzheimer's. |
Sharol Tilgner, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Ginkgo improves alertness, mental clarity, and memory.
Siberian ginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus, is an adaptogen that helps the body to adapt to stressful situations of many types whether from internal or external causes.377
Nettle, Urtica spp., is very nutritious and high in vitamins and minerals. Stinging nettle is useful for maintaining a healthy urinary tract, skin, bones, joints, teeth, hair, and nails.
Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, is tonifying to the circulatory and nervous system, especially the vascular nerves. It also stimulates the appetite. |
Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts |
If you need ginkgo to boost your memory, it's better to get it full strength than to get a product diluted with ginseng, garlic, and other herbs.
• What About Price?
Unfortunately cheapest is not always best. It's true some natural products are overpriced for various reasons. But in the realm of botanical medicines, the higher price often reflects higher quality. This issue is not as critical for vitamins. A less expensive vitamin C is apt to be as potent as a more expensive one, for example, although slightly higher-priced vitamin C tablets are often more pleasant and easier to swallow. |
Sharol Tilgner, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Ginkgo should be considered when microcirculation needs to be increased.353
Ginseng, Panax ginseng, is an adaptogen, which improves the ability of an organism to adapt to differing external or internal disturbances.313 It is a warming herb that helps stabilize inadequate circulation due to the adaptogenic characteristics. Ginseng is taken over long periods of time for a tonifying effect.
Burdock, Arctium lappa, is a lymphagogue, stimulating the natural flow of lymphatic fluid and thus supporting the removal of toxic by-products from cells. |
Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts |
Jerry Cott, a psychopharmacologist and chief of the Pharmacologic Treatment Research Program at the National Institute of Mental Health, has studied the pharmacological activity of ginkgo in brain cells and is familiar with the large body of European scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness. He is convinced it helps retard the loss of memory and mental capabilities due to "mini strokes" and even Alzheimer's disease. In fact, his own mother, Eula Cott, began to have memory problems when she was in her late seventies. Four years later, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. |
She did not suddenly recover her lost memory, because you wouldn't expect ginkgo to revive dead brain cells, says Dr. Cott. But something extraordinary did happen. Her Alzheimer's has not progressed as it would invariably be expected to do. "Definitely, you would normally see a measurable deterioration every six months. But she has not gotten a smidgen worse in four years, which I think is pretty remarkable, and so do her other doctors," says Dr. Cott. |
Most popular are ginkgo, garlic, echinacea, and Asian ginseng.
Because of Germany's superior regulatory system, it consistently turns out the very best quality herbal medicines. If you want good, safe natural remedies, backed up by research, you need regulatory mechanisms that support superb testing, evaluation of safety and efficacy, quality control of products, accurate labeling, and information on proper doses, use, and adverse effects, says Dr. Varro Tyler.
The quality of research on herbal remedies is so outstanding in Germany, says Dr. |
My ninety-two-year-old mother has been taking ginkgo biloba for two years, since her memory began to falter. I think it has helped her greatly.
Doing the research for this book was formidable and quite different from the research for the other nineteen books I have written, most on related health and nutrition subjects. In researching other books, I found that much of the medical literature was readily available. |
Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
In Europe and Asia, over five million people take ginkgo each year to prevent the effects of aging. The usual dosage is one 40mg tablet 3 times a day.
Research conducted in France, and at several other places in Europe, indicates that the herb acts by increasing the blood flow to the brain and improving the oxygen supply to the heart and other organs.
GlNSENG One of the most treasured secrets in China is the versatile ginseng root. Daily doses of the herb do seem to slow the aging process. This has been substantiated by scientific study in both China and Russia. |
As the Chinese discovered before the advent of modern medicine, many asthma attacks are caused by the same allergic reactions that trigger hay fever. ginkgo seeds can be made into a decoction for asthma. Combine the seeds with other herbs, such as ma huang, elecampane or mulberry leaves to treat both asthma and coughs.
What the Chinese call ma huang is known among scientists as ephedra. For centuries, the Chinese have been stir-frying ephedra roots in honey and mixing them with apricot kernels. |
Try powdered ma huang or ginkgo for pep, pollen for overall health, or mint for heartburn or gas.
Infusions and Decoctions for Your Outsides!
You don't always have to drink your infusions or decoctions to get the most out of them. Some are good for all sorts of external uses. Try a sassafras infusion on cuts and scrapes. Or, try a mixture of lavender, comfrey, rosemary, mint and thyme in an infusion to soften your skin. If you've got skin irritation, try some burdock steeped in water and allowed to cool. |
John Heinerman See book keywords and concepts |
This, he believed, is what ginkgo essentially accomplished with the mind, while the other two ingredients worked on the reproductive organs themselves.
He made and sold this concoction in tablet form, instructing those who purchased it to take 6-8 tablets at a time at least 30 minutes before sexual activities commenced. In recommending this same formula to different men here in the States who were unable to buy it directly from him, I soon found that an alcoholic tincture of the yohimbine worked better than when taken in capsule form with the other two ingredients. |
the Editors of PREVENTION See book keywords and concepts |
Margolis advises taking ginkgo phytosome, which is absorbed well.
Asian Ginseng
Take capsules providing 15 percent ginsenosides daily. Asian ginseng (also called panax, Korean, or Chinese ginseng) is a traditional Chinese virility tonic that has been shown in several studies to boost sexual activity. The effect builds over time, which means that you'll have to take it for a few months before seeing the benefits.
"Check the label to make sure you know how many ginsenosides you get in each capsule," says Dr. Rissman. |
Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
If you want to try it for yourself, ginkgo extract capsules are now available in many health food stores.
Brewer's Yeast
This isn't the same yeast that makes your bread fluffy. Brewer's yeast is a by-product of brewing that is a great source of B vitamins, which have been shown to combat many of the problems of aging by helping to strengthen the body and quicken the mind. It's especially useful for liver problems, particularly cirrhosis of the liver brought on by alcoholism. |