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Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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CLINICAL APPLICATIONS Ginkgo biloba extract's primary clinical application has been in the treatment of vascular insufficiency. In over 50 double-blind clinical trials, both patients with chronic cerebral (brain) arterial insufficiency and peripheral arterial insufficiency have responded favorably to GBE., As described above, GBE exerts an extraordinary array of pharmacological activities which imply a broad spectrum of possible clinical applications, an implication borne out by the new applications of GBE which are constantly being discovered.
HISTORY AND FOLK USE Ginkgo biloba is the world's oldest living tree species. The sole surviving species of the family Ginkgoaceae, ginkgo tree can be traced back more than 200 million years to the fossils of the Permian period, and for this reason it is often referred to as "the living fossil". Once common in North America and Europe, the ginkgo was almost destroyed during the Ice Age in all regions of the world except China, where it is has long been cultivated as a sacred tree.

The Way of Chinese Herbs

Michael Tierra, L.Ac, O.M.D.
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Contraindications: Ginkgo biloba should not be used when there is excess or cold and dampness and should be used with caution when there is slimy, difficult-to-expectorate sputum. This herb should not be used in large doses or for long periods of time. Dose: 6-9 grams Note: This is a beautiful but slow-growing tree and the only living member of the oldest living tree species on the earth. It is easily grown in most areas and seems to have an extraordinary ability to withstand climatic and environmental stress.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 2

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Rokan (Ginkgo biloba) -recent results in pharmacology and clinic. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. 1988: p 83-90 117. Sotaniemi E et al. Ginseng therapy in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 1995; 18: 1373-1375 118. Koivisto VA, DeFronzo RA. Exercise in the treatment of type II diabetes. Acta Endocrin 1984; 262: 107-111 119. Selby JV, Newman B, King MC et al. Environmental and behavioral determinants of fasting plasma glucose in women. A matched co-twin analysis. Am J Epidem 1987; 125: 979-988 120. Pollack ML, Wilmore JH, Fox SM. Exercise in health and disease.

The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century

James F. Balch, M.D.
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Garlic and ginkgo biloba are examples. A detailed discussion of these wonder herbs follows in chapter 5. Other herbs have antioxidant-like qualities in that they have a major influence on the nervous system. Catnip, hops, valerian root, kava kava, and passion flower are just a few for you to consider. Put simply, the best way to fight stress is to improve your diet. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Drink their juices for immediate vitamin, mineral, and enzyme uptake. Avoid processed foods, dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, and junk food.
Other important antioxidant substances found in the diet include: • proanthocyanidins, in grape seeds • herbs like ginkgo biloba and garlic • quercetin, found in zucchini, squash, and green tea • lycopene from tomatoes • the trace minerals selenium and germanium, and many other naturally occurring substances, some as yet unidentified. We will learn about these and other antioxidants and how they work in chapter 5. But how and why do ROS attack cells? And how does the antioxidant system work to counteract this attack?
Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) standardized to contain 24 percent ginkgo flavonglycosides also has been effective in the treatment of glaucoma. The dosage for GBE is 40 to 80 milligrams three times per day. Also, the condition of chronic glaucoma has been successfully treated through elimination of food allergies. In one study of over one hundred patients, exposure to food or environmental allergens demonstrated an immediate rise in intraocular pressure in addition to other typical allergy symptoms. It is obvious that food allergies should be investigated if you have been diagnosed with glaucoma.
Ginkgo biloba is a key to maintaining the retina's capillary health. This herb increases blood flow in capillary networks, relaxes the capillaries, and also repairs oxidative damage to the capillary walls. It appears to repair damage in the retina also. When tested on people with vision already impaired by macular degeneration, a significant number of them were able to see better at long distances. If taken early as a preventive, ginkgo may help to avoid the problem altogether. I recommend 40 to 80 mg daily. Bilberry extract is associated with improved eyesight in many ways.
The word "biloba" means that these leaves have two lobes, like a couple of Japanese fans held together at the base. It has been used in Europe to help manage problems with circulation. It is particularly helpful in increasing blood flow in the smallest blood vessels, the capillaries. It is here that toxins are likely to back up if there is not enough blood flowing through, but opening these pathways washes everything through and helps the body get rid of its poisons.

The Healing Power of Herbs: The Enlightened Person's Guide to the Wonders of Medicinal Plants

Michael T. Murray, N.D.
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These results indicate that Ginkgo biloba extract may hold some promise in the treatment of PMS. Antidepressant effects Double-blind studies demonstrating GBE's ability to improve general mood in patients suffering from cerebral vascular insufficiency led researchers to begin investigating the antidepressive effects of GBE. In a recent double-blind study, forty elderly patients (age ranged from 51 to 78 years) diagnosed with depression, and who had not benefited fully from standard antidepressant drugs, were given either 80 milligrams of GBE three times daily or a placebo.

The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments

Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay.
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John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), echinacea (Echinacea species), and ginkgo leaf (Ginkgo biloba) might have a negative impact on human fertility. Researchers from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in California reported that directly dosing human sperm with large amounts of these herbs in a test tube caused these sperm to lose their ability to penetrate hamster eggs! The lead author of the study, Richard R. Ondrizek, M.D., was upset and "flabbergasted" that the media were using his research to claim that these herbs could cause infertility in humans.

The Healing Power of Herbs: The Enlightened Person's Guide to the Wonders of Medicinal Plants

Michael T. Murray, N.D.
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Alzheimer's disease Ginkgo biloba extract shows great benefit in many cases of senility, including Alzheimer's disease.1"4'2023 In addition to GBE's ability to increase the functional capacity of the brain via the mechanisms described above, it has also been shown to normalize the acetylcholine receptors in the hippocampus of aged animals, to increase cholinergic transmission, and to address many of the other major elements of Alzheimer's disease.

The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments

Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay.
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Ginkgo leaves (Ginkgo biloba) exhibit numerous membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant effects on neural tissue, as well as increasing the transport of glucose and oxygen into nerve cells. Pathologists look for disease by examining specific tissue changes and accumulations of toxic materials such as proteins, fats, and other substances. When the concentration of a necessary nutrient in tissues is low, the body cannot fight certain disease-causing processes, and the toxic substances accumulate.
Ginkgo biloba), and green and black teas (Camellia sinensis). These chemicals have potent antioxidant activity. Their presence in the basement membranes and surrounding collagen structures is responsible for maintaining proper permeability and stability in capillaries by neutralizing free radical poisons that break down blood vessel walls. Healthy and resilient capillary vessels are able to maintain their shape and function for normal, efficient microcirculation, which prevents water accumulation in the surrounding tissues. This next one is a mouthful.

The Herbal Drugstore

Linda B. White, M.D.
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Herbal Remedies Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) This herb improves the brain's circulation and its ability to tolerate low oxygen levels, inhibits brain swelling due to trauma or toxins, and inactivates damaging substances called free radicals. Ginkgo's effectiveness in preventing altitude sickness has been borne out by research in humans. In one study, researchers gave 44 people headed for a Himalayan expedition either 80 milligrams of ginkgo extract or a placebo (fake pill) twice a day for several days before they began the expedition.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Concentrated extracts of compounds from this tree's leaves increase blood flow and reduce swelling. Ginkgo also protects nerves and helps them heal. Typical dosage: 60 milligrams of extract in capsules or tablets standardized to 24 percent flavone glycosides, two or three times per day. I F YOU'VE EVER DRIVEN THROUGH heavy fog or tried to see through a 1 frost-covered windshield, you can imagine what cataracts are like—except that your vision doesn't clear when you reach your destination.
Verva Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) This amazing herb is beneficial for treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. It increases blood supply to the brain and improves nerve cell function. It enhances memory and other intellectual functions. Ginkgo can be an excellent treatment for depression, especially in the elderly, where it may counteract age-related decreases in the receptors for serotonin.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) This best-selling medicinal herb brings more oxygen to muscle cells when they're under stress. Ginkgo is also a powerful antioxidant. Compounds called ginkgolides inhibit a specific body chemical involved in inflammatory disorders. Typical dosage: 60 to 180 milligrams per day of product standardized to 24 percent flavone glycosides. Cayenne (Capsicum spp.) Creams containing capsaicin, the stuff that makes peppers hot, can help relieve pain and boost circulation to tender muscles.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) An extract made from the leaves of this tree contains bioflavonoids called ginkgolides, which may be beneficial for glaucoma. Typical dosage: three capsules per day (containing at least 40 milligrams of extract standardized to 24 percent flavone glycosides and 6 percent ginkgolides). IT'S THE STUFF OF LEGEND, an old-fashioned disease that supposedly afflicts only the elderly, the rich, and the over-indulgent. But gout isn't humorous—it's painful. Imagine shards of ground glass inside your joints.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Typically used to improve circulation, improve memory, and decrease dizziness, ginkgo may help with hangover. In Japan, the seeds of this Supplements for Those Who Imbibe So you travel a lot with your job—and such travel involves a lot of social imbibing with potential clients. What can you do? First off, keep monitoring your alcohol intake and switch to club soda after a certain number of drinks. Second, try taking the following supplements to minimize alcohol's effect on your overall health. þ Zinc.

The Healing Power of Herbs: The Enlightened Person's Guide to the Wonders of Medicinal Plants

Michael T. Murray, N.D.
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Gingko biloba extract normalizes circulation by producing tonic effects. These effects are much more apparent in an ischemic vascular area than in a normally perfused area.9 However, despite intense investigation, many of GBE's tonic effects on vascular components are still largely unexplained. It is truly remarkable that a substance can simultaneously combat the phenomena resulting from vascular spasm and, with the same efficiency, restore circulation to areas subject to vasomotor paralysis.
Ginkgo biloba extract is remarkable in its ability to prevent metabolic disturbances in experimental models of insufficient blood supply to the brain.12'5-8 It accomplishes this by enhancing oxygen utilization and increasing cellular uptake of glucose, thus restoring energy production. All of the above-mentioned metabolic effects are in addition to GBE's ability to reestablish effective tissue perfusion. Particularly interesting is GBE's ability to normalize the circulation in the areas most affected by micro-embolization, namely the hippocampus and striatum.

The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century

James F. Balch, M.D.
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Ginkgo Tea or Ginkgo biloba Extract It is possible to prepare tea from ginkgo leaves, but remember what I said about the tree: it stinks. So maybe a standardized extract is a better solution. A dosage of 80 to 150 milligrams a day is normal. The dosage used in the dementia experiment was 40 milligrams three times a day (120 milligrams total). Milk Thistle Milk Thistle (Silymarin) Saved the Day! I believe that silymarin saved the life of a dear friend of mine, an alcoholic for a number of years.

The Green Pharmacy Anti-Aging Prescriptions: Herbs, Foods, and Natural Formulas to Keep You Young

James A. Duke, Ph.D.
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Because ginkgo improves blood circulation throughout the body, I bet that it would help treat varicose veins. Even if you have a ginkgo tree in your yard, as I do, the active compounds (called ginkgolides) in teas made from ginkgo leaves are too dilute to be of any benefit. 1 suggest buying a commercial ginkgo preparation and using it according to the label directions. hyssop (hyssopus officinalis). Of the herbs that I'm familiar with, hyssop is the best source of diosmin, a compound that has effects similar to rutin.
This herb has long been used in the Orient to temper the effects of alcohol. The Japanese serve roasted ginkgo seeds at cocktail parties because the seeds are reputed to prevent drunkenness and hangover. Scientific studies from Japan support this use. The seeds contain an enzyme that speeds up the metabolism of alcohol. You can buy a standardized ginkgo extract and follow the label directions for proper dosage. carrot (daucus carota). I've seen studies from India suggesting that carrots offer significant protection to the liver.
Japanese scientists report that a tincture of ginkgo promoted hair regrowth in shaved mice. Personally, I'm skeptical. Millions of Europeans and an increasing number of Americans take ginkgo regularly to support recovery from stroke, treat Alzheimer's disease, and sharpen mental function. If the herb restored hair, I think we would have heard about it by now. Still, you're welcome to try ginkgo for this purpose. Buy a commercial preparation and take it according to the label directions. grape seed ( vitis vinifera). Japanese researchers have also discov- Dr. Duke's Anti-Aging wk lixir Dr.

Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Nature's Anti-Inflammatory Agent The Hot 100 includes a derivative of licorice called IXil., which is excellent for gastrointestinal disorders such as chronic indigcs tion and stomach ulcers (see page 42). DGL is a form of licorice that is stripped of glycyrrhetinic acid, a natural anti-inflammatory compound that under certain conditions can raise blood pressure. Therefore, if you have high blood pressure, I recommend that you do not use real licorice products but stick to DGL. But if blood pressure isn't a problem, licorice products may be beneficial.

The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments

Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay.
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Oken et al., 1998). Among the most encouraging studies are those that show improvements in depression with the elderly. Clinically depressed patients taking standard medications improved significantly with the addition of ginkgo (Schubert and Halama, 1993). Equally encouraging was an open trial showing that treatment with ginkgo was 84% effective in neutralizing sexual dysfunction caused by antidepressant medicines, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (Cohen and Bartlik, 1998).

The Green Pharmacy Anti-Aging Prescriptions: Herbs, Foods, and Natural Formulas to Keep You Young

James A. Duke, Ph.D.
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Ginkgo is best known for improving bloodflow through the brain, which helps minimize the effects of stroke and maybe Alzheimer's disease. The herb also normalizes neurotransmitter levels in the brain, which makes it an appropriate treatment for depression. In one study, German researchers recruited 40 elderly people with depression who had not responded well to conventional drug treatment. Half of the volunteers received a placebo, while the rest were given 80 milligrams of ginkgo three times a day.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Related Concepts:

Ginkgo biloba
Blood flow
Placebo-controlled study
Gingko biloba
Blood pressure
Alzheimer's disease